Wednesday, December 8, 2021

December 7, 2021: Knight of Swords and Ace of Pentacles

Yes, I know; today is the 8th.  But yesterday's card throw when taken with the cards of the day before are important enough to me that I need to interpret them.  I did not have time yesterday to do so, but here I am, better late than not at all.

The True Black Knight of Swords image shows a very active Knight leaping and waving two Swords in the air.  They cross over his head and where the Swords cross, they glow.  His armor is silver in color and aerodynamic in style, allowing for lots of movement and at the same time offering protection.  Behind our Knight flutters written pages.  The keywords for this card are direct, logical, cutting, and agile.   After pondering the two cards of December 6 for a bit, I felt that this Knight of Swords was representing The Hubs.

The other card in this throw is the Ace of Pentacles. The image on this one shows a large golden coin floating among vines laden with golden coins; in the background are jagged mountains and in the shadow of that large golden coin are a hammer and an axe.  The keywords for this card are wealth, stability, practicality, and working.

Here I am being given additional understanding of the mental workings and focuses of The Hubs.  As a bit of background, he owns his own business and has worked for himself for almost 30 years.  He works hard, seven days a week when necessary.  He does manifest the potential of the Ace of Pentacles, which tells of a stable business built upon trust, hard work and an eye to the future.  The golden coins prolifically blooming on the week-tended vines tell of a long-term project that is nurtured and loved, and that is his attitude about his business.  The Knight of Swords uses his mind as well as his physical energy the same way that The Hubs uses his mind as well as his physical energy to bring in business and to keep current clients happy.

There you go . . . The Hubs in a nut shell.

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