Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Star reversed/Ace of Pentacles reversed. In an upright position, The Star (Air, challenges, hot/separates and dry/shapes; Aquarius, “I know,” the group; and Tsadi, fish hook, experience or thought) represents the new hope brought by the morning after chaos; that hope sometimes only begins as a small spark in the subconscious, but that spark ends up being the foundation of a new conflagration. It tells me that I need to believe in myself, put faith in myself, and because it is reversed, I am missing that today. The Ace of Pentacles corresponds with the element of Earth and with everything in the physical planes of existence. Because the card is reversed, I may not be able to easily tap into all the potential that is to be found in my physical world today.

My Thoth card for today is the Ace of Cups reversed. The Holy Grail, and the healing power of love, are found in the Ace of Cups, but the card is reversed. That healing is there, but I may have trouble remembering to tap into it.

My Legacy card is the Four of Cups reversed. Oy; what’s with the reversed cards? Okay, but this one is not too bad in a reversed position, because upright it tells of the concept of an easy time making me weak. If things go well all the time, and every day is filled with pleasure only, our focus and will become weak from lack of use. Since this Four is another reversed Water card, along with the Ace above, the reverse may be true for me today and I may need to tap into Water just a bit. Not enough to sedate me with pleasure, but just enough to remind me that there is a carrot at the end of the stick.

I drew a clarification card, and threw the Seven of Cups. Aha! Choices may abound today, and I will need to keep a clear head in order to **not** be blinded by the bling. Perhaps that is why both of my Cups cards are reversed! It also looks like most of the energies of the day are ebbing, and I need to be aware of the flows or else I will be sucked down the drain.

My 6-digit date number is 5, the number of movement that dispels stagnation.

My horoscope: “Remember that you were put here to have fun, Sagittarius, and that happiness is your true destiny. Keep that in mind today, as forces may tend to pull you away from the fun you've been having. There is likely to be a sobering tone to the day that's stubbornly working to rain on your parade. Recognize the need for structure and stability, but don't let it bring you down.”

And: “Today you might find that you have a talent for gardening. Perhaps some flowers you planted on a whim turn out to be gorgeous and healthy, or maybe you're even making a success of a vegetable garden. At some point, you could either host or attend a social event, possibly business-related. You're in a great mood, optimistic about the future and full of fun, so others will enjoy being with you.”

I gave blood last night, and on the way to the Center, I gave myself Reiki and filled my energy body with as much intent to heal as I possibly could. It is rewarding for me to offer such a gift, and I usually spend a few moments watching the blood flow into the bag, meditating on the potent symbolism of blood. Blood is truly the “water of life,” and it contains our DNA, the unique instruction booklet that describes the process of creating my physical world vehicle, customized for my own use; I see that DNA as an “image” of Deity. I don’t see the DNA as being Deity, but it is an image of the manifestation of the sacred feminine, just as this life, with its unique synthesis of a physical vehicle, perfectly created to maintain its own good health, and a life force, complete with instincts and Will, represents the result of the combination of the sacred feminine with the catalyst that is the sacred masculine. Without that combination, life would not exist. Without my blood, I would not exist. I freely offer my blood with the hope that it will assist others to be healthy in every way.

I have been actually working on my Third Degree Lesson 1! Now mind you, I am actually on Lesson 3, but since the new and truly awesome First Degree Lessons have gone live, I really feel the need to actually do the homeworks for Lessons 1 and 2. I want to formalize and document completely my experiences with those first two lessons, and to me, doing the homeworks is the best way to accomplish that. I am also really enjoying the revisiting of the exercises in The 12 Wild Swans. The lessons and experiences I had while working with that book ended up to be a foundation that I built upon over the years.

I am putting together a Reiki Course. This will be presented at Off the Beaten Path, but any Reiki Master certificates given out will be under the name of Sukha. I want to change the setup of the usual way that Reiki classes are presented, and I think this new approach might be beneficial. We shall see **wink**.

Mystery has put together a truly lovely Full Moon Esbat for this month. We will use it for our Lumina Mystica Tradition, and it is our first Esbat. She really does good work, and I usually don’t have to do much tweaking at all. We are aiming to keep our Sabbats pretty much the same from year to year (with maybe a different magickal working, but the actual ritual staying the same), and we are hoping to have Esbats specific to the correspondence of the moon phase and month. I believe that some predictability is necessary, because of the power of words, even though I am certain that things will be tweaked for at least the first few years. The nicest thing is that most of what we are creating as far as rituals and workings are original.


1 comment:

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