Monday, August 31, 2015

8/26/15 The Moon and the Page of Cups

I chose my Llewellyn Welsh Tarot today, hoping for some clarification or advice, and I threw The Moon and the Page of Cups. 

The Moon of the Tarot Major Arcana corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts, emotional and sensitive energy that strives to stay the same), Pisces (“I believe,” feeling, suffering, soul growth, duality), Qof (the back of the head), and the Path between Malkuth (the physical world of action and physical, outer reality) and Netzach (the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration), and is about feelings and emotions and instincts and the subconscious.  This card tells of falsehood and illusion, deception and chaos, and the Dark Night of Soul, and about magick and mystery. The Moon also tells of being either drawn to or susceptible to the effects of these things (and their manifestation can either be helpful or harmful). 

The Llewellyn Welsh Moon card shows an owl soaring over the waters of a lake, full moon in the sky.  In the distance are rock formations and hills, both of which hint at a gateway or pass.  The moon is reflected on the surface of the lake, but not the shadow of the owl; hmmm . . . wonder why?  In the foreground of the image, we can see under the surface of the water.  We see fish and water plants; there is life under there.  But we can’t see more than just a glimpse, for the surface reflects moonlight in our eyes.  We are susceptible to distraction because of the light of the moon, and the waves and tides ebb and flow, distorting what we see.  Our visions are powerful, so powerful that they disorient, and things that look familiar to us under the light of the sun appear different now.  But they have not changed, only our perception of them has changed.  If I remember that things might not be as they seem, I should be able to control my fear of the dark.  And perhaps seeing things in this different way will bring this answer: “. . . we decide which is right, and which is an illusion.”

The Page of Cups corresponds to Libra (“we are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation), Scorpio (“I desire,” intensity compulsion, mystery) and Sagittarius (“I seek,” philosophic, adventurous, blundering) and is a card of soft and tender energies and of getting fulfillment through connections to others, and through innocent and simple joys.  Often this card is seen as representing a more immature version of the Queen of Cups, and that means this Page might be seeing the world through rose-colored glasses.  The Page of Cups is Earth of Water, and thus all about feelings and sensations, particularly pleasant feelings and sensations.

The Llewellyn Page of Cups is another card whose image is filled with Water; unlike The Moon and its deep and silent lake, the Page of Cups stands precariously on a rock, surrounded by the spray and foam of crashing waves.  Our Page stands steadily, holding up a Cup with a fish jumping above it.  This Page feels safe here, trusting that the rock will hold steady and understanding the waves and the tides (and applying that understanding), and their push and pull.  This is a card of cheerfulness and innocent optimism, of romance and playfulness and imagination and beautiful creativity.  There’s some good news!

The way forward may not seem immediately clear to me today, and that could be because the way forward is not properly illuminated.  That is not necessarily bad, for the light may be dim but sometimes the softer light allows more subtle messages to appear.  I should remember that fear can distort things even more; I should not be afraid of the dark, and if things seem uncertain, choose the prudent path.  I should also remember that I’ve faced fear before and survived, so if I stand tall and steady and face my fear with a smile on my face, emotions and visions won’t throw me off balance.  I have the experience and the training to not only survive, but to prosper!

How is that for optimism?!


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