Tuesday, April 28, 2009

King of Cups reversed/Two of Wands. Today may not be a day filled with peace and diplomacy for I may not connect well with or perceive accurately the emotions and feelings of others. I need to keep this in mind, for one thing I am connecting with today is my own Will. I will want to be in the driver’s seat, and I need to be careful that I don’t run someone else off the road. Planning ahead may help bank the fires of my Will.

My Thoth card for today is the Five of Pentacles. This card represents worrying, and Crowley describes it as being similar to a dog “worrying” sheep. The stability of the Four of this suit is being upset, and in typical Earth fashion, we are attempting to prevent the change. Sooner or later the pressure will be too much and there will be an explosion of change, but often the anticipation of what will happen is worse than the actual event.

I am amazed at how easy it is for me to sense the masculine energies of this time of year. We are approaching the last fertility Sabbat, and oh boy is there a static buildup happening all around me! Normally when I say my morning chant as I look out the window, I feel the presence of the Goddess and I see the interactions of Nature. This is a soft, nurturing kind of feeling, with some masculine energies but more of the feminine. But now, everything around me seems to be nearly bursting with new potential, straining against the boundaries of last year’s growth, and I can actually feel the gentle but persistent pressure of all of this energy on my skin!

The cross-quarter Sabbats are known as the Greater Sabbats because they happen at the peak of the energies of the season. The Lesser Sabbats, which happen at the times of solar events rather than the halfway point between them, happen at the changeover time, and thus the energies are less dynamic (in order for the changeover to happen). I have always understood the difference in my mind, but this year I am feeling the difference with every fiber of my being. I have one word to say: waaahoooo!


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