Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ten of Pentacles reversed/Two of Wands.  There is all kinds of wealth in the world, and since my personal life is a microcosm of the macrocosm that is the world, there is all kinds of wealth in my life.  I am missing this fact somehow, and I am also missing the fact that if I share my wealth with others, I in effect double it.  I have the ability today to focus my Will into the right direction; I have only to choose to get up off my butt and just do it! 

My Thoth card for today is the Ace of Wands.  Crowley sees this card as the seed of Will, not yet manifested but bursting forth in all directions, similar to matter after the “Big Bang.”  It also gives a reference to The Tree of Life. 

I really gave myself a mental vacation this long holiday weekend.  So many of my Tarot cards seemed to be focusing on the physical realms but in a reversed way that I began to feel that maybe I was neglecting my physical self.  Now it is time to get back to reality, and those two Wands cards tell me that today is the day for renewed enthusiasm.  So I have begun the process of cutting through the fog that usually envelopes my mind after a mental vacation.  LOL, gotta get the whip out. 

“ . . . bursting forth in all directions.”  How appropriate these words are to me today.   Every so often, I am given the most awesome gifts.  Nothing that is insurable or wearable, but gifts beyond value just the same.  

The trust of another is an awesome gift, especially when they trust enough to share an intimate part of themselves.  When this trust is gifted by someone who is an acquaintance, rapidly becoming a friend for sure but we are early on in the process, it is a gift beyond value.  I cherish this trust and I am honored by the sharing of this personal part of someone’s life.  I am honored by receiving this trust. 

Watching friends accomplish much, watching them celebrate as they reach discernable levels of skills and knowledge through hard work and much effort, sharing their joy at accomplishments much deserved, and then being offered the knowledge that my support was noticed and appreciated, is a gift beyond value.  Being brought to tears, tears of pride and joy and love, because of the accomplishments of another, is an honor. 

There is indeed all kinds of wealth in the world.  Perhaps this day I am learning that wealth without love, wealth without compassion, wealth without the ability to openly connect with another, is not the kind of wealth that I want.  Several weekends ago, I had an intense meditation.  Once the meditation was over, my Patroness, Danu, spoke to me about judgments.  She explained to me that we are all more than our physical selves, and that often we are attracted to or connected to another not because of their physical self, but because who they are energetically . . . who they are emotionally or mentally or spiritually, for the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies are real, and they are often very different from the physical body.  These simple yet momentous connections that occurred today were not about the physical; they were about the “energetic persons” who exist within the physical bodies.  I am honored and grateful to know those energetic persons. 

I have also come to value my role as First Degree Homework Grader within Sacred Mists.  The students are absolutely amazing, and their homework submissions are a pleasure to read.  I am more and more proud of the quality of interaction that Leadership and the Class Facilitators and the Student Council members all provide to our students, and I am proud of the unique views and insights each of the students provide to the Leaders and Facilitators and Council members.  The system is working well, and I am grateful for the opportunity to encourage and guide First Degree students (as I learn from them at the same time).  I am growing, becoming more confident, and learning so much about myself, beyond what I ever thought possible. 

Wealth beyond the physical is truly magickal. 


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