Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Queen of Pentacles/Seven of Pentacles reversed. This Queen is the Minor Arcana equivalent of my significator, The Empress, and her presence in my spread today hints of her influence on my day-to-day focuses. I must focus on reliability and integrity today, and give of myself whenever possible, most likely in the physical realms, as both of my cards today are of the suit of Pentacles. I should not be focusing on maintaining what I have or on achieving more; today is not about me and what I have or want, but rather it is about what I can offer to others.

My Thoth card for today is Lust reversed. “Mitigate Energy with Love, but let Love devour all things.” This card tells of inner passions, and more importantly, of inner magick and the use of magickal powers (and the inner strength necessary to make use of magickal powers). But it is reversed, and I am being told that today is not about my magick or about a focus on my abilities; today I should not be thinking like the Magus!

My horoscope is validating what I have already realized: “Sometimes life just isn't fair, but that shouldn't stop you from trying to see justice done today. It's not silly to believe in fairness, it's admirable. Hang on to your idealism with all your might -- it will help you adjust to any unexpected situation, be more self-sufficient, and keep you safe from people who don't like to play by the rules. Everything cannot be completely equitable in every situation, but you can work to make it as close as possible.” I can’t hold myself responsible for the actions of others, only my own. Yep, this has been my major growth focus since the end of 2008, and I find that it is easier and easier to remind myself of this simple yet empowering fact. Plus, because I am changing the energy patterns of my brain and the way I visualize myself and my place in this world, I find that I am more and more attracting to me situations that I can handle in a satisfactory manner.

I am working on two classes, and enjoying myself immensely in the process. One is a chat for the Sacred Mists Second Degree students, on the concept of “instant magick.” Talk about empowering! Once we become aware of the powers that we have at our fingertips and once we learn how to tap into them, magick becomes easy. LOL, I don’t want to give too much away!

The second class I am working on is for the Tarot Class on the Sacred Mists, of which I am one of three Facilitators. I just love these classes, because I always learn something new from at least one attendee. That is the best thing about working with the Tarot! You don’t need years of experience in order to offer to others some epiphany!

This class will be about what I call “The Terrible Three,” Death, The Devil and The Tower, and why they are not quite the terrible predictions that most Seekers see them as.

To me, the opportunity to learn about these concepts, and then to share what I have learned with others, is one of the immensely satisfying segments of my long association with the Sacred Mists forums. I feel that not only am I benefitting my Coven, but I am benefitting those who are learning about my Tradition. What is fulfilling about this is that I never, ever give without receiving. What is exciting about this is that often I am presented with some new way of viewing a concept about which I believe I have learned quite a bit already. It is through the setup of Sacred Mists, of being encouraged as I advance through my training to share what I have learned with those who are coming after me, that has allowed me to crystallize my own belief of what is true and what is valuable.

I correspond with Joe, a Lieutenant on the New York Police Force. LOL, how did I meet this wonderful man? That is a long story for another time, but I will say that it was an amazing chain of synchronistic events that ended up connecting us, which tells me that we have important things to share with each other. When I take in mind the concept of wyrd, and of some of the concepts presented in the book, The Celestine Prophecies, I know that it is important that I identify the thing(s) that we are meant to exchange. Often, through an exchange of emails, Joe offers some concept that directly addresses something in my “field of vision” without even realizing that he is doing so. For example, in a recent email, Joe explained to me a book that he had read called “Effortless Power,” written by Peter Ralston. Mr. Ralston is a martial artist who has perfected the skill of being able to anticipate his opponent’s movements, practically before they are initiated. He has learned the skill of being able to recognize the “now”; a concept that I will be presenting in my Second Degree class, a class which I had not even begun to write when Joe sent me this email.

I look back to the beginning of 2009 and before, and I see that there are others, other persons who have come to prominence for me, persons who have had some positive impact on my life’s journey thus far. My husband, my son, my sisters-in-law, my dance partner, this groovy baker that I know, my nice-in-law (who is only 10 years old), are just a few. Some of them have offered insights to me directly, and for some the personal insights have come through my giving something to them. No matter how the insights were initiated, they have changed me. How cool is that?

I have had official confirmation that the rock tumbler is tumbling. I can’t wait to see the results, but in the mean time, I’ve got work to do!!


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