Thursday, July 1, 2010

Nine of Wands/Eight of Cups reversed. This Nine exemplifies Crowley’s “change is stability and stability needs change in order to be effective”; it tells me that there may be some challenges or difficulties to be dealt with today, but it also tells me that I will be well able to deal with them effectively, especially if I allow my Inner Voice to guide me. The Eight of Cups in a reversed position tells me that today is not a day to attempt to leave any outdated emotions behind; today I am well equipped to face them and end their influence over my life.

My Thoth card is the Princess of Swords reversed. In an upright position, this Queen is firm and aggressive; since she is reversed, I am told that for today I will be better able to access my wisdom, intellect and cleverness if I am not quite so firm and aggressive.

My Legacy card is the Two of Wands, flavored by the Seven of Cups reversed. The Two of Wands tells of the presence of both opportunity and the ability to influence outcomes. I am being told that today is a good day to focus on what I want and to use that desire to supplement and drive my Will. I need to make plans and set things in motion, but as I do this I need to keep my goal clearly in my mind. No running away today; face things square on, and get them accomplished!

My 6-digit date number is 9, the number of completeness of experience, and of the sense of having it all.

My horoscopes: “Today you might feel especially intellectually and creatively inspired, and you could discuss your ideas with others. The process of communication could open new doors in your mind and result in some fascinating insights concerning whatever you're pursuing at this time. Sometime in the course of your conversations, Sagittarius, don't be surprised if you find that one of your friends needs a sympathetic ear. Enjoy your day.”

And: “Family or not, your people have always struck you as being a bit on the loony side. Still, they're close, so you've been patient and working the smiles, nods and shrugs whenever you're questioned. Of course, there's a certain type of brilliance that goes along with that kind of eccentricity. Expect it to show up soon -- and for you to find yourself wondering if you may have been lucky enough to have inherited it.”

And: “A burst of physical energy might have you working far harder than you normally do. You'll accomplish a lot, and that should make you feel good about your day. However, you need to pace yourself and make sure you don't overdo. You could well burn out your energy reserves quickly and collapse in exhaustion at some point. Remember to take breaks, and don't forget to eat. That way you should get work done without doing damage to yourself.”

I am feeling a bit more grounded and settled today. I should know some time next week just how much work there will be at my day job, and will be able to go forward with some implementation of my other focuses based upon that information. I will be receiving my severance, and can go forward with that as well. So far, both of the “powers that be” have been open and above board with me, and while I am not relaxing my vigilance, I am feeling a bit better about things.

Last night I began watching some of Mukti’s DVD set, The Four Attitudes. I am so glad that we purchased this box set, for the asanas and other information within the DVD’s will add to my bodywork practice. I am excited about the 8 minute sequence that I watched last evening, which focused on a seated series, and I am looking forward to trying the series out this weekend. I am setting myself a personal goal to do some bodywork at least two of the three days that I will be in Cape May; after all, I have a house full of possible recipients!

A weight is gone from my shoulders, a weight that built slowly over the past two months, so slowly that I did not realize it was there. I am optimistic about the immediate future, and I look forward to implementing my plans. My affirmation of the day: I will become self-employed.

I submitted Lesson 1 of my Third Degree Training today. Yes, I am actually on Lesson 3, but because the new and formalized Third Degree Training Lessons are now online, I wanted to actually do the first two lessons even though I had already completed them. Now, I can move on to the essay in the Lesson 2 homework, and then be up to date in that training.



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