Sunday, November 28, 2021

November 28, 2021: The Moon and the Page of Pentacles

The True Black Moon card has the most intriguing image that begs a second glance.  A large crescent Moon is acting as a conduit for a strong flow of water.  Below and in front of the crescent is a woman, seated with her left leg crossed over her right and lit dramatically from above.  One hand holds her long hair back so she can gaze downward unimpeded and the other hand reaches down toward a glass bowl on a three-legged stand at her feet; that bowl contains still water, in which we can see a reflection of her hand.  Above the large crescent, ominously gesturing over the whole image, is a large hand.  The keywords for this card are intuition, psychic, fear, and illusion. 

We have seen the Page of Pentacles before.  The image on this card shows a powerful-looking woman with very short hair pulling herself up into an overgrown canopy of vines so she can reach a golden coin, fruit of the vines above her.  The keywords for this card are physical, earthly, initiative, and practical.  

The Moon is such a powerful card.  It represents the archetype of dreams, instincts, and the anima; all very powerful effects that are internally experienced and that are difficult to be proven to exist through physical-world measuring devices.  Our Moon revolves around our planet in a synchronous rotation, always showing the same face and hiding the features found on the dark side.  Because our Moon is actually reflecting sunlight, its appearance changes as it passes through regular phases in the night sky.  Occasionally, our moon passes through the shadow of the Earth and out of the light of the Sun, causing it to change color and appearance drastically, albeit temporarily.  This reflective action also causes our Moon to appear creamy white when its surface is actually dark.  Our Moon controls the tides of our oceans, and occasionally it completely blocks the light of the Sun for a few dramatic moments.  All of these traits of our own satellite and its effects on our world also apply to the energies of The Moon, and the ever-changing dreams, visions and manifestations this card brings.

Illusion is powerful; it can be a creative catalyst or it can be our downfall.  It can convince a person that something is true and valid when actually the believed-in effect is being created in the mind.  This is neutral, neither good nor bad; it is what we do with that mental belief that matters. The image on the card tells me this, for if I look closely, I will see that ominous hand above the flowing water is actually the same hand that is reaching for the bowl of water at the feet of the woman.  The placebo effect is a perfect example of the power of belief and its ability to encourage a beneficial health outcome.  Humanity's recent embrace of conspiracy theories is an example of the harmful effects of the power of belief.  For me, the True Black card is shining light on the power to be had through viewing things in a different light and through visualizing in detail a desired outcome.  There is energy to be had, energy whose ebb and flow can be controlled in part by how I view things.  Is the glass half full or half empty?  Both are true.

My Page of Pentacles is encouraging me to find the focus within me that will allow me to control that ebb and flow.  She is showing me that I can accomplish this with my own body by pursuing a new understanding of my own power, through physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual efforts.  She tells me I can literally lift myself up by applying muscle power, so the fact that the shining gold coin appears out of reach is actually an illusion.  It turns out that I can reach it after all.

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