Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Fool/Eight of Swords reversed. I am being told that like yesterday, today is a day with important messages regarding new beginnings. I have learned much during my trip across the Abyss, and now is the time to start planting and nurturing those seeds so that they germinate. I have been given a blank page, and I need to fill it with the joyous and uninhibited fingerpaintings of a child!

My Thoth card for today is the Princess of Cups. This Princess exhibits all of the sweetness and rapture of her suit with the intensity and lack of ulterior motives of the young. She may appear selfish or lazy to others, but in reality she is focused inward and applying herself to doing her job, quietly and effortlessly. In the Thoth deck, the Princess card represents the element of Earth, and this element is seen as separate from Water, Fire and Air, but also as a necessary platform and catalyst that allow the other three elements to manifest. The Princess of Cups, therefore, is a loving and tender and sensual card, but its emotions are presented as a foundation or support or catalyst for others to expand.

I leave for Cape May tonight, and we will be having a houseful again. I can’t wait to get down there, because if I can find time between the raindrops, I will be digging into my garden. Yay!

I made my first sale last night of a larimar piece. Yahoo, Blue Moon Dancing is officially in business! I don’t expect to sell too much more until after my trip to the Dominican Republic in June, but I already have two requests that I will be fulfilling after that trip.

I will be ending each post from now on with a dollar sign, which will represent my little spell for progress in my creative endeavor. Not that money is my only focus, by any means! This dollar sign to me is a sigil that represents fulfillment and stability as well as prosperity.


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