Sunday, December 23, 2012

Transparent Oracle Sunday!!

11, Gateway: Summer (South).  South is the direction of the midday sun and the peak of power and illumination; this direction is associated with passionate drive and creativity.  This Gateway is about warmth and bounty, abundance and blessing, passion and wealth.  Summer is a time of physical world manifestation and abundance, and it is also a time to bring magickal awarenesses into the open.  After all, with an abundance of manifestation into the physical world, this would be an easy time to sense non-physical world abundances as they often happen around physical manifestations.

1, Gateway: Spring (East).  East is the direction of the rising sun, and thus of new beginnings and fresh ideas, as well as knowledge, intellectual ideas and thoughts.  The Gateway of Spring brings us fresh new beginnings and the first blossoming of creativity.  There is an innocence about the energies of this Gateway, and an optimism, and perhaps these lovely energies will bring new insights, as well as new creativity.

13, Element: Fire (South). The element of Fire manifests as spontaneous, impulsive and energetic change; it’s dignities are hot/separates and dry/shapes. Fire has often been used as a representation of Spirit or the Divine, and this makes sense.  Fire brings transformation, animation or life, courage, and intent.  Fire has its dangers, though; it brings transformation through destruction that brings new birth.

I then created my mandala.  This one has depth to it for some reason; as I look at the mandala, the Fire card seems closest to me, then the Gateway of Spring and finally, the Gateway of Summer.  Because of both the flat base of the square of the Gateway of Summer, and the flat base of the equal-sided triangle of the Fire card, the whole mandala has a very stable feel.  The cool thing is that I feel drawn into the center of the mandala; I can easily visualize passing through the middle of the triangle of Fire, the wreath of Spring and then the square of Summer, into whatever lies beyond.  That stability is probably a good thing, because I have two Gateways here, one that tells of waxing energies and another that tells of peak energies.  Pair these two Gateways with the element of Fire, and its transformative power and connection to Spirit, and holy crow, there is some heady expansion going on!!

This reading actually makes quite a lot of sense to me.  Since the Solstice on Friday, and since the resetting of the Mayan Long Calendar yesterday, I have felt huge changes in my energy body.  There is a kind of disconnect here, although “disconnect” is not quite the right word to describe what I am feeling.  My physical world is pretty much the same as it was last Thursday: my bronchitis is pretty much gone but I have a nagging cough, my muscles have those lovely well-used aches that come after a good, challenging Yoga class, I am working for hubby, and gradually getting through the backlog in my Internet inbox.  Despite my as-expected physical world, things are different.  Between the lovely Solstice energies and the ending/beginning manifestations of the day, and ending up unexpectedly leading two Yule Sabbats, and then performing two hours of Tarot readings, the overload of energies seems to have created new pathways in my brain and new channels in my energy body. 

I almost feel like I am on a piece of floor that is turning counter clockwise, and I am spinning in place, in a clockwise direction.  Strange, but interesting.  It will be even more interesting to see what happens when my physical body catches up with my energy body.


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