Monday, July 12, 2010

The High Priestess/Seven of Swords reversed. The High Priestess (Water, cold/binds and wet/adapts; the Moon, feelings, emotions, imagination; Beth, house, builder; and the Path between Tiphareth, the hub of the creation process which harmonizes and focuses energies in order to illuminate and clarify, and Kether, the source, limitless possibility) is the manifestation of the unconscious and the effects of the mysterious in our everyday world. The Seven of Swords in an upright position tells of the attempt to maintain a current situation beyond its lifespan using extreme or unethical methods. Because it is reversed, the Seven of Swords seems to be validating the acceptance of mystery, the unexplained and the unknown that is The High Priestess. She is able to maintain a separation between opposites yet still keep them both balanced, without trying to control using extreme methods.

My Thoth card is the Two of Swords reversed. The upright meaning to this card is “Peace,” although the image on the card does not look peaceful; rather it resembles a pile of jagged broken glass. The peace presented in Crowley’s Two of Swords is not harmonious, but rather a peace that is maintained by vigilance. This peace is more of a stalemate than a serenity, and it hints that there could very well be some sneaky stuff going on behind the scenes that is missed, possibly due to a refusal to really see things as they are. The card is reversed, so the energies are not effective, but the card is there. Vigilance is still needed.

My Legacy card is the Five of Swords reversed, flavored by the Ace of Coins reversed. The upright Five of Swords tells of a victory, but the victory is usually a hollow one. Perhaps this is because the methods of attaining the victory ended up presenting a higher cost than expected, or perhaps the victory is worthless because the end result is not as expected. The Ace of Coins is the source of resources and the supplier of form, but neither one has yet manifested and only exists as potential. Whatever my mind tells me is attained today will at the very least be ethically attempted, if not ending up a bit better than expected. Despite this, I may find that the end result is not tapping into and assisting to attain the physical world goals that have been much on my mind. But all is not lost for that physical world potential is there; I am just not connecting to it. I need to remember that also present is the tendency to achieve what I want through a bull-in-the-china-closet method, and that is not what makes me feel good about myself.

My Pearls of Wisdom New Moon card is the Six of Cups. Love this card! I am being told that love offers happiness and funds good overall health. Memories are important to me, especially the cell memories that are satisfied by Vedic Thai-Yoga Bodywork. This waxing moon period will include a powerful focus on this concept and may bring a need to share this satisfaction with others.

My 6-digit date number is 11 (Archangel Uriel), which reduces to the number 2, distance and balance.

My horoscopes: “It's a terrific day for you, Sagittarius, one in which you'll find that your jovial approach to every situation is just what the doctor ordered. Spend time with children and enjoy their magical world. Spread your love and affection to the people around you. Make sure that the corners of people's mouths are turning up instead of down. A friendly attitude will take you far.”

And: “You're all about far off people and cultures, and if you're not on the road, your only consolation is getting in touch with something that reminds you of a distant place you adore. When it comes to long-distance communication (using email, phone or in-person visits), you can bet it's right on top of your list of favorite things. You are totally ready for branching out in a big way.”

And” “Whatever tasks you choose to focus on today are likely to be helped along by an increased level of logic and efficiency. In addition, insights into more ingenious methods of communicating and carrying out your ideas should enable you not only to get things done more quickly today, but streamline your efforts in the future. Don't be surprised if you have similar insights into the thoughts and feelings of those around you. Make the most of them!”

Wow, look at all those reversed Swords cards!

We had an awesome weekend. We had dinner at P & J’s on Friday night, and then got up early and headed down to Cape May. I actually got there by 10 am! It rained most of the day, so I vacuumed and got the inside of the house back in order after a series of weekend with guests, and then Helen and I got together and worked on our one hour sequence, both giving and receiving. Oh, it was wonderful to receive some bodywork!! And our “Lauren’s Sequence” is working out very well for us both. We ended up going to the Lobster House with Helen and her family for dinner, and we picked crabs and had a very enjoyable time.

Mystery and I did a very powerful ritual together. I am sooooo amazed at how connected we have become, Mystery and I. Each time that we do a working together, we are stronger and we depend on each other’s presence to a greater degree. Sunday dawned hot and sunny, and I got out my hedge clippers and weed whacker and spent a lovely day working in my garden. I had bookend Reiki Shares, the Sacred Mists Share at 10 am and the Pagan Brain Trust share at 10 pm. I did the morning Share out in my garden, and totally lost track of time! The evening Share was incredibly powerful; this time I felt that I was in a foundational supporting role, which I have never experienced before.

I also gave Maureen some bodywork. I am going to give Elizabeth some bodywork tonight, before our regular Pagan Brain Trust get-together, so that will be three days in a row of giving bodywork. I love it!!! I absolutely adore how I feel when having anything to do with this lovely and elegant modality.

Pagan Brain Trust tonight! Yahooo!!!


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