Thursday, September 3, 2009

Two of Wands reversed/The High Priestess reversed. The Two of Wands tells of the presence of the initial vision that shows the application of Will in order to manifest goals. This Two is the Minor Arcana equivalent of The Magician, and The High Priestess in the reversed position also points toward the outer application of Will in order to manifest goals that is the forte of The Magician. His energies will work best for me today only if I balance them with the inner focus of the High Priestess as indicated by the reversed Two of Wands.

My Thoth card for today is the Three of Swords reversed. I do not like this card; this is the only card in the entire Tarot deck that is not fun in either an upright or reversed position. Crowley calls this card “Sorrow,” and thankfully it does not turn up much in my daily throws. Unlike most interpretations of this card, Crowley sees the sorrow as not being caused by the actions of individuals, but rather as the universal sorrow, the catalyst for melancholy. Perhaps today I will be able to see past any melancholy to the new dawn that will surely follow.

Yesterday was a busy day for me; for this week I will be responding to all of the First Degree homework submissions rather than half because my fellow homework grader lost her computer. I managed to catch up to yesterday’s submissions, which meant responding to about 15 homeworks. That pretty much brings me current, which is a good thing because the next few days are going to be quite busy for me. Tonight I am giving a member of the Pagan Brain Trust her Reiki II attunement, and tomorrow night begins Labor Day Weekend, which is traditionally spent with our fellow Olde Pussy Club members. LOL, don’t ask. I will need to spend a little time over the weekend responding to homeworks in order to prevent an overflowing inbox, but I think I can do that.

I have finally detoxed my body from the sugar binge of last weekend. Interestingly enough, my mind is clear and my ability to focus has returned; I found it very easy this morning, during my customary meditation, to bring my awareness out of my physical body, into my etheric body and then into my mental/emotional body and to hold it there. Sugar is bad, I know. Bad Raushanna. In hindsight, nothing that I ate in the attempt to satisfy my sugar cravings seemed to work. Maybe I am changing the chemical content of my physical body by staying away from sugar for long periods of time? LOL, is that good or bad? It would be good only if the cravings go away, too.

I performed my Shadow Work Ritual for the second time last night in order to throw Spread 2, version 1. This time there will be six spreads thrown before I move on to a new concept. As part of my Ritual, I cast a circle and invoke the Dark Goddess and Dark God using the Aces as quarter representations and the Queen and King of Swords as the Deity representations. Boy, this Legacy Tarot is incredible!! The cards really lend themselves well to this kind of working, and I am learning so much about my shadow already.

As promised, the cards I drew for Spread 1 are: Card 1, Denial: The Fool reversed; Card 2, Anxiety: Wheel of Fortune reversed; Card 3, Inferiority: The Magician; Card 4, Anger: The Moon; Card 5, Secrecy: The Sun; Card 6, Self-loathing: The Lovers reversed. It should be noted that in Tarot Shadow Work, only Major Arcana cards are used, and reversed cards are usually seen as a flag indicating the presence of important information. After interpreting the cards in Spread 1, I felt that this Shadow Working would be about trusting myself, how my lack of trust in myself negatively impacts my life, and hopefully I will also be finding out what lays behind this lack of trust. Wish me luck; I’ll need it.



  1. WTF?! Sugar is bad??!!?

    Are you serious? What kind of spew is that? Shame on you! Sugar is good! Sugar is our lifeblood! Sugar is enlightenment! Sugar/Sugar/Sugar/Sugar!!!!! most preferably with butter/flour and eggs!


  2. ROFLMAO!!!! And buttercream icing!!! Tons of it!!!
