Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ace of Swords/Death reversed. The Ace of Swords (Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, caution authority, cunning, Aquarius and Pisces, “I believe,” feeling, duality, soul growth, artistic) can be seen as the birthplace of ideas and concepts, and also the beginning of the development of a sense of identity. The element of Air, which corresponds with the suit of Swords, does not have self-generated impulses. However, and this is a big “however,” Air can become formidable when influenced by the other elements. This means that without activation, the potential contained in this Ace will never manifest; I need to be aware of the presence of this potential, and I need to activate it in order to access it. I also need to remember that challenges bring growth. The Death card corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, and sensitive, imaginative energy that strives to stay the same or take the same course), Scorpio (“I desire,” intense, controlling, deep, mysterious), Nun (fish head; liberation), and the Path between Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify) and Netzach (the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration), and in an upright position, this card as telling of transformation or change, both voluntary and involuntary. Most of the time, this change is connected in some way to existing circumstances, and can seem to be brought about by destruction or endings, but the destruction or endings are not what they seem. I need to remember that the putrefaction (fermentation or decomposition; a necessary phase of a new beginning) of the Death card is a part of new birth, and since the card is reversed, I may either be afraid of the coming change, or I may sense that change is not happening fast enough or the way it was supposed to happen. I need to be aware of this last fact, and I need to pay attention.

My Thoth card is Lust. Crowley saw this card as representing magickal and sexual power. The traditional meaning for the Strength card (Fire, hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive and energetic energy; Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic, egotistical; Teth, sieve or basket, digestion; and the Path between Geburah, the place where forms and structures are challenged or affirmed, and Chesed, the place where forms and structures are stabilized and nurtured) is the presence of the ability to tame our primitive and wild emotions. The Thoth Lust card is filled with symbolism validating this ability, plus Crowley added representations of sex (especially from Revelations of the Bible), and rising Kundalini energy (associated in part with sexual arousal). The woman in the image is riding the seven-headed beast of Revelations, with each head having a correspondence: an angel, a saint, a poet, an adulterous woman, a man of valor, a satyr and a lion-serpent; tradition has it that Uncle Al saw himself in each of these heads. I am being told today that I have energy and power to spare, to infuse into a situation, and I have the courage and strength necessary to direct this energy.

My Legacy card is the Five of Coins reversed, flavored by the Four of Wands reversed. The Five of Coins (Mercury in Taurus) in the Legacy Tarot is about charity; sometimes we are in need of it, badly, and sometimes we are gifted with the opportunity to offer it to another. Charity is paired with dire need, and since this is a Coins card, that need will most likely appear in my physical world, either regarding money, security or health. Because the card is reversed, I will probably not be derailed by this need, but I should be aware of it anyway, and use it; the upset is the first step to better things. The Four of Wands (Venus in Aries, “I want,” action oriented, pioneering, competitive) in an upright position recommends taking a few moments to enjoy viewing progress thus far. However, since the card is reversed, stopping to enjoy the view just might hold within it the danger of stagnation. There is still a lot of work to be done, and now is not the time to rest.

My 6-digit date number is 9, the number of completeness of manifestation.

My horoscopes: You may be out of step with the rest of the world today, Sagittarius, but don't sweat it. This is a good day to finish projects. Your head may be in the clouds and your emotions foggier than usual. Bring more of your fantasy world to the current reality. Don't just talk about lofty ideas and beautiful dreams - live them. You have the power to change every situation for the better.”

And: “The routine of your daily life might not be inspiring you much right now, so today is a good day to explore some stimulation. The good news is, you can easily put yourself into a different frame of mind by putting yourself into a different situation. If long distance travel isn't possible, go for a walk alone in a different part of town, take a long drive to a weekend destination or visit a clothing store that isn't your usual taste. It's all about experiencing new things.”

And: “You may find yourself staring at a blank page for what seems like hours on end while you try to get down on paper what you really want to say. Perhaps your motivation is flagging. Your mind is soaring in the clouds today, and it may be hard for it to keep on task with anything. However, once you start the act of writing, or whatever tasks you need to complete, things seem to flow to completion on their own. “

This is my first week with reduced hours. I now only work Wednesdays, Thursdays and part of Fridays, and I am feeling a bit off center because of the huge change in focus. I am not worried, though; after a week or two, I will be back in the groove. Business cards are ordered for our new business, and they should be ready by some time next week. Then, Helen and I will be ready to start visiting possible venues.

I was in Cape May this past weekend until Tuesday morning. I walked both Monday and Tuesday morning; back into the swing of weekend walking! I saw a really great sunset on Monday night. I headed down to the beach about a half hour before sunset. The sky was absolutely clear, and it was COLD! I had Ancient Echoes playing on my iPod, and I was totally alone on the beach.

The sun was beautiful, a dark golden color and still hard to look at even though it was close to the horizon. The ocean was that lovely dusty aqua color, and I could already see the Belt of Venus, intense and colorful, to the East.

The sun approached the horizon, and then began to “melt” into the water, actually appearing as if the bottom of the sun was being sucked into the ocean. I sat on the jetty and watched as the beautiful flaming orb slowly and gracefully sank into the Delaware Bay. No clouds, Tara, so no glorious reds and oranges and blues and violets; instead, the Sun Father went to bed in a clear, crisp Winter sky. Wish you were there; you would have loved this one.

Tuesday morning, as I walked down to the Cove, I did my New Moon meditation with Hecate. It is getting easier and easier for me to evoke my Elemental Guides without words, using images and effects only. This time, I felt the presence of Cernunnos, and of Hecate, once I had casts my circle and called my Quarters. And typical to Her, just as I am getting the hang of one task, She gives me another. Before the next New Moon, I am to perform a ritual with a magickal working to manifest my new career. This should be done with a focus on the crossroad of dawn. And of course, it is to be done with images and effects only, no words allowed. Hecate also reminded me not to forget my own Dark Moon Goddess, Kali Ma. Hecate explained that She only presents the crossroad; it is Kali who “nudges” me into it and beyond.

I handed in Lesson 4 of my Third Degree Training at Sacred Mists on Tuesday, and whew, that was a complicated and challenging homework assignment. I worked really hard at making my homework answers as personal as possible, and I think I did a good job. I felt a real sense of accomplishment when I hit the Send button, and when I went back to re-read my work, I was pleased. I am maturing as a Witch through these lessons, and I am coming to know myself and my Craft with even more depth, flavor and texture. Yay, me!

Finally, we had a Pagan Brain Trust Reiki Share on Tuesday night, our first with Phillie, our newest PBT member. Another blow-your-mind Share, powerful and potent and filled with heat. Tara cast a sigil again, and played around with the flow of time; I experienced a huge speed-up of time, and then an incredible slow-down, followed by a flash of heat that was incredible, with the Reiki flowing all the while with even and noticeable strength. PBT Reiki Shares rock.


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