Thursday, January 14, 2010

Queen of Cups reversed/Queen of Pentacles. Okay! How to be and how **not** to be in two easy Tarot cards. Water of Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts) reversed, and Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts) of Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes). Okay, let’s break this down further. We have three parts Water and one part Earth in these two cards, which are certainly a card pair, but which one? The first Queen is Water of Water, and in an upright position it tells that the emotions are supporting the emotions; this is known as a reflective force because the combination acts like a loop that continually supports itself. Water and Earth are passively friendly to each other (the wet/adapts and dry/shapes parts), and they both support stability (the cold/binds part), so these two elements in the Queen of Pentacles are considered a regenerative force because the emotions support the senses. Astrologically, the Cups Queen represents the cusp of Gemini (“I think”) and Cancer (“I feel”) (and The Lovers/The Chariot); the Pentacles Queen represents the cusp of Sagittarius (“I seek”) and Capricorn (“I build”) (Temperance/The Devil). We have a strong inner focus, reversed, and a calm grounding that can become addictive. I think this is actually a reinforcing pair! I am being told that I will find it easy to focus on the physical realm today as opposed to my inner voice, but I need to be aware that my inner voice is not being heard because without the balance of that inner voice, I may end up stagnating under the weight of my physical realm focus. Cool!!

My Thoth card is the Ten of Swords. “Ruin” today; ho boy! But there are good things to be found from destruction, as the people in Haiti are hopefully learning. Once the storm is over, we can choose to rebuild even better than before. So coming to the ultimate burnout of the control of the intellect leaves room for the other elements to blossom. Yep, can’t tell if the glass is half full or half empty cause the glass broke and the water spilled out; we can sit here and cry about it, or we can get a new and even better glass.

My Legacy card is the Nine of Coins. I like this card! Marchetti describes this card as “the card of accomplishments,” and says that this card represents the hard work that is behind the scenes (in other words, that only I know is happening) that brings me to gain and pleasure. The Astrological association is the Sun (the inner core of a person, the deepest and most influential power) in Virgo (“I serve,” practical, work oriented, analytical).

Very clear message from my cards today: get real! And: enjoy! Oh-kay! *snort* My interpretations are getting longer, but I am also adding really great texture to my card meanings. Uncle Al would be proud of me!!

I have been briefly checking in with my Younger Self every so often lately, and last night I spent some quality time with her. I told her that I was hers for the night and asked what she wanted to do. She did not want to sit down and read a book, she was excited to **do** something, and we ended up on the boardwalk, going on rides.

We went on the merry-go-round, chose two prancing horses side by side, and laughed with joy. My Younger Self even managed to grab the brass ring, even though I kept telling her she was going to fall. I have never seen her sooooo excited!

After the merry-go-round, we did all the other rides that I used to love in Fun Town; the boats, the cars, the helicopters, the tea cups. She did not want to go on the roller coaster, but I did talk her into going on the log flume. She loved it! And LOL, when we came to the final drop, where the water ends up splashing all over the place, at just the right moment she ducked, and I was drenched. Oh, did she laugh, and so did I because I really enjoyed how pleased she was with herself because she got me wet.

We stopped to buy some cotton candy, and shared it as we sat on a bench and watched the other kids on the rides. We finished our evening by taking the train ride, which circles all of Fun Town twice; as we rode past the roller coaster, a car passed us with a wooooosh and a rattle, and we laughed as we saw the faces of the people on the ride. Then she snuggled up next to me for the rest of the ride, and since I could tell that she was getting tired, we left.

I can still feel her, snuggling up next to me. There is nothing like the relaxation of a child who is tired because she had lots of fun.

Well, I am secure and well rested. Now, all I need to do is get a week or two off with pay so that I can take care of all the things that are calling to me. Like finish my Second Degree Lesson rewrite, decorate my Sacred Masculine wand, clean out my email inbox, get my BOS back in order, wrap some beach glass. LOL, you know . . . those really important things that don’t offer a paycheck, at least not one that is in dollars.

Back to work; maybe by the end of the day I will be able to cross one or two things off my list. And the Pagan Brain Trust meets tonight, so I even have a carrot at the end of the stick to aim for!!


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