Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Magician reversed/Queen of Swords reversed. Oy. Reversed cards! I am being told that I am not connecting with my ability to take advantage of the energies of the elements and of both positive and negative, ebbing and flowing, surges. It seems that I am also being told that I am thinking about things in the wrong way. I should not be analyzing, I should be going with the flow. My over-thinking of every situation and my striving to prepare for every possibility are both acting as barriers. Once that barriers are removed, I will be able to “create something out of nothing.” Yep, that is what I am trying to do already, create something out of nothing. But fear is the mind-killer . . . .

This has been an interesting Winter for me. I have been hit across the forehead by the metaphysical two by four several times since the year began, and I am just now finding that sometimes I am not seeing double. I guess that's progress. Why is it that my inner growth always has to involve having the rug pulled out from under me? Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. The feeling that I end up with once I drag myself back up to my bruised knees is more than worth the sudden knockdown. I guess I just happen to be within one of those timeperiods that I will always value but never want to relive. But since incredible things have happened for me in the past through these very types of timeperiods, I am looking ahead at what is to come rather than brooding over what has happened already.

I finally feel as if Spring has sprung, and finally . . . finally!!! I am feeling energy and pep and enthusiasm fill me. As I stated in my previous entry, 2009 is my year of change and growth. I am in the early processes of creating a business. Yep, I know; not a good year for this, but hey! When the time is right, ya gotta try. I have done a bit already: I reserved a domain name for five years (if I can’t get it done in five years, then maybe I’m not supposed to do it), I applied for a tax ID number, and I made a logo, at least version one of a logo. I am accumulating materials so that I can begin “playing,” and I hope to have finished product in my hot little hands by the end of May.

What is my product, you ask? As I initiate my business, I will be creating unique, one of a kind, Reiki charged beach glass and semi-precious cabochon jewelry, wrapped in copper wire, and I will also be offering Dominican amber and larimar pieces, personally selected by moi, and brought to you direct from the mountains of the Amber Coast of the Dominican Republic. Where I go from there? Art?? Tarot?? Something else?? Only the Goddess and God know.

I am aiming for an official launch on the Summer Solstice, and oh boy, my hands are shaking as I actually write this. Words are so very powerful, and as far as I am concerned, they are the bridge between ideas and manifestation. That makes my hitting the “Publish Post” button an act of magick!! *beats chest with fists and yells*

Maybe I'll even figure out this blog thing.

Enough random wandering through the dusty corners of the recesses of my mind for one day.

1 comment:

  1. lol....'beats chest with fists and yells'


    You can do it ~ chill out ~


