Monday, March 1, 2010

The High Priestess/The Hanged Man reversed. The High Priestess is the “source,” the keeper of hidden knowledge and the wielder of the Inner Voice, and she is telling me that what is below the surface is important today. In an upright position, The Hanged Man represents a balance of opposites that happens through surrender, but because the card is reversed, I am being told that it is more important that I strive to end the pause that is balance.

My Thoth card is the Prince of Cups reversed. Back to Court Cards. In an upright position, Crowley sees this card as indicating a person who appears calm, but that calm exterior hides volatile emotions and a personality that is easily distracted, to the point of being unethical.

My Legacy card is Judgement reversed. Judgement corresponds with the element of Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes), the planet Pluto (metamorphosis, the cycle of birth and death), and the Hebrew letter Shin (teeth or fangs), and in an upright position, it tells of redemption, atonement and forgiveness. Because the card is reversed, I am missing some important consequence or possibility of the manifestation of a consequence of my actions. It could be that my day of reckoning has not yet arrived.

My 6-digit date number is 5. The energies of the number 5 bring movement into the equation, which upsets the stability created by the number 4. This movement may not be comfortable, but the end result could be good.

My horoscope: “You have an active mind and an even more active imagination, Sagittarius. Today you risk short-circuiting your brain as you struggle to keep up with all the ideas and information swirling inside your head. Take a few minutes to do a mental inventory. Write down everything you’re thinking right now so you can free some space in your brain for other issues. A long walk or jog would help soothe your mind.”

Luna Station Quarterly has gone live!! And I am now officially a published writer. How cool is that?? Check out my story, The Dream, on the website,

Ailm (my Spirit Guide) and her group are about two weeks into their journey from their winter quarters toward the sea. They got a late start because the weather has been so snowy, and they have been sometimes spending a few days in one campsite if that site is sheltered. This is the eighth year that I am experiencing this journey with Ailm, and I am amazed at how much I have grown since I first met her, only a few weeks after I performed a personal dedication to the Wiccan Path, before Finding Sacred Mists. Like last year, the group includes a few young men and women who are eager to experience the world and old enough to be challenged by and learn from the journey. Ailm herself has a few grey hairs, and Bear, her mate, has many, although his light brown coloring seems to hide the grey better than Ailm’s long dark hair. We are all getting older.


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