Wednesday, December 30, 2020

December 30, 2020: 7 of Swords and 9 of Pentacles

We are almost to the end of this calendar year.  Let's look at the Decameron Tarot cards of the day, both Minor Arcana cards.

My Inner Focused card is the 7 of Swords.  The image on this one is another of the few images in this deck that does not contain a single person.  It shows a square-shaped castle surrounded by a solid stone wall up on a hill; the hill is covered by green growth with a clear, blue sky in the background.  The arched doorway and arched windows appear open and they are dark; we can't see inside the castle at all.  The key phrases for this card are: plans within the darkness of night; hidden complicity.  

The scene depicted in this card image seems harmless.  The sun is shining, the sky is clear, the grass and trees are thick with summer growth, and there are no enemies in sight.  However, there are no friends in sight either, and in fact, there is not a single person to be seen either in or around this castle.  The castle itself is made of strong stone blocks, and the windows appear kind of small for such a building.  While things appear quiet, we have no idea what is going on inside of the building, and it appears that everyone might be in on whatever is being planned, except for the observer.  If we think about the meaning of the suit, the element of Air, the mind, and the qualities of thought, we could interpret this card as representing someone who has shielded themself from the outside world, not because there are others around or because there is a storm outside, but rather so no one can see what they are thinking.  

My Outer Focused card is the 9 of Pentacles.  We just saw this card the other day, also in the Outer Focus position, but this time the meaning is changed a bit by that Inner Focus card.  The image on the Decameron 9 of Pentacles shows a naked woman laying on a made bed with her eyes closed and a smile on her face, her arms behind her head and her knees and lower legs hanging off the mattress; beneath her are her multi-colored pieces of clothing (appearing to be harlequin) and a belt.  She is wearing a hat that covers most of her hair and a mask over her eyes and nose; she appears quite pleased with herself.  The key phrase associated with this card is: a pleasant surprise and long-lasting situation.

Previously the 9 of Pentacles was paired with XVI The Tower, and while The Tower is not pleasant to deal with, there is nothing hidden about the effects of that card.  Now, however, we are dealing with hidden complicity, and suddenly there are changes to the meanings of our 9 of Pentacles.  Yes, she looks happy, but she is alone.  The bed is made, not rumpled as if a partner had just left.  The belt lying next to her suddenly looks like a serpent.  Even her mask becomes something to think about; why is she hiding her identity?

I'm interpreting these two cards as a warning.  Someone has been working behind the scenes, hiding in plain sight, to manifest their own agenda, and they are pretty satisfied with how things are going.  Things are not hopeless, though.  In the end, those conspiring in the dark are blind to what is happening outside their strong walls, and spending time alone in order to gloat can create a false sense of power.  I need to be aware today, and to protect myself but not to the extent that I block out the outside world.  If I do that, I will end up as blind as those portrayed in these two cards.  

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