Sunday, July 8, 2012

Transparent Oracle Sunday!  As always, I threw three cards after asking the question “What do I need to know?” My cards are:

68, Vision (Within). Within is the direction of the Self, and thus the cards associated with this direction deal with the ways our Self connects to the world and perceives the world, and the Self.  This direction is mostly abstract, and yet is our bridge to the Universe around us.  Vision is about seeing, and there are two kinds of seeing.  There is the seeing that we do with our physical eyes, that allows us to see both beauty and ugliness (and both are necessary).  And there is the seeing that we do with our non-physical senses, the kind of seeing that sometimes takes more of an effort, but that also offers more of a payment.  This second kind of seeing also has power; after all, visualization is the first step of manifestation.

49, Saturn (Above). The direction of Above takes us up and out of the four traditional elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, and reminds us that we are but a small part of the Cosmos.  Above also reminds us that while the Machinery of the Universe is huge, it does have an effect on each of us, and each of us is an important part of the workings of that Machinery.  Saturn is about structure and form; all we need to do is look at the planet and its encircling rings in order to understand this correspondence.  Saturn is also about boundaries, and knowing where our boundaries are and understanding how they work can enable us to decide whether to stay within those boundaries, or to push beyond them.  Finally, Saturn corresponds to time; this also makes sense as time can restrict us, or it can free us. 

2, Weather: Wind (East).   East is the direction of the rising sun, and thus of new beginnings and fresh ideas, as well as knowledge, intellectual ideas and thoughts.  Wind brings chaos and unpredictability; a stiff breeze can disrupt order, or it can clear away the cobwebs of stagnation.  What we need to remember is that we can’t control the effects of the Wind, only deal with them.  Sometimes we are rewarded for bravely accepting the effects of Wind, by receiving inspiration. 

I created my mandala, and this one is interesting.  The figures on the Vision card are looking at the astrological symbol for Saturn, which is in the middle of the mandala; the colors streaming from the eyes of the figures on Vision bracketing the symbol.  Around the edge of the mandala is the orbital path of Saturn, and the image of the planet itself.  A boundary!  While the figures on the Vision card are looking at the symbol for Saturn, the planet is behind them, creating its boundary.  Does that boundary inhibit expansion?  Or does it offer support?  Perhaps the chaos and disruption of Wind will allow me to answer that question!

It has been a steamy week.  I stepped on the scale, and I’ve lost a half pound, which is excellent news.  I’ve been biking each morning, and then walking, too.  I have been drinking gallons of water, and a bit of juice after my walks.  A glass or three of wine at dinner on the weekend only, and then back to water.  I feel great! 


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