Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Five of Wands/Five of Cups reversed. Well, it should be an interesting day; two Fives, although one is reversed, so the imposed motion of the number could be somewhat mitigated. I will feel my creative juices finally begin to flow today, although there may be impediments to their manifestation. I am being pulled in many different directions, each of which lure me; I must remember that I can only do one at a time, but if I work steadily, by the end of the day I will be able to see progress.

My Thoth card is the Prince of Cups reversed. In an upright position, this card tells of a person who is outwardly serene yet prone to selfish and sometimes violently ruthless as he feeds his own needs. Whew. Thankfully it is reversed, so while circumstances may try to cause this reaction in me, I will be able to catch myself.

My Legacy card is the Page of Cups reversed. Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes) of Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts), the imaginative force of the practicality of emotions. In an upright position, this card brings a message of new ways to see feelings and emotions. It is reversed, so as much as I may want them, these things are being blocked today.

Three Cups cards, two of which are Court Cards, all reversed. LOL, it is going to be a fiery day!

Where to begin? As the song says, probably at the beginning for it is a very good place to start. Last Thursday night the Pagan Brain Trust had its Reiki Extravaganza. After our “executive session” (which was filled with its usual awesomeness), I gave E and TL their Reiki I attunements. I just love the energy feedback I get during attunements, and doing two in a row was incredible! Once the attunements were completed, all five of us had Reiki! We all talked for a bit, sharing different experiences, and then we finished the evening by sitting in a circle and passing the Reiki around deosil. Well, that was even more powerful than the attunements, if that is at all possible! I cannot wait for us to do that again!

Friday night and Saturday during the day were all spent in preparation for our Annual Cook A Cow Yule Celebration. My legs are actually sore from going up and down the stairs! But we managed to get the house in order (despite the fact that our first floor is pretty much a construction zone as our new heating system is three-quarters of the way installed), and we had an awesome evening of food, drink, music and family love.

Danu also gave me a task Saturday morning: to do what She called “quick pulls” from the middle of my deck at random times during the afternoon, write down the first keyword that came to mind, and see if they corresponded with my day. What a great confidence builder that was!!! I pulled three cards throughout the afternoon, and I could instantly see that as usual, my Welsh deck was very attuned to my mental focus. The cards I pulled were: early in the afternoon, Ten of Swords reversed (the first word that came to mind was “empowerment”), the middle of the afternoon, The Emperor (the first word that came to mind was “order”), and then later, as I finished getting ready, Seven of Pentacles (the first word that came to mind was “tired assessment”). How perfect is that?! Needless to say, I was pretty spent by the time I was ready, so I sat down and did my daily Reiki treatment, and once I had finished I was ready to go.

We had such a great evening! As usual, I spent all day Sunday cleaning up, but now the house is ready for the holidays, all neat and clean. The only thing I did not get to was my Yule gifts, which I absolutely have to do tonight, but I did check and respond to eight First Degree homeworks, including one First Degree Final Exam.

All in all, I had a very physical world-focused weekend and Monday, and boy, have I moved to a different focus today. I am on day 15 of my 40 day Reiki focus, and going strong. I am working with the element of Water again today, reading about its properties. I also am reacting once again to that aha! moment of Sunday. The NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day yesterday was the Saturn Hexagon, which scientists discovered and last photographed 15 years ago, just before Saturn’s long, dark winter. But Spring has come to Saturn’s north pole, and the Hexagon is still there! A five-sided shape created and maintained in the gasses of a planet. Another glimpse of “the image of the Goddess” and the workings of the Machinery of the Universe!!


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