Monday, March 23, 2009

This is actually yesterday's post. For some reason I could not get it to show up. A day late and a dollar short!!

Queen of Pentacles/Four of Cups reversed. I am moving in the right direction! This Queen is the Minor Arcana equivalent of my significator, The Empress, and it is finally appearing in an upright position for me. I am feeling today as if my material life and my family life are both on track. Luckily, my recent transformations seem to be enabling me to be aware of the blessings within my life, for even uncomfortable situations are blessings if we choose to see them that way.

I received some interesting insights this weekend during conversations with my sisters in law. It is interesting to me that despite the level of knowledge about myself that I am achieving, I still misinterpret things, especially when dealing with those that I care for deeply. In many ways, talking about one’s spouse or significant other with ones inlaws can be like walking through a mine field; dangerous. But sometimes a piece of information that comes up casually during a conversation can serve to shift ones viewpoint just enough, as if a night light suddenly comes on, allowing the shapes of the contents of a dark room to be seen.

Another interesting tidbid that I found out this weekend is that my husband’s niece, who has become quite the medium and who talks about astral travel and ghosts as run of the mill and common experiences, has seen our ghost here at Cape May. Maxim has confirmed that our Miss Pauline sits at the top of the stairs when we are all in the living room, watching us. Max sees her all the time! That is the fourth person who has confirmed that Miss Pauline lives with us.

Last but not least, one of the bald eagle eggs in the nest I have been watching via the Virginia Botanical Gardens website hatched yesterday, and the other egg is “pipped” (has a little hole in it through which the little baby bald eagle is making little peeping noises as it breaks itself free from its shell). I have been brought to tears several times today, as I sit here listening to music (right now, a CD called “Between Two Worlds”), looking into my yard that is filled with the very first flowers of Spring. Part of me is filled with the joy of the renewal and energy of new life, and part of me is sorrowing for the death of an inlaw this afternoon. Margaret, you lived 97 years (!!), you saw so much of the world, and you leave behind incredible children and grandchildren. Journey on now, Margaret. We will follow when we can. May you be born again at the same time and in the same place as those you knew and loved in this life. May you know them again and love them again.

To everything, turn, turn, turn . . . .

1 comment:

  1. Waaa hoooo! Raptors!

    Everything else...about self esteem...I have no comment =)

