Friday, August 28, 2009

The Moon/The Wheel of Fortune. Today I need to know that while the next few steps may be shrouded in mists, I cannot move forward if I fear the unknown. There is an underlying purpose to all, even these past few days when I feel as if I have been cast adrift energy-wise, following a few weeks of amazing experiences. I am waiting for the other shoe to fall; the fact that one shoe has clunked down loudly already should be encouraging to me.

My Thoth card for today is the Five of Swords reversed. Whew! Reversed. Crowley calls the upright Five of Swords “Defeat,” as the tenuous balance of the truce of the Four has been destroyed. Reversed, this card validates and offers explanations for the first two cards of today. I need to hang in there and deal with the pause, for soon enough things will get busy once again.

LOL, those cards sound familiar! I began my Shadow Tarot work and threw my first six card spread; both of those cards are in the spread.

It has been a strange week, filled with ups and downs and long pauses. I started my Shadow Work with Mystery, and we are doing some darned good stuff, I must say. The Divination Department meeting went well, and I am excited by the potential for the future. I feel as if I have accomplished some good things this week, and I look forward to a quiet weekend before Labor Day. We should have rain tomorrow, which will allow me to get even more work done.

There are two things that I have on my to-do list left to accomplish: I need to write and I need to start my dream job description list.


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