Friday, October 16, 2009

Five of Wands/Nine of Pentacles. This could be a day of minor irritations, but the solution is easy: be disciplined and take the high road, no matter what. After all, I cannot control or prevent the bumps in the road that appear on my Journey today, only my reaction to those bumps.

My Thoth card is the Knight of Disks reversed. In an upright position, Crowley sees this card as bringing a great and overpowering focus onto physical matters. However, there is absolutely no emotion thrown into this effort at all. Because it is reversed, I am being reminded that balance is important today, and encouraged to believe that I can attain that balance.

My Legacy card is the Nine of Swords. In the wee hours of the morning, thoughts and nightmares take on a power that is easily dispelled by the dawn’s light. I need to remember today that my doubts are empowered by my own belief in their validity.

Pagan Brain Trust was awesome, as always. Our discussions are incredible, and I just love the way we validate each other!!

Today is the Sacred Mists First Degree Initiation; unfortunately I will not be there because the ritual is at 4:30 Eastern. I am very close to several of those being Initiated, and even though I am not attending the ritual, I have been sending energy and Reiki throughout the day. I remember my Initiation Ritual as if it was yesterday, even though it was over four years ago.

Congratulations to the newest Initiates of the Coven of the Sacred Mists!


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