Sunday, January 31, 2010

Five of Cups/Seven of Pentacles reversed. I am being warned today that change may be coming, and as always, I may end up grieving for that which was lost. However, I need to remember that change is stability and motion is life; it would be better if I look for the good to be found in any situation instead of assessing what has happened already.

My Thoth card is the Three of Cups reversed. What, no Court Card? LOL! Uncle Al must be in a good mood today, and yes, this Three of Cups reversed would be a kindness from the man who sees most of the Tarot cards as warnings of approaching discomfort. **wink**

My Legacy Card is the Knight of Swords reversed. There’s that Court Card I was expecting. Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes) of Air (hot/separates and wet/adapts), and in an upright position each element supports the other. The Knight of Swords is filled with the need to act, and he may not take into consideration the feelings of others as he makes his plans to attack an issue. Because he is reversed, he is warning me that any emotions that I attempt to infuse in a situation today may not have the positive effects that I intended. But hey, this advice is coming from a man who is down on all emotion, so I need to be realistic as well, as I determine the situation.

What a beautiful day!! I did an hour’s worth of yoga and belly dance stretch, and then sat before my French doors and looked at the snow, glistening like diamonds in the sun, as I balanced my chakras and applied Reiki in what I am now calling the Cernunnos Method. My entire body was filled with light as my balanced chakras were infused with Reiki! We will most likely be on our way home before sundown, so I will miss sundown over the Atlantic, but we will certainly still be on the road when the moon rises up. I did not see the moon last night because of the snow, but this evening, the sky is crystal clear, and she will light up the night.

It is almost Imbolc already!! Holy crow! I feel like I need to prepare for this Sabbat because its energies are very much sympathetic to my own. The Goddess is indeed reawakening within me!!! I will not be able to attend the Sacred Mists Sabbat Ritual because I have dance classes on Tuesday evening, so I will be doing my own tomorrow night.

Way back in my First Degree Training, I defined Imbolc as: The word “Imbolc” means “in milk.” Imbolc is a cross-quarter between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Imbolc is a time when Nature is awakening after her winter slumber, and the world all around us is filled with the potential of the future. Animals are giving birth (hence, “in milk”), the first plant growth is seen. This is a time of feminine mystery; a time of new beginnings and growth. Imbolc is also used as a kind of sympathetic magic, to lure back the sun and hasten the warming of the earth, and is known in some customs as Candlemas. It is also a time of purification; it is this time of the year that is the origin of our “spring cleaning.”

I remember doing my first self-dedication on Imbolc, 2003, just about seven years ago. Since then, I have learned that the cross-quarter Sabbats are called “greater Sabbats” because they are at the peak of the energy of the season. We may not feel like we should be looking towards Spring (especially here in Cape May, where we got a foot of snow last night!), but because we are at the peak of Winter energies, that means that once Imbolc has passed, Winter energies will be ebbing away.

This means that the time is almost upon me when I should begin moving away from my Winter mindset, and begin to reconnect with the world in a new way, using my more learned senses.

I am ready. The Maiden awakens; come join the circle and share in the Light!!


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