Thursday, January 21, 2021

January 21, 2021: 8 of Swords and The Emperor

Today, my Inner Focus card is the 8 of Swords.  The image on this card shows a head shot of a man wearing rough clothes and a straw hat that has seen better days.  His jaw is grizzled and sweat is dripping from his temples and splattering his face.  He is just stepping from the blazing sun through a doorway, wiping his brow with his wrist.  He looks spent and exhausted.  The key phrase associated with this card is: even though you are tired, react to adversity with self-confidence.

My Outer Focus card for today is The Emperor.  The Decameron Tarot Emperor is a mature man, not yet gray, who is seated. Behind him is a wall or tapestry showing antlered deer and fruit-laden trees. Before him is a jester who fits the archetype: he is a gray-haired dwarf dressed in full harlequin with bells on his shoes, his hood and his hat.  The jester holds a multi-colored staff of office; on top is a naked woman seated with her knees spread wide. Behind the Emperor is a young and naked woman with a smile on her face; she has her arms wrapped loosely around his shoulders, affectionately holding him in place, and the Emperor's head is resting between her substantial breasts.  The jester is in the process of removing the Emperor's ermine-fringed robe, and the Emperor looks quite startled.  The key phrase for this card is: don't be ashamed of young ardor, old age brings power but refusing to love is the beginning of the end.

Clear message here.  Inside, I may feel as if my well of energy is almost dry, but as I step into the cool shade for a brief respite, I should remind myself that giving up is not an option.  Perhaps today I need to look around at the possibly unorthodox tools that are available to me that will re-ignite my enthusiasm.  I have a responsibility to maintain order and keep the trains running on time, and I need to remember just how lucky I am because I have this kingdom to care for.  Both of these cards present the concept of being stoic and focused and confident, and yet each card presents that respite, the cool shade for the man on the 8 of Swords, and the reminder of the joy of being pleasantly surprised for the Emperor.  

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