Friday, October 22, 2010

Six of Cups/The Sun reversed. The Six of Cups (Sun, the inner core of a person or situation, in Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling, secretive) is such a lovely card; it is reminding me today that the best way to heal and get past today’s hurts is to take a moment to remember the happiness of the past so that I can once again build on that happiness. The Sun in an upright position corresponds with Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, spontaneous, impulsive and energetic change), our Sun, Resh (the face; reason), and the Path between Yesod (the place where patterns and images emerge that may manifest in the physical world) and Hod (provides analysis and communication) and tells of a period of time when I am aware of my accomplishments and am able to take a moment away from hard work to enjoy what I have. Because the card is reversed, I may be feeling a bit pessimistic about important events today; the Six of Cups is telling me how to deal with that pessimism: remember that I am happy, have been happy in the past, and will be happy, even today.

My Thoth card is The Sun reversed. Now why does that sound familiar? LOL! According to Uncle Al, The Sun in an upright position is about glory, gain and triumph. He is even optimistic about the reversed position (how unlike Crowley!) and feels that a reversed Sun card only tells of a lesser amount of glory, gain and triumph, and does not indicate that those things are blocked.

My Legacy card is the Two of Coins flavored by The Moon reversed. The Two of Coins (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune, in Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, caution, cunning) tells me that everything always ebbs and flows, and since we can’t stop change we must learn to live with it and go with those flows. I need to remember today that “harmony” is created by the blending of different, sometimes conflicting, ingredients. The Moon in an upright position corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, emotional and sensitive energy that strives to stay the same), Pisces (“I believe,” feeling, suffering, soul growth, duality), Qof (the back of the head), and the Path between Malkuth (the physical world of action and physical, outer reality) and Netzach (the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration), and talks about the imagination and fear of the unknown. Of course, both of these concepts can be positive or negative, and since the card is reversed, it is flavoring my Two of Coins by distracting me from the harmony that is truly possible today.

My Pearls of Wisdom Full Moon card is . . . eep! The Tower. **sigh** Okay, The Tower (Fire; Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression; Phe, the mouth or speech; the Path between Hod and Netzach) according to the Pearls of Wisdom Tarot: The continuity of reality is pierced. You are challenged to summon your courage and the spiritual wisdom you have grown to cope with circumstances such as this. The Tower invites self-examination. Grieve your grief. Release resistance. Find clarity within yourself. It is not in your best interest to set things right before chaos has completed its lessons.

My 6-digit date number is 6, the number of vertical and horizontal balance. Well, that is good news.

My horoscopes: “Indecisiveness could be your biggest nemesis today, Sagittarius. The general tone of the day is apt to be quite explosive as a feeling of restriction and discipline comes into conflict with a need to fight and conquer. You might find that your go-with-the-flow, easygoing attitude is exactly what saves you on a day like this. Lay low and let someone else take the lead now.”

And: “Mundane responsibilities may be the last thing you want to deal with -- you've got bigger things on your mind and in your heart. However, your boss doubtless has a different take on what your priorities ought to entail. Meanwhile, your attitude is likely to be along the my-way-or-the-highway axis. You really can deal with this if you try to be a little bit obliging, and it might be a good idea to give it a whirl.”

And: “It's true that having to earn a living isn't always the most agreeable thing that we have to do in life. However, we all know that it is necessary. Have you thought about adding more balance to your life? Remember that all work and no play make Jack a dull boy. This would be a good day to examine your daily life and add some new elements. Yes, it is time for you to choose a hobby.”

Something interesting happened to me at lunch yesterday. Suddenly and without warning, I felt the presence of my Patroness, Danu. She cupped my face in Her hands, and then kissed my mouth, my nose, my ears and my eyes, and then blew gently on my third eye. With a smile, She then disappeared. What was that about? I soon found out; She was celebrating the aha! moment to come.

I came back from the store, sat down with my salad, and finally began to read Gateway of the Gods: An Investigation of Fallen Angels, the Nephilim, Alchemy, Climate Change, and the Secret Destiny of the Human Race, by Craig Hines. I had tried to pick the book up as soon as it arrived, but I just couldn’t seem to focus on it. Now I know why: I was supposed to read the Book of Enoch before this one, and I needed to have the Grimassi book as a catalyst and then do the research that led me to the Book of Enoch. Everything in its own time!

I was instantly fascinated by how Grimassi sees the Watchers, and by the Four Royal Stars of Persia. LOL, my Blog posts make that apparent. But the more I read about Watchers, the more dismayed I became, because Watchers are considered by many to be the Fallen Angels of the Bible who disobeyed Yahweh and did terrible things with humanity, and in the end were cursed by said Yahweh. The Book of Enoch states that Noah’s flood happened because of the interference of the Watchers with humanity! Somehow, as my research led me to the Book of Enoch, and even after I had read the Book of Enoch, I kept thinking and knowing in my heart that Watchers just could not be the evil entities portrayed by many of the “experts” on the subject.

And so, I began reading Gateway of the Gods. To set the stage, my research has already shown me that the terms “Watcher” and “Angel” are mostly interchangeable, representing entities which have completed their evolutionary process and don’t need physical bodies to exist (although they can manifest one if desired). Each of the following paragraphs are all direct quotes from Gateway of the Gods. Since I went back and forth through the chapter several times, I have placed them in the order of their importance to the creation of my aha! moment.

These angels are the same beings referred to as the Watchers in the Book of Enoch. According to the ancient lore collected by Raven Grimassi, the Watchers once had physical bodies of matter, but evolved into non-physical Beings of Light long before humankind came into existence. The Watchers were associated with the stars, and perhaps had even come from the stars in the very remote past. Later, some Stellar cults even considered them to be “stars” who had descended to earth. These angels revealed to the human race things previously hidden from the world of mortals. We are told that the angels were punished for their misdeeds, but their influence can still be felt in today’s religions.

The Book of Enoch is not the only ancient source you can turn to for further information concerning “the fallen ones.” Throughout most of the world, ancient cultures have described gods or god-like beings that came to earth and taught them about agriculture and the ways of civilization. But what was it within Enoch that made so many of the church fathers uncomfortable? It was because the book made implications that were contrary to their accepted doctrine – notably that angels were able to take physical form and have sexual relations with humans.

Just what were these “eternal secrets” that the angels taught to humanity? . . . Therefore, the implication is that these secrets were not bad – only that they were not supposed to be revealed to humanity until a later time.

It was right about there that I suddenly had the most incredible and lovely aha! moment! All Watchers aren’t bad! They are indeed evolved beings, and they have much information, knowledge and wisdom because they are evolved, because they have completed the evolutionary process. Like all power, this information and knowledge and wisdom is not good or evil; rather it is the way the information, knowledge and wisdom are used that can be good or evil. And a group of Watchers (about 200 of them, according to the Book of Enoch) decided to disobey the most basic and important concept of all. They disobeyed the Prime Directive! Yes, I mean **that** Prime Directive.

Okay for all you non-Trekkies out there, here is how Wikipedia defines the Prime Directive:

The Prime Directive is Starfleet's General Order #1, the most prominent guiding principle of the United Federation of Planets. The Prime Directive dictates that there can be no interference with the internal development of pre-warp civilizations, consistent with the historical real world concept of Westphalian sovereignty [my note: the principles of the sovereignty of states and the fundamental right of political self determination, of (legal) equality between states, and of non-intervention of one state in the internal affairs of another state]. It has special implications, however, for civilizations that have not yet developed the technology for interstellar spaceflight (“pre-warp”), since no primitive culture can be given or exposed to any information regarding advanced technology or the existence of extraplanetary civilizations, lest this exposure alter the natural development of the civilization. Although this was the only application stated by Captain Kirk in “The Return of the Archons,” by the 24th Century, it had been indicated to include purposeful efforts to improve or change in any way the natural course of such a society, even if that change is well-intentioned and kept completely secret.

Humanity itself has been guilty of this very kind of interference. Think about just about any time that “modern man” has interacted with “primitive cultures” and brought modern technology to these peoples in order to “better their lives,” and think about the inevitable result, and you will understand very well why the Watchers who disobeyed the Prime Directive were reviled and cursed.

But they can’t all be that way; after all, the existence of Watchers/Angels is acknowledged and mentioned within many cultures, and most of the non-Christian cultures see these entities as non-harmful, and even helpful. I understand now!!! Seeing all Watchers as evil because of the action of a segment of them would be like seeing all humans as evil because of the action of a segment of us.

I knew I needed to completely understand the nature of Watchers/Angels and the Nephilim. I was able to do so as I continued to re-read the chapter again and again. Below are more quotes, paragraphs that helped me.

As stated earlier, the word Nephilim is usually reserved for the children of the Watchers [my note: created when the Watchers had sex with humans]. However, considerable evidence has already been shown that it may not necessarily be so. Nephilim may still indeed refer to the children, but not exclusively. It may be the result of their divine heritage that the have inherited this title.

The most common meanings of nephal [my note: the root source of the word “Nephilim,” the “offspring of Watchers and human women]: 1. To fall (to the ground); 2. To fall (as in battle); 3. To be cast down; 4. To desert a location; 5. To fail. . . . The fourth definition concerns the desertion of a location, which fits with other descriptions of these angels when we are told that they willingly chose to leave their “home” or domain” . . . .

Many mystical teachings describe the earthly plane as being in the midst of several different levels or layers of a heavenly realm. These levels are interconnected, but appear separate because they are operating on different “vibratory frequencies.” As a result, a higher vibration frequency might be considered “up,” while a lower vibrational frequency would be “down.”

The “sons of God” [my note: a Biblical term for Watcher/Angel] is a title reserved for angels when in their heavenly domain (“up”) – but when they “descend” or “fall” to earth, they are lowering their vibratory frequency and the new title of Nephilim, or “fallen ones,” applies.

This also explains the seemingly odd contradiction of why only Noah’s family and the animals in the ark were supposed to survive, and yet the Nephilim apparently weren’t wiped out as intended. . . . It states that the “Nephilim were **on the earth** in those days,” but some translations state that they were “in” the earth. . . . In light of my new explanation, though, perhaps it suggests they were **in** the earthly dimension.

So, what do I see as the real difference between Watchers and Elementals? Elementals are of our earth, they exist because of the effects of the elements and their interaction with each other. They are mostly existing on a non-physical plane but the manifestations of their existence can be felt on the physical plane. Watchers/Angels are of the Universe and all of its dimensions, and beyond. Because Watchers have completed their evolutionary process, they are not as restricted as Elementals (which have their own necessary functions and true values). Watchers are also able to easily guard, guide and affect our workings, although the input and support of Elementals are equally important in their own way, as they directly interact with the elements of our world.

Yes!! Now I can work with Watchers with a clear mind, without worrying that I am tapping into an inevitably destructive entity. Dangerous? Maybe, but so is electricity, if you are careless when working with it.



  1. Talking about the Watchers using the Prime Directive! Marvelous! Now, maybe I don't have to feel as bad when I talk about the changes in my life using Doctor Who's regeneration as a framework!

    Wonderful, wonderful observations and research, dear! Miss you!

  2. *grin* I couldn't wait to hear what you thought of my findings. LOL, you were the first person I thought of, Tara, when I realized that the Prime Directive summed up my thoughts. As I typed it, I thought, "Tara's gonna love this!"

    We need to plan another meeting.

    Full Moon Blessings!
