Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Empress reversed/Temperance reversed. The Empress (which corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes, and stable, material, practical energies that are slow to change), Venus (beauty, allure, pleasure, relationships), Daleth (door or womb) and the Path between Binah (female receptive energy and the origin of form and structure) and Chokmah (dynamic male energy and the origin of vital force and polarity)) is reversed for me today, and so I am being reminded that focusing on pleasing the senses may not be productive. Discipline will be more important than pleasure, and I may have a bit of trouble connecting to my own body. Temperance connects with Sagittarius (“I seek,” philosophic, adventurous, blundering) Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive, energetic change), Samekh (the tent post), and the Path between Yesod (the place where patterns and images emerge that may manifest into the physical world of action and outer reality) and Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify), and it is one of the Major Arcana cards that presents the concept of dynamic balance.  Because the card is reversed, I should not be focused on balancing extremes.  Perhaps I need to choose one extreme and allow it to manifest, and then ride the wave.  What is not happening here is a connection to Nature and an ability to balance extremes. 

My Thoth card is the Two of Wands reversed. The Two of Wands (Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression, drive, in Aries, “I want,” action oriented, pioneering, assertive, enthusiastic) tells of power, influence and authority.  Because this card is reversed, I am being told to hold back, to not strike out on my own, and to follow the rules.  What is happening here is an inability to connect with my personal power. 

My Legacy card is The Sun reversed, flavored by the Nine of Coins reversed. The Sun corresponds with Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, spontaneous, impulsive and energetic change), our Sun (the inner core of a person or situation), Resh (the face; reason), and the Path between Yesod (the place where patterns and images emerge that may manifest in the physical world) and Hod (provides analysis and communication), and upright, it tells of a time of enlightenment. But my Sun card is reversed, so the messages may not be clear today, or perhaps I will be too tired or distracted to focus on them and understand them. The Nine of Coins (Venus, beauty, allure, relationships, in Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, work and service oriented) in an upright position tells of accomplishment through the imposition of discipline. My reversed card hints at the presence of self-indulgence, and since this card is flavoring my reversed Sun card, what is happening here is this self-indulgence could be clouding over the illumination I need.

LOL, all reversed cards again!  Two days in a row.  My focus needs to be on what is not happening, rather than what is happening.  I threw a clarification card, this time with my Legacy Tarot, and threw the Ace of Wands.  Ooooh, Fire!! The Ace of Wands (Leo, “I am,” passionate, dramatic, egotistical, Virgo, “I serve,” practical, analytical, sensible, orderly) tells of the first spark of a new and exciting creative process; I am being told that I need to find within me the courage to light the dark corners, to visualize my goal, and to know I can succeed. The Ace of Wands represents the light or torch that can guide me to success, but in order to access its potential, I need to agree to carry it.

My 6-digit date number on this “21212” day is 8, the number of a focused and deliberate response to the beginning of degeneration that is the number 7 in order to maintain the harmony of the number 6.

My horoscopes: “A number of new people could come your way, Sagittarius, perhaps through projects of some kind with which you're involved. Some of them may appear to be trustworthy and some may not. Today, however, your instincts are highly attuned and you'll be better than usual at sizing up people you don't really know. Make the most of this ability, and don't let logic get in its way. Follow your heart!

And: “You may feel the need to act out aggressively in regards to the climactic period in your life that is going on right now thanks to long-term trends. There is a great expansion of energy today that is encouraging you to take action. There may be opposition in your way, but keep in mind that you have a great deal of strength on your side. The warrior inside you is ready to fight and you have a great deal of fire burning within.

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding the Seven of Wands.  This card is about protecting what is important to me, and its message is to draw a line in the sand and then stand by it.  The Shadowscapes Companion says, “Do not buckle under a stiff wind, but sway like the bamboo.  Seemingly insurmountable odds can be overcome with faith and courage.” 

Another great beach walk today.  No precipitation; instead the air was cold and the wind was incredibly strong.  I walked into 30 mph-plus sustained winds, and LOL, it was a battle!  But I was dressed for the cold, and was invigorated by the wind.  I did not buckle, but rather continued on, with faith and courage, as described by my Shadowscapes Seven of Wands.

The “Complete Idiot’s Guide to Alchemy” defines Separation as “[a]n operation of alchemy in which useful essences are removed from materials by filtration, sifting, ceration, and chemical binding.”  “Ceration” is the process of adding a liquid by imbibition (surface attraction or wicking) to a solid through the application of heat.  I did a bit of research about chemical binding, and did find a reference explaining that chemical binding (which is about the interactions of molecules with each other or with ions), and chemical bonding (the linking of atoms into molecules) are two different processes.  The process of ligands or peptides inserting themselves into cell wall receptors (which is described in Dr. Candace Pert’s books) would be considered a process of chemical binding.

Okay, I understand this! “Chemical binding” might be a way to describe the workings of the Violet Breath of Reiki, and to explain why the Violet Breath is used during Reiki attunements!  Cool!

The process of personal Separation is described in the Idiot’s Guide as follows: “The operations of Nigredo have broken down your personality into your most basic traits and desires, and during the first stage of the Albedo, you become aware of the pure essences within and isolate them from ego complexes and unwanted subconscious elements.”  Of course, this process is enabled and strengthened through the application of Fire, as heat in the chemical version of the Great Work, and as either a total upset of routine, or a raising of the Kundalini, or both, in the psychological version of the Great Work.  Separation requires decisive action, but that action must be accomplished through the process of perception. 

Action and reaction!


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