Thursday, April 14, 2011

Two of Pentacles/The Fool reversed. The Two of Pentacles (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune, in Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, caution, cunning) reminds me that everything always ebbs and flows, and I need to be able to ride the waves in order to take advantage of their energies. The Fool is an Air card (hot/separates and wet/adapts, and challenges that tend to require the use of the intellect to solve), and it also corresponds with Uranus (technology, science, radical change), Aleph (the head, youthful learning) and the Path between Chokmah (male in the electric sense, dynamic energy and the origin of vital force and polarity) and Kether (the source; limitless possibility). The Fool has some pretty powerful energies at his disposal, not to mention his enthusiasm and optimism; because the card is reversed, I might do better today if I plan for all possible outcomes rather than assuming that things will just fall into place on their own. However, that Two of Pentacles tells me that while impulse may not be the choice of the day, dynamic balance might be the compromise.

My Thoth card is The Devil. The Devil corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes, and stable, material, practical energies that are slow to change), Capricorn (“I build,” ambitious, competent, cautious, cunning), Ayin (the eye, senses), and the Path between Hod (which provides analysis and communication) and Tipareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify). It represents bondage and addiction, which can also be seen as a lack of choice. This card can also represent blind ambition, and the secret plans that usually need to be in place to manifest that ambition. In some situations, The Devil can represent the primal impulses that are a part of our survival instinct; I should listen to those impulses, but strive for balance.

My Legacy card is the Three of Swords reversed (eeep!) flavored by the Nine of Wands reversed. The Three of Swords (Saturn, discipline, responsibility, limitations and resistance, in Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation) indicates the possibility of experiencing sorrow or betrayal of some kind. I think this card also tells of the potential for experiencing the isolation that comes when we are excluded from something. Thankfully, the card is reversed; I need to remind myself, often, that it’s not as bad as it looks. The Nine of Wands (Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Sagittarius, “I seek,” philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering) tells of being pro-active in response to issues, of reaching a point of drawing a line in the sand and saying “no further!” The saying associated with this card is that if it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger, and I should not turn away from challenges, for they are an opportunity to test myself, and to grow stronger.

My 6-digit date number is 11 (Archangel Uriel), which reduces to 2, the number of balance and polarity.

My horoscopes: “A new field of interest may require much of your concentration for the next several days, Sagittarius. You could be studying a new spiritual discipline or perhaps an intellectual problem, such as the workings of the universe, or both. Your mind is especially sharp right now, so this is a good time to begin a new course of study. Take occasional breaks to avoid a sore back and eyestrain.”

And: “You have a great deal of physical energy to work with. At times you may feel as if you have an endless wellspring of power that is ready to get up and get moving. At the same time, however, you are at a very climactic point in your yearly cycle when things are coming to a dramatic apex. Difficulties that pertain to this yearly climax are likely to make you act out in a rather violent, aggressive manner if things don't go your way. Find a constructive outlet for all of this physical energy.”

My Sun reading: “You could be busy adjusting, altering, and tweaking under today's Virgo Moon. You'd be wise to check in early in the day. It's possible a few people didn't follow through with delegated tasks. When the Moon aspects a rather nervy Mars tonight, people may suffer from chronic bluntness.”

Ugh, bad migraine last night, along with an upset stomach. I had to bail on the SMPDA Meeting because I could not focus my eyes. I went right to bed, but had trouble falling asleep; it was one of those migraines where laying my head down on the pillow hurt.

Thankfully, I feel better today. Still a slight echo of the headache, but I am keeping an eye on it.

On to the 23rd Path. The 23rd Path is the first of the more abstract Paths on the Tree of Life. I have been through the three Paths of initiation, I have explored the elements of personality, and I have experienced the three Dark Nights. This one connects Hod and Geburah, both of which are on the Pillar of Form, and it is a bit more difficult to understand. Hod represents science, teaching and the intellect, and Geburah teaches us that we don’t know if we have courage unless we feel fear. Geburah is about power, Hod about learning.

So far, the most important words I have found connected to this Path are from Ellen Cannon Reed’s “The Witches Tarot.” She says: “Meditation . . . can be useful in learning about this Path. Mediate as well upon the price one pays for wisdom, and in what coin.”

Water is the element connected to this Path. Water washes away the old and weak, and keeps life moving; it has depths that are not always apparent, and while the surface may appear calm, the depths could be filled with strong currents.

Well, I am off to a start anyway; maybe not as clear as I would like, but I will keep working on this one.


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