Sunday, January 17, 2010

Four of Cups/Seven of Wands. While yesterday seemed to be a day of achieving balance through expansion, today my Welsh Tarot is telling me that I need to remember to balance that expansion with a little bit of a retreat. The energies of the number 4 are very balanced and thus, very sturdy. The problem with sturdy predictability is that it often leads to a disconnect. When you know what is coming, you don’t pay too much attention to it. The Seven of Wands is also telling if a pause, a pause to regroup and to protect the ideas that have come to be important to me. The two numbers, 4 and 7, both tell of a pause in upward or forward motion; they can both be seen in another way: as a preparation for a change. The number 5 is about the motion that upsets stability before it can become stagnation, and the number 8 is about the reaction (or attempt to repair) the pause that is turning into degeneration. If I want to hang onto the “high” of yesterday, I need to consciously remember the details so that I can make them my own, and call them into play again in the future.

My Thoth card is the Seven of Swords reversed. “Futility” reversed, and another Seven card today, but in an upright position this Seven is much weaker than the Seven of Wands. The Wands Seven tells of making a stand in order to protect what is justly yours, while this Seven in an upright position tells of clinging to an idea whose time has passed, clinging at any expense in order to prevent change, without caring about consequences. Because the card is reversed, it validates the energies of the Seven of Wands: defending my beliefs, whatever they are, is not “Futile” today.

My Legacy card is The High Priestess. This card relates to the element of Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts), the Moon (feelings and emotion, illusion, imagination), and the Hebrew letter Gimel, the camel who alone knows how to cross the Abyss. I laughed out loud with this one, for the message is clear. I am being reminded that no matter how much I focus on connecting with my physical self and my physical world (and these are worthy endeavors), I am not to forget that everything I believe and that I know, and indeed, everything that I am comes from a place that cannot be understood, cannot be measured. I need to accept this with my heart as well as my head, for it is only by releasing the need to understand that true understanding will come to me at last.

What an awesome day I had yesterday. I was productive in may levels and in many realms of my life, I felt connected to every plane of existence, and I felt filled with light. I felt Balanced, and whole. For some reason I believe that yesterday was pivotal in some way, that I crossed an important threshold without evenrealizing it. Today I am striving to maintain that lovely light, and I am hoping to continue to be productive on all levels.

After my morning meditation/Reiki application on the tower roof, I came to my computer and opened my emails. I was give the gift of wisdom from My Mystery today (LOL, Cernunnos refers to Mystery as “Your Mystery,” and that is how I have come to think of her) that “your past doesn't come with you into the present unless you bring it with you.” Does she realize how powerful these seemingly off-the-cuff statements are? And how empowering this concept is, once you accept both that baggage is consciously and subconsciously carried, and that each of us is the only person who has the power to carry a bag forward or choose to place it down on the floor and leave it behind?

Food for thought . . . .


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