Thursday, September 2, 2010

Justice reversed/Page of Swords. Justice (Air, hot/separates and wet/adapts; Libra, “we are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation; Lamed, ox goad, train and teach; the Path between Tiphareth, the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify, and Geburah, the place where forms and structures are challenged or affirmed) in an upright position tells us that we don’t get what we expect, we get what we deserve. Traditionally, the Justice card has at least one sword on it, usually a double edged sword, pointing upward. This makes the Justice card, even in the reversed position, connected to the Page of Swords. The Pages offer the Ace of the suit, and this Page is no exception. Since the suit of Swords is connected with the intellect and the workings of the mind, this Page tells me that now is the time to be enthusiastic about teaching and learning of all kinds. Perhaps in doing so, I will be able to mitigate any negative karma brought about by the energies of the Justice card reversed.

My Thoth card is the lovely Queen of Cups. To me, this Queen is a lesser version of The High Priestess, but Uncle Al sees her as filled with dreaminess, illusion and tranquility. She is patient, able to receive and transmit without being herself affected; however everything that passes through her can end up distorted.

My Legacy card is Judgement reversed, flavored by The Magician reversed. Judgement (Fire, hot/separates and dry/shapes; Pluto (power, metamorphosis, cycles; Shin, fang; and the Path between Malkuth, the physical world of action and physical, outer reality, and Hod, which provides analysis and communication) in an upright position represents the communication of the Divine with the individual, and it represents the examination and assessment of what was done, and the imposition of either a reward or a price for the outcome. The Magician (Air, Mercury, reason, intelligence, skill, communication; Beth, house, builder; and the Path between Binah, female, receptive energy and the origin of form and structure, and Kether, the source, limitless possibility) is the great connector; he has the skills to make use of the tools offered to him by the Divine and by the energies and effects of the world. Both cards are reversed, and it sounds to me that I may not be very effective today as far as accomplishing my goals and clearing the slate for the next round of tasks.

My 6-digit date number is 3, the number of manifestation of new things.

My horoscopes: “You may be feeling a bit more in touch with your warrior side than your emotional side today, Sagittarius. More than likely this will set the stage for conflict in your world of hopes and dreams. Be careful that you aren't too aggressive toward people who are just trying to help you. The danger here is that you're most likely to hurt the ones closest to you. Be careful.”

And: “Someone you've been just dying to confide in -- to confide your really deep, really meaningful feelings to -- is absolutely wide open to those feelings right now. The time is right for you to sit down, have a nice, long chat with that person and subtly work your way toward the topic you want to cover. Oh, and don't be surprised if they open the discussion before you do.”

And: “All dissatisfactions will be abolished today as you systematically confront and resolve all the little problems that have been bothering you lately. Your tolerance threshold is low, or non-existent. Give a wide berth to friends or family members who have been irritating you lately. Your wardrobe improves dramatically as once and for all you discard all those clothes that don't fit, or no longer suit you . . . .”

Well, so far our family vacation has been wonderful. The weather could not be nicer; it has been in the 90s during the day, and the low 70s or high 60s at night. The water has been warm and not too rough. The food and the music have been great.

I spent more than three hours on Saturday and Sunday mornings with my brother-in-law at Sunset Beach, watching the tide come in at a small stream which empties into the Delaware Bay. Lovely mornings!

I also did two massages. Awesome! With the possibility of a third this evening.

I head back down tonight. We will have a bit of excitement this weekend, for Hurricane Earl is approaching and will probably brush by on Friday afternoon. This will be the second Labor Day Weekend with a hurricane; Ernesto was a few years ago.


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