Sunday, May 19, 2013

Transparent Oracle Sunday!

48, Venus (Above). The direction of Above takes us up and out of the four traditional elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, and reminds us that we are but a small part of the Cosmos.  Above also reminds us that while the Machinery of the Universe is huge, it does have an effect on each of us, and each of us is an important part of the workings of that Machinery. Venus represents love, romantic, platonic or spiritual, as well as sensuality and an appreciation of beauty.  Venus is also about attractions, because that is how love, sensuality and the experience of beauty actually happen, and that is where Venus gets its power.

26, Guide: Otter (West).  West is the direction of Water, and thus, of feelings and emotions, relationships of all kinds, cleansing and healing, the wisdom associated with natural endings, and the bubbling up of pure joy.  The first thing I think of when I see the Otter card is joyful playing.  Otters are known for their play, and play is a sign of intelligence and awareness.  Otters are at home both on Earth and in Water; they form strong family bonds, and work hard to protect their group of family or friends.   All while playing tag!

35, Landscape: Forest (North). North is the direction of Earth, and thus of the physical or physically formed or manifested world, and of nurturing, health, finances and security, and the wisdom associated with living simply, being well-grounded, and being in touch with our physical body.  Forest is about the results over the long term, results which happen because of fertility and nurturing and patience; Forest represents the manifestation of age and wisdom and patience, connections (and results) that are not openly apparent but rather, like roots under the ground, are all around us.  Different energies can work together; a Forest is proof of that.

I then created my mandala.  There was a surprising symmetry to the whole thing, even with the symbols for Venus, which fit nicely in the triquetra shape of Forest, and Otters on each of the three loops.  This symmetry is apparent within the meanings of the cards, too.  Emotions and love and attraction, immersing ourselves into situations that bring joy and the security of family, and all of those energies immersed into the container of the physical world and the manifestation of our long-term projects.  Joy can be had from all projects, whether those projects involve play or they involve the maintenance of our lives and of living.  In the end, if we can perceive even the most mundane task through the eyes of love and joy, we will bring ourselves closer to Deity and to the actions and effects of the Machinery of the Universe.  Lots of support here, and lots of security, as well as a bubbling up of joy, sprinkled with an Aha! Moment or two.  Okay, I can do that!

Today was YTT Intensive 3.  Awesome day!  This is the first Intensive where I have felt like things are connecting for me.  I am looking forward to the next one!

I am still pondering the potent meditation that came upon me last Wednesday morning.  I keep getting the same message: “Wait . . . be patient, clarity will come with time.”  It is strange when you receive a vision or a message that positively knocks your socks off or blows off the top of your head, without any kind of explanation besides “don’t worry, we are still with you,” and life goes on around you, unchanged by that earth-shattering moment.  Well, not totally unchanged.  Two people close to me each dreamed about me last week, and I can’t remember that ever happening.  One, my sister-in-law, emailed me and told me she dreamed that I was upset with her, and she apologized for whatever she did.  The other, my friend and neighbor, dreamed that I had a duffle bag with a billion dollars in it.  A billion.  Dollars.

This makes a lot of sense to me, even without knowing why that meditation happened.  These have basically been my thoughts since then; I am wondering what I did to make this astral event and the sense of isolation associated with it necessary, and even deep within the discomfort of trying to understand the vision, I am very much aware of how truly blessed I am.  I have support in both the physical and the astral realms, and I have all I need to blossom and prosper, including interesting challenges to aid in my learning and evolution.  I do understand that it is not supposed to only be fun, and without the mental fortitude necessary to maintain awareness of Deity and to continue to believe what I have come to know, through both real good times and real bad times, it is all just a game.  Roots need to go deep so that when there is drought, the water table is still reachable.

Wow, could that be what this is all about??  Could it be that simple???


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