Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Page of Wands/The Sun reversed. This Page rules the Summer (Cancer, “I feel,” Leo, “I am,” and Virgo, “I serve”), and corresponds with the elements of Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes) and Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes); this Page offers the message of the Ace of Wands and tells me to embrace new ideas and creativity, but in a somewhat practical manner. The Sun card also corresponds with the element of Fire and with our sun (the inner core of a situation, deepest self, and influential power), and the Hebrew letter Resh (face; reason). Sine this one is reversed, it almost seems to balance out the Page, but in a precarious way. Potential and possibilities that might bring life to new ideas are both there, but I may not connect with them as easily as I may expect.

My Thoth card is the Seven of Disks. “Failure,” but failure that happens because there is no drive fueling the projects. Any pause within an Earth energy situation is filled with the danger of possible stagnation.

My Legacy card is Justice reversed (Two of Swords). Something new: when I pull the Legacy card, I am peeking at the next card; I am seeing that next card as a clarification card, giving just a tiny hint as to how to interpret the first card. The main card, Justice reversed, is an Air card, corresponding with Libra (“we are”) and Lamed, the ox goad (training and teaching). To me, Justice is an active card, representing actions taken or to be taken, and since it is reversed (and since my “hint” card is the Two of Swords, a card of shutting out and staying still), I may be preventing myself from accessing the energies of the Justice card. I need to make certain that I apply even handedness today, and look out not only for my own interests, but also for fairness to others.

My 6-digit date number is 9, the number of completeness, of experiencing it all.

My horoscopes: “Your wacky personality will be appreciated today, Sagittarius, but don't take it too far. Leave room for seriousness to enter the picture. There's a dreamy, cloudy sensation to the day that might make it difficult for you to concentrate on any one thing. If you pretend to know the answer when you don't, you'll only serve to confuse the people around you. The truth will eventually be revealed.”

And: “You love whatever is new: new places, faces, foods and lands to explore. Focus today on meeting new people and see if one of those chance meetings evolves into a lifelong connection. Sometimes you need something stable in order to maintain access to fresh experiences. It's not tough -- all you really have to do is crank up your innate friendliness and curiosity a few extra notches and let fate do the rest.”

And finally: “You certainly won't be at a loss for energy today. You feel like moving mountains!! You're like a marathon runner, and you could go on for miles and miles. Go for it, and bowl them over with your energy. But be careful not to get too caught up in all the excitement. Keep your feet on the ground, and try to stay tactful.”

It has been a heck of a week. As of tomorrow, the company I work for will no longer exist. It has been purchased and will be absorbed by a larger company, and I am not certain about where things will end up. The “powers that be” within our smaller company are trying to begin again, but there is no guaranty that they will be successful. I have been doing my best to create some other opportunities for revenue, through Thai Massage (my workshop begins on the 11th!), belly dance stretch, and Tarot, both up here and down in Cape May. But it is difficult because I still do not know what is happening here.

Two unplugged weekends and two stressful weeks have left me behind in many things, but I really do think that I needed to unplug a bit. Now, to catch up!


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