King of
Cups reversed/Three of Cups reversed. The
King of Cups (cusp of Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation, and
Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling mysterious, obsessive) is the expert
on emotions and the subconscious, mainly because of his life experiences. When upright, he is able to be calm,
caring and diplomatic, and still get things done by getting others working
together in a productive way. The Three of Cups (Mercury,
reason, intelligence, orderliness, communication, in Cancer, “I feel,”
sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody) in an upright position is about
connections, emotional abundance, and about blessings. There is a commonality to these two
cards: they are both about effectively using emotions and feelings and the
subconscious to connect with others in a beneficial way. The message is clear I think, and at
least for today, I need to focus my emotions and feelings inward, not out
towards others.
Thoth cards are the Seven of Swords (“Futility”) and The High Priestess. The Seven of Swords (Moon, feelings
and emotions, illusion, imagination, in Aquarius, “I know,” friendships,
cause-oriented, the group, aloofness) tells of the effort to maintain things as
we want them, often through the use of deception and without considering the
wants or needs of others. To me,
my Seven of Swords is presenting a warning. It seems that my mind might be focusing so much on how I
want things to be that I am losing the ability to think out of the box. The High
Priestess (Water; the Moon, feelings and emotions, illusion, imagination; Gimel, the camel who safely crosses Da’ath, the Abyss, and
thus, has the secret of life; and the Path between Tiphareth, the hub of the
creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify,
and Kether, the source, limitless possibility), is one-half of the Major Arcana
representation of the Sacred Feminine, with The Empress being the other half.
The High Priestess is the source of the power of The Magician, the feminine
version of The Hierophant, and the Keeper of the Mysteries. She is the Gatekeeper who determines
whether I am ready to experience the Mysteries, and if I listen to my Seven of
Swords, I may not even see that The High Priestess has arrived in my card
spread today, much less gain access to her knowledge and wisdom.
Legacy card is the Knight of Swords, flavored by the Nine of Swords
reversed. Hmmmm . . . good advice.
The Knight of Swords
(the cusp of Taurus, “I have,” sensual, stubborn, cautious, and Gemini, “I
think,” curious, talkative, dual, intelligent) is outspoken, assured, alert,
and logical, as well as rude, domineering, critical and sarcastic. His daring and courage are impressive, but
he can also be disruptive, too.
While all of the Knights can be considered as mercinaries, the Knight of
Swords truly personifies this career.
My Knight is encouraging me to use my mind, my intellect, and my powers
of analysis and deduction to solve the challenges of the day. He is being flavored by the reversed
Nine of Swords, and that is a clear validation. The Nine of Swords
(Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression, in Gemini, “I think,” curious,
talkative, social, dual) in an upright position represents brooding and
worrying, usually self-caused, and usually unproductive. Often the worrying attached to this
card is connected to insecurity or suspicion, or it is connected to things that
are over and done with, and thus unchangable. Since the Knight of Swords tends to be a bit, shall we say,
intense about the manifestation of his suit, he can sometimes get caught in an
“analysis paralysis,” but sice my Nine of Swords is reversed, that is unlikely
to happen, so I can give my Knight free reign. Well, almost free reign.
6-digit date number is 7, the number that tells of the pause that appears when
growth slows and degeneration approaches, often requiring a choice of some
horoscopes: “The mood you're in today is the stuff of which memorable
encounters are made. You'll be wary at first, perhaps even somewhat hostile, to
anyone who dares intrude on your freedom. Then suddenly you'll realize that
this person is someone special, intriguing, and definitely out of the ordinary.
Finally, Sagittarius, you'll realize that the qualities he or she offers just
happen to be those you need the most right now.”
And: “Try
not to let yourself get sucked into participating in idle gossip. There will be
rumors flying today, and you would be best advised to take cover. While it is
true that there is some truth to the gossip, the embellishments to the story
have blown everything out of proportion. Feelings are likely to get hurt. If
you do not want yours to be among them, steer clear of the whispers.”
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