Tuesday, April 5, 2022

April 5, 2022: V of Cups and Justice; a bit about Separation.

The image on the V of Cups cards shows Cups with cracks and leaking water, with a few seeming to be already empty due to a massive crack.  The image itself is pure black and white and seems depressing, desolate and "blah."  The keywords for this card are loss, defeat, sorrow, and difficulty. 

The figure on the Justice card stands tall and faces the observer, but her eyes and face are hidden behind a white veil held in place by a golden crown (representing the authority of impartial truth).  In her right hand (the traditional hand of power) she holds the sword that executes justice and equalizes wrongdoing; in her left hand (traditionally the receptive hand) she holds the scales that measure the weight of one's heart.  Behind her is a holograph of the constellation Libra, one of the four cardinal virtues of Rome (Prudence, Courage and Temperance are the other three).  The keywords of this card are fairness, impartiality, karma, and clarity.


The V of Cups is a card of painful emotions that might include despair, failure, arguments or discord, or the end of a relationship.  There certainly is no reason to see the V of Cups as unrelenting loss.  Yes it tells of some pain or difficulty, but the ending of an important emotional relationship could end up being a release from bondage, if the relationship was a toxic one.  The failure of one effort could offer possibilities to be obtained in a new direction.


The True Black version of the Justice card is about blind justice (rather than the Divine justice that is present when the figure looks into the viewer's eyes), although there are some interpretations regarding a blindfolded figure as representing ignorance of some necessary facts.  Arthur sees her as a sentinel who answers to no man or no power, but only to the searing light of truth (represented by the glowing orb behind her head).  Justice weighs both the cause of the issue in play and the effects of the manifestation of that issue.  The figure representing Justice must understand those concepts and then present a conscious and deliberate response to what has occurred thus far in a completely impartial manner, without allowing emotions or prejudices or expectations or favoritism to affect any outcome.   Not an easy task, by any means.  Her sword tells us that action must be taken based upon the facts of the matter, for choosing to not judge is not an option.  


As far as Dignities, we are dealing with the suit of Cups and element of Water, a passive element which represents cold that binds and wet that adapts, and the number 5, which can be seen here as something that stirs and roils still waters.  Justice corresponds with the element of Air, an active element which represents heat that separates and wet that adapts.  Both elements have the ability to adapt in common.  Perhaps the discomfort of the V of Cups can be eased by knowing that the right action has been taken, no matter how personally painful.


The next step in the Great Work is Separation, which is about sorting, filtering and separating the remains of Calcination and Dissolution in order to isolate what is programmed and to select what is real.  Here we begin to explore our beliefs and experiences in a non-judgmental way through our intuition rather than through our judgmental ego.  Separation encourages us to strengthen our ability to be mindful and to be aware of opposites; it is about the purification of courage, power, and the Will.  Separation corresponds with the substance of Air, the planet Mars, the metal Iron, and the color orange-red.  It corresponds with Manipura, the solar plexus chakra, and with the yogic path of the control of the mind and the senses.  To me, Separation corresponds with The Magician, the card of power, skill, and attainment in the physical world that corresponds with Air.


Monday, April 4, 2022

April 4, 2022: King of Wands and King of Pentacles

The card image on the True Black King of Wands shows a man standing tall and proud, wearing a golden robe and a crown of golden peacock feathers, holding his staff of office in his right hand and raising his left hand in a gesture of power and greeting.  He is stepping forward with confidence, eyes gazing directly at the viewer.  The keywords for this card are commanding, inspiring, uniting, and creating. 

The image on the King of Pentacles shows a ruler who is strong and sturdy.  His clothes are embellished with gold coins, and above he's head are huge golden antlers also decorated with gold coins.  He is leaning on a massive stone boulder, and holds a forging hammer in one hand with a large gold coin floating over the other hand.  The keywords for this card are entrepreneur, forging, supportive, and successful.


The King of Wands is about status and honor that bring both personal achievement as well as contributions related to creativity, knowledge, and quality of life.  This King is a charismatic commander who inspires others and rallies them to his cause, fearlessly leading his people into a prosperous future.


The King of Pentacles of this deck is reliable, sturdy and successful, and he is a master at playing the long game and planning ahead.  His forging hammer symbolizes his ability to create his own opportunities, his own wealth.  He is relaxed and confident enough to lean on that huge boulder, someone who can be depended on during difficult times. 


Since we have two Kings today, let’s explore this rank a bit.  The Kings sit at the top of the Pillar of Force on the Tree of Life, located in the sephira of Chokmah, representing the Sacred Masculine and the Catalyst of Life.  Chokmah is seen as dynamic thrust, the Ultimate Positive, the Great Stimulator and the Great Fertilizer (one of the symbols of Chokmah is the penis.  The energies of this sephira (and the rank of King) represent dynamic male (outer and active, not necessarily sexual maleness) energy and vital force.


Within Elemental Dignities, the Kings show us what happens when Air (the rank of King) is affected by Earth, Water, Fire and Air.  The King of Wands displays Air (heat that separates and wet that adapts) as affected by Fire (heat that separates and dry that shapes).  Air and Fire are both active and have heat that separates in common, which means they are friendly and supportive of each other.  This King can be said to use the intellect to strengthen the Will by manifesting both passion and his personal ideals. Our King of Wands enjoys the creativity and enthusiasm that Fire brings and the rapidly and visibly increasing growth that is stimulated by this combination can be exciting for him.


The King of Pentacles displays Air (heat that separates and wet that adapts) as affected by Earth (cold that binds and dry that shapes, with nothing in common with Air).  Air and Earth weaken each other; Air is active and does not like the heavy slowness of Earth and Earth is passive and does not like the restless and easily-moved Air.  However, in good circumstances (such as the presence of two Kings), our King of Pentacles can use his resources, his wealth, and his health to stimulate growth and support physical manifestations, for the good of all.


In the end, these two Kings can be a powerful influence in my day.  I do need to keep in mind that a bit of grounding might be a good thing, though.




Saturday, April 2, 2022

April 2, 2022: VII of Pentacles and The Sun; a bit about Dissolution

The image on the VII of Pentacles shows six gold coins on one side of a scale and a list of tasks on the other side; that list of tasks is just a bit heavier than the gold coins.  Below the coin side of the scale is some unharvested wheat; below the task list are Lily of the Valley in bloom.  In front of them all is a large gold coin, partially buried in the soil.  The keywords for this card are reward, evaluation, rest, and pride. 

The Sun of the True Black Major Arcana shows a woman joyfully and confidently spinning and dancing, scattering petals from the sunflowers gathered at her feet.  Behind her and centered on her head is a hologram of a beautiful starburst with rays stretching through more than half of the card image.  Imposed in front of the star are nine dots of varying diameter, representing the planets of our solar system.  The keywords for this card are warmth, joy, insight, and celebration.


We have recently dealt with the number 7 recently; it represents the pause that happens as growth slows and degeneration approaches that gives us the opportunity to check in with things and determine whether we have done sufficient work, or we need to do more.  The True Black VII of Pentacles is a great metaphor for this idea because it shows a scale with coins on one side and a To-Do list on the other.  Below the scale are some lily of the valley blossoms, representing protection and good luck, which bodes well even though the To-Do list appears to be a bit more heavy than the pile of coins.  The Sun is a card of illumination, telling us that we can successfully perceive our challenges and their possible solutions, and since we have done the work we should take our moment of satisfaction and glory.


Of course, The Sun of the Tarot Majors corresponds with our own Sol and with the element of Fire, an active element representing heat that separates and dry that shapes.  Tarot Major Arcana cards represent long-term effects so they are not greatly affected by Minor Arcana cards in the long run, but our suit of Pentacles and element of Earth (which is passive and corresponds with cold that binds and dry that shapes) might have a temporary and subtle ability to affect the Fire of The Sun.  A bit of clouds perhaps that will cause the sun to dim for a little while.  I’ll take those passing clouds, then enjoy the warmth and illumination of The Sun.  Once I finish my To-Do list, of course.


The next step in the Great Work is Dissolution, considered to be the process of purification of the vessel, and it is performed by dissolving the ashes of Calcination in water and washing away impurities, as well as emotions that no longer serve us.  Dissolution offers us psychological education and cibation, which is the purification of feelings through the salt in our tears, as well as ways to deal with and begin to understand the subconscious.  Dissolution corresponds with the substance of Water, the planet Jupiter, the metal of Tin, and the colors white or light blue.  It corresponds with Svadhisthana, the sacral chakra, and the yogic path of personal improvement and asana (or the freeing of body energy).  To me, Dissolution corresponds with The High Priestess, the card of intuition, hidden knowledge and higher awareness that corresponds with Water.  


Friday, April 1, 2022

April 1, 2022: VII of Swords and IV of Pentacles; brief notes about Calcination

The image on the True Black VII of Swords shows a white rat, a known carrier of disease and symbol of betrayal, in front of a dark and shadowy curtain that is pierced from behind by the blades of six Swords.  Dangling ominously above the rat, point down, is a seventh golden Sword.  The keywords for this card are betrayal, thievery, plotting, and dishonor. 

The image on the IV of Pentacles shows four heavy and large golden coins embedded in the ground.  Above them is an intricate spider web; trapped in the web are blue butterflies.  One additional butterfly appears to be flying toward that web.  The keywords for this card are hoarding, greed, materialism, and stagnation.


To me, the VII of Swords indicates the achievement of an empty victory by fighting hard to hold the current rules in place, even if they have become a danger to ourselves or to others.  The True Black VII of Swords represents this as well, with the added possibility this danger will be subverted or hidden to prevent interference.  In the Tarot, the number 7 can be seen as reaching a pause or pinnacle that offers us a choice, and it appears this choice could have life-changing effects, not necessarily good ones.


The coins in the image of the IV of Pentacles look heavy; to emphasize that appearance, they are deeply embedded in the ground to the point that removing them would be difficult.  The vines growing on the coins reinforce the idea that they are stuck for good.  This card reminds us that wealth does nothing if we keep it hidden safely away.  To make these coins valuable, they must become something, they must be used in order to create something.  Like the number 7, the number 4 tells of a pause, this pause caused by stability and control, rather than the opportunity to choose.


Pulling Elemental Dignities into the interpretation, we have learned that Earth (Pentacles) is passive, representing cold that binds and dry that shapes, and Air (Swords) is active, representing heat that separates and cold that adapts.  They are unfriendly, which means their effects actively cancel each other out or take away the power of the other element to act.  The IV of Pentacles represents holding onto something to the point of hoarding, and the VII of Swords represents fighting hard to hold the current rules in place, even if they are not benefiting me or have even become a danger to me.  Hoarding resources and deliberately choosing to selfishly subvert a situation by insisting on my own rules are the results of this unfriendly combination.


I certainly need to pay attention today.  My mind may be trying to cling to something that will not work, perhaps something in the physical world that is stuck or being difficult, or just being invisible through not moving.  Hmmmm . . . .

I've been exploring the rabbit hole that is the alchemical Great Work once again, in part because of my VII of Cups card that appeared in my previous post.  I find that typing things out helps to crystallize them in my mind, so here is just a bit about Calcination.

Calcination is the process of burning something over an open flame until only ash remains.  It is considered to be purification by fire.  Calcination is also seen as the destruction of ego, the first step in the Great Work because ego can not only cloud our perceptions, but also control them for its own benefit.  Thus we must experience the destruction of ego through psychological disintegration in order to meet and understand our Shadow.  Physically, the open flame can be represented by metabolic or aerobic discipline, which helps in the purification of thoughts.  Calcination corresponds with the element or substance of Fire, the planet Saturn, the metal of Lead, and the colors black, magenta or purple-red.  It corresponds with Muladhara, the root chakra, and the yogic path of abstention.  To me, The Tower is the Major Arcana card that best corresponds with Calcination, for this card represents sudden changes and upheavals, and corresponds with the element of Fire.  


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

March 30, 2022: VII of Cups and V of Swords; a hint at the 7 steps of the alchemical process

I just love the Tarot Minor Arcana Seven of Cups card!  The True Black version of the VII of Cups shows seven Cups arranged in front of a beautiful golden castle.  The seven floating Cups each contain a manifestation of desire: a hummingbird, a butterfly, a snake, a fish, a salamander, and a mouse or rat, with vapors rising up out of the seventh Cup and surrounding the castle, as if it had risen out of that seventh Cup.  The keywords for this card are fantasies, daydreams, illusions, and procrastination.  

The V of Swords shows a large sickle-shaped golden Sword with the handle down; the base is surrounded by white flowers which are healthy close to the golden Sword but the ones farther away are drying up.  Behind this Sword are four other Swords with points down and handles up; these Swords are cracked and broken.  Each of the four Swords is attached to the larger Sword by a gold cord.  The keywords for this card are selfish, criminal, immoral, and conflict.

We have several things to consider here.  Numerically, the number 7 is a passive number, passive for the moment anyway as it indicates some kind of pause while we consider our options, and the number 5 is an active number which imposes action onto stability in order to prevent stagnation.  Elementally, Water is a passive element that represents the cold that binds and the wet that adapts, and Air is an active element that represents the heat that separates and the wet that adapts.  These two elements are neutral and can tend to cancel each other out, but they do retain their individual energies, effects and consequences.  Both Air and Water are adaptable and if used with balance, the intellect and the emotions can coexist in a beneficial way.  

The V of Swords to me always warns of some kind of selfishness or devious action, but that is not necessarily sourced from within me.  What I need to remember whether I am on the doing end or the receiving end is that selfishness is promoting one's benefit at the expense of others; not an ethical thing at all even if it appears beneficial.  Forewarned is forearmed.  

The VII of Cups is a fascinating card.  It reminds us that dreams can sometimes blind us to reality, that too many possibilities could mean we end up with nothing, and that if we allow any one dream to shine brighter than the others, we might miss something important.  There are Major Arcana correspondences to the contents of each of the seven Cups, with the castle connected to The Tower, the veiled figure with The High Priestess, the jewels with The Wheel, the laurel wreath with The World, the woman with The Empress, the snake with The Magician, and the dragon with The Sun.  Thus, the VII of Cups is connected to each of these Majors, or at least connected to the possible manifestation of each of the Majors, if one or more is chosen. 

 I just read that the seven steps of the alchemical Great Work can be connected to the seven Cups of this card!!  The article did not offer which alchemical step was connected with which Cup, so I am off to travel down a new rabbit hole.  I am gathering together correspondences of the Major Arcana cards and the seven steps, so I can determine the commonalities.  Don't worry, I will share the fun once I get a grasp on things.

Monday, March 28, 2022

March 28, 2022: Knight of Cups and II of Cups

 Beautiful but cold sunny day today.  My son's solar return is today; Happy Birthday, My Dear!

The Knight of Cups wears beautifully designed armor fashioned from gold that looks dramatic and eye-catching but that might not work so well in a battle.  Our Knight wears a mask of gold that completely covers his eyes, with double wings and a stylized halo made of golden vines above and behind his head.  He wears fancy epaulets made of gold on his shoulders and a stylized golden kilt with many strands of gold coins hanging like a fringe at the front closure.  He has one hand on his heart, and the other hand holds a golden rose which is beginning to lose its petals.  Beside him floats a dagger made of water, which is beginning to drip into a cup floating just below the dagger's point.  The water in the cup appears to be sloshing about.  The keywords for this card are emotional, brooding, artistic, and dreaming.

The image on the II of Cups shows two Cups of clear water tilted toward each other, as if they were clinking together in a toast.  Above them circle two golden fish; above the fish is a golden arrow, broken in half.  The keywords for this card are connection, partnership, union, and romance.

My Knight of Cups hints at an intensity of feelings that could be associated with the physical world; after all, Water is one of the two elements that can be perceived by our physical senses (the other element is Earth).  The Knight of Cups is a dreamer whose mind is filled with all kinds of exciting ideas and possibilities.  However, because he is a Knight, he tends to carry his suit to an intensity that just might separate him from reality.  We have only to think about the purpose of the Knight in the hierarchies of his world to understand this.  He is a soldier, but usually he is not free to indulge his own needs or values.  Rather, he is pledged to a Liege or Lord.  He receives support, arms, armor, etc. as well as payment from his Lord, and in return he works to the benefit of that Lord.  Our Knight of Cups might not be the best soldier, but his ability to visualize, create, and think out of the box would be quite valuable.

The II of Cups shows an awareness or initial manifestation of emotions or feelings or visions.  The number 2 represents balance, polarity (such as night/day), duality (such as yin/yang), comparison, and bonding, and it offers both connection and direction (because it represents "distance between").  The number 2 can also be seen as a gateway (two pillars can represent a gateway), and in the Tarot the Minor Arcana II cards show us energy that is pure or at face value, without the influences of such things as catalyst, motion, stillness or action taken.

Using Elemental Dignities to bring more understanding, we find that the rank of Knight corresponds to the Element of Fire (which is active and represents heat that separates and dry that shapes).  Both of our cards are from the suit of Cups which corresponds with the element of Water (which is passive and represents cold that binds and wet that adapts), which has nothing in common with Fire.  Our Knight of Cups is in conflict because his mind is filled with dreams and ideas and creations and elegant stories, yet he exists within a rank that is about bravery and passions and dominance and power.  Oh, our Knight of Cups understands the passion part of this, just not the use of power to dominate others.  Our II of Cups reinforces this misunderstanding of dominance because the number 2 represents partnerships, and this encourages another skill of our Knight of Cups: the ability to ease tensions and find commonalities that will bring lasting peace, so everyone can prosper.  

Sunday, March 27, 2022

March 27, 2022: Destiny and the VIII of Pentacles

We're bracing for a cold front here, and I fear that my camilla blossoms will not survive.  Thankfully I have plenty of daffodils to enjoy.

The True Black Destiny card is the equivalent of The Wheel of Fortune of the Major Arcana.  The image on this card shows a near-human entity, seated with his legs folded in a lotus position.  Destiny, interestingly enough, has four arms and extremely powerful shoulders and chest, but those are not the most alien traits.  His face, what we can see of it, has a beast-like snout and the top of his head is actually a multi-dimensional infinity portal filled with dancing orbs and strands of fate that weave a future which cannot be predicted.  Destiny's two upper hands weave strands of fate from that portal, and his lower hands each hold a triangle, one upright and one reversed, representing opposition: good and evil, heaven and earth, beginning and end.  Below him floats the golden sphere that represents our world.  The keywords for this card are reversal, fate, luck, and inevitability.

The image on the VIII of Pentacles is of a worn and heavily used hammer or metal mallet; the two faces of the hammer are red, as if the metal was super-hot because of excessive use.  Floating around the hammer are eight golden coins, each embossed with a part of a star map.  The keywords for this card are crafting, work, quality, and diligence.  

Destiny represents the things that could happen to a person or thing in the future, things that are currently at least partially hidden but could present an almost unstoppable power to affect how things play out, although this power is not completely beyond our control.  All we can do here is prepare for the likely future that Destiny foretells so that we can get the most benefit (and the least discomfort) from the events to come.  

The VIII of Pentacles tells of action and effort applied to a situation in order to manifest something, even if that thing being manifested is a repeat or something already in place and just needs active maintenance.  In the Naples Arrangement, the number 8 tells of the effort to maintain balance as stability begins to erode and stagnation begins to appear.  In the image of the True Black VIII of Pentacles we see a hammer or mallet that is worn and heavily used, but still strong and effective.  This is a great metaphor for the energies of this card.  

As a reminder, Fire is an active element representing the heat that separates and the dry that shapes, and Earth is a passive element representing the cold that binds and the dry that shapes, making these two elements neutral toward each other.  Destiny (The Wheel) is associated with the element of Fire.  Since it is a Major Arcana card that is transformative and focuses on long-term effects, Destiny may not be particularly affected by my Pentacles card and the element of Earth.  Earth is a passive element, and while it offers fertility and stability, and the fuel that Fire needs to burn in order to exist, too much Earthly energy will snuff the Fires of Destiny.  

The message here is that I need to embrace the exploration of the unknown offered by Destiny, but I should keep a small part of my brain focused on being realistic and practical.  I don't want to allow that practicality to inhibit the benefits of experiencing what might occur (and what I might learn from that process), and while I need to keep in mind that Destiny offers me the opportunity to grow and benefit from a possible future, the way I minimize any discomfort in that manifestation is to be a Girl Scout, and be prepared.  

Friday, March 25, 2022

March 25, 2022: King of Pentacles and The Empress

Interesting pair.

The image on the King of Pentacles shows a ruler who is strong and sturdy.  His clothes are embellished with gold coins, and above he's head are huge golden antlers also decorated with gold coins.  He is leaning on a massive stone boulder, and holds a forging hammer in one hand with a large gold coin floating over the other hand.  The keywords for this card are entrepreneur, forging, supportive, and successful.

The image on The Empress shows a beautiful woman lounging comfortably and confidently on a luxurious golden throne consisting of flowering plants and lushly growing vines, with her knees together and pointed toward the viewer's right.  Her hair is the same color as her throne.  Her body posture is relaxed and she seems aware of how good it feels to enjoy the pleasures of her physical senses.  Her right hand is beginning to pull the white tunic she wears off of her shoulder and she allows her fingers to trail against her skin.  Her left hand cradles a golden, perfectly ripe melon, a symbol of mothering and birth.  Behind her head is a hologram of a diagram of the hormone Oxytocin.  The keywords for this card are mothering, riches, pleasure, and sexuality.

The King of Pentacles of this deck is reliable, sturdy and successful, and he is a master at playing the long game and planning ahead.  His forging hammer symbolizes his ability to create his own opportunities, his own wealth.  He is relaxed and confident enough to lean on that huge boulder, someone who can be depended on during difficult times. 

The Empress is a representation of the fertility and cycles of Nature, wild and free and beautiful.    The Empress manifests fertility and growth of all kinds, and growth cannot happen without change.  Thus she encourages me to let go of the need to dominate or control and instead embrace the pleasure to be had in experiencing life's experiences freely, and through love and honor rather that deceit and betrayal.

While we are dealing with The Empress, we are not dealing with her partner, The Emperor, but rather a segment of The Emperor.  The four Kings can each be seen as a part of the powers and abilities of the Major Arcana card.  The segment that our King of Pentacles controls is the stability he brings through being an expert caretaker and provider.  

We have lots of Earth energies in these two cards.  The Major Arcana Empress corresponds with the element of Earth, which gives her practicality, security, and fertility.  Earth brings increased manifestations, including increased wealth, health, or practicality.  Earth is one of the two elements that has a physical existence which can interact with our physical senses, and The Empress is certainly bringing that pleasure and sensuality.  We also have some Air as well because the rank of King represents the element of Air. Air offers increased logic, intelligence, and clarity.  Air may be intangible, but it can be affected by heat, cold, moisture or dryness.  Temperature and humidity changes can bring movement to Air.

Earth and Air have nothing in common and within Elemental Dignities that means they weaken each other or at the very least, cancel each other out.  Of course, each element has its own effects individually. Earth represents cold that binds and dry that shapes, and Air represents heat that separates and wet that adapts. This means my King of Pentacles represents the effects that Earth has on Air.  Air is an element whose energies like to move; the energies of Earth are more solid.  The King of Pentacles needs to be able to reconcile the Air energies which do not like the heavy slowness of Earth, and the Earth energies which do not like the restless and easily-moved Air.  There is a solution here and it is the talent the King of Pentacles brings to my card pair today.  This King is very able to use the resources at his disposal as King, such as growth, health and wealth, in order to manage the physical resources of his kingdom and to hold together the different peoples of his realm.  Pairing this King with The Empress brings some really potent energies to the day!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

March 24, 2022: IV of Wands and V of Cups

Another rainy day in a string of rainy days.  

The card image of the True Black IV of Wands shows a beautiful wild golden bird flapping its wings as it breaks free from bindings that have held it prisoner.  Leaves and flower petals knocked loose by the flapping of the bird’s wings float down like confetti.  The keywords for this card are celebrating, events, freedom, and possibility. 

The image on the V of Cups cards shows Cups with cracks and leaking water, with a few seeming to be already empty due to a massive crack.  The image itself is pure black and white and seems depressing, desolate and "blah."  The keywords for this card are loss, defeat, sorrow, and difficulty.

Let's look at these two cards.  The IV of Wands tells of a release from bondage, probably not physical bondage but rather bonds that are caused by stress or worry, or challenges that hold us back or distract us from our goals.  The V of Cups is a card of painful emotions that might include despair, failure, arguments or discord, or the end of a relationship.  There certainly is no reason these two cards couldn't be telling the same message.  After all, the end of a relationship could also be a release from bondage, if the relationship was a toxic one.  The failure of one effort could offer possibilities to be obtained in a new direction.

We are dealing with two consecutive numbers, 4 and 5.  The number 4 tells of foundations being made, discipline, and some kind of authority created or dealt with.  The number 5 tells of movement that upsets stability and makes us defend our position in order to determine if it is strong enough.  A progression could be indicated here as well.

As far as Elemental Dignities are concerned, Air (Wands) and Water (Cups) are neutral.  Air is an active element representing heat that separates and Water is a passive element representing cold that binds, but they both represent wet that adapts.   They can tend to cancel each other out, but that does not erase the individual powers each element and suit has.  While Air is active and Water is passive, they both in their own way are able to adapt (with Air adapting in an outer and active way and Water in an inner and passive way).  

All together, this information tells me that the flows of energy and effects of my IV of Wands are a bit stronger than my more passive V of Cups.  There may be emotional discomfort today and perhaps, a bit of pessimism, but by the time I go to bed tonight, all will be optimistic again.  I need to be wary and aware of the power of emotions to distract.  Water affects Air in a passive manner by humidifying it, which could mean there will be a struggle to look past the uncomfortable emotions that might cloud my perception of possibility, but that possibility is there even if it is hidden in the fog.  After all, if we look closely to that V of Cups card, one of those 5 Cups is unbroken and filled with clear water.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

March 22, 2022: VIII of Cups and IX of Pentacles

 Hmmmm . . . more Watery-Earthy combinations.

We've seen the VIII of Cups before, but not since last year.  The image on this card is somewhat striking because there is so much light within the image, a rarity in this deck.  The image shows a dark crevice in which a female octopus has laid her thousands of eggs.  The beautiful strands of eggs hanging from the ceiling of the crevice are golden and appear lit from above.  Below the eggs are bubbles of air, eight clear glasses, and one tiny baby octopus, the first hatchling to emerge.  The keywords for this card are discovery, journey, loneliness, and moving on.

The True Black Tarot IX of Pentacles image shows a beautiful serval cat sitting on a gold fabric draped platform, viewing the floating golden pentacles as well as birds and a mouse, prey animals and food for the cat.  Rather than hunting the prey, it sits gazing into the distance with an air of confidence, class and style.  The keywords for this card are restraint, luxury, abundance, and sophistication.

The VIII of Cups tells of an exiting time, a time when we must move on to newer and better things because we have outgrown our surroundings and must release them because they no longer serve us. The number 8 in Crowley's Naples Arrangement tells us that we must act in order to prevent stagnation from rotting the pause and deliberation that is the number 7.  The baby octopus is the first of its nest to hatch, but in order to take advantage of this new life, it must not wait for its siblings but rather strike out on its own.  The IX of Pentacles is a card that traditionally tells of luxury that has been gathered through hard work, discipline, and the taming of our baser instincts.  The image on this card is a good one, for the serval cat could easily snatch a bird or mouse, but instead it sits proud, enjoying the luxury of the moment.

The elements of Water and Earth are both passive but they do passively support each other (while Water is wet that adapts and Earth is dry that shapes, they both are cold that binds).  Since we have two Minor Arcana cards, the card numbers will play an equal role in interpretation.  Our two card numbers are in a sequence, 8 moving to 9, and while the Watery Cups card could erode the possibility of the Earthy Pentacles card, there is the potential to allow enough moisture to cleanse but not so much that all will be washed away.   The VIII of Cups tells of action that must be boldly taken without fear or any other emotion that will cloud the water, and the IX of Pentacles tells of a possible result of that bold action and the luxurious sensations that would come with success.  

I'm going with that interpretation.

Monday, March 21, 2022

March 21, 2022: X of Pentacles and The Star

 Another really lovely pair!

The True Black X of Pentacles shows a beautiful white elephant rearing up triumphantly and reaching upward with trunk and tusks, his hind legs upon a square raised platform of stacked gold bricks.  Behind him are ten golden coins arranged in a circle along with two well-established trees with straight and thick trunks.  The keywords for this card are prosperity, stability, family, and longevity.

The Star in this deck is the bringer of hope and a light in the darkness.  She is wearing a black dress and she is pouring clear water from two bowls.  Each stream of water drifts off into the night sky behind her, transforming into a field of stars.  She stands at the intersection of the sea (the endless possibility) and the earth (the physical manifestation of that possibility), and she seems to dance in a lighthearted way. Behind her is a holograph of circling stars (as if in a time lapse photo), with Polaris at the center.  The keywords for this card are hope, goodwill, guidance, and optimism.  

The X of Pentacles tells us that we have worked hard and focused with diligence, successfully making it through the challenges presented in this cycle of the Minor Arcana cards.  Our foundation is strong, and it might be time to begin visualizing some evolution that will build upon the wealth, health and security already created.  In Hindu culture, the keeping of an elephant in a healthy environment requires a massive amount of wealth, so the white elephant in the image of The Star not only symbolizes this wealth, but also the sacredness of this time of acknowledging accomplishments.  The Star is the symbol of hope, a hope that inspires a great journey and encourages us to take new action.

The suit of Pentacles represents the element of Earth, and The Star is connected to the element of Air.  Earth represents the cold that binds and the dry that shapes; Air represents the heat that separates and the wet that adapts.  That means the slowness and stability of the element of Earth does not mix well with the lightness and motion of Air.  This could mean that these two elements weaken each other's ability to affect the environment.  So while these two cards seem to be completely positive, when taking into account Elemental Dignities, they may cancel each other out.

We are also dealing with the number 10, an indication of an end of a cycle which in turn reduces to the number 1, and the number 17, which reduces to the number 8.  The number 1 represents a new beginning, or a point or location; it represents authority and individuality.  The number 8 tells us that we have the skills and knowledge to move forward, so we must act. The X of Pentacles acknowledges the stability and prosperity created in my physical world through this last cycle of effort, and The Star encourages me to use my intellect to see my accomplishments as placeholders or guideposts, to support me going forward. Perhaps the Elemental Dignities are telling me that I should not allow the mental processes to distract me from the physical world concerns, and I should not allow physical experiences to pull me away from the workings of the mind.  It appears that on this day after Ostara, the Sabbat of balance and of turning our awareness from the dark and cold toward the light and warmth, moving forward with action, focus and awareness will be the key.  

Saturday, March 19, 2022

March 19, 2022: The World and the II of Cups

 It has been a busy month and more, filled with doctors' appointments and medical procedures, but things are winding down so I am back, on the Eve of Ostara, the Sabbat of balance that tips toward longer, brighter and warmer times.  It feels good to be working with my True Black Tarot on this blog once again.

The World is such a beautiful card, from a deck that is filled with beautiful and meaningful images.  The World shows a woman holding a perfect golden sphere and wearing a crown made of laurel leaves, with an incredibly peaceful look on her face.  She is surrounded by The True Black Tarot's symbols for the four elements, butterflies for Air and knowledge, feathers for Fire and passion, plants for Earth and physicality, and fish for Water and emotion.  Combined, they make a good representation of the achievement of an understanding of the human condition, its motivations and its pitfalls.  Centered on the golden sphere and behind the woman is a holograph of a star map showing the interstellar coordinates for Earth and our solar system.  This is the star map included in the Golden Records carried by Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, each already more than 13 billion miles away.  These spacecraft represent humanity's hope that we are not alone in the universe, and that the other life forms out there are also ethical and good.  A great summation of this card.  The keywords for this card are wholeness, completion, travel, and understanding.

The image on the True Black II of Cups shows two Cups of clear water tilted toward each other, as if they were clinking together in a toast.  Above them circle two golden fish; above the fish is a golden arrow, broken in half.  The keywords for this card are connection, partnership, union, and romance.

The World is associated with the element of Earth, and this makes sense because the element of Earth is the repository of life and the catalyst that takes what is no longer needed and transforms it into fertile food that supports new life.  Earth represents a connection between the old and the new, and The World tells us that we have completed this round of The Fool's Journey and have successfully absorbed an abundance of insight offered through both successes and failure, and are ready to move on to the next level.

The II of Cups of course is connected with the element of Water, and thus with emotions, visions and perceptions.  I think that last word, perception, is important for this card in particular because the number 2 brings balance as well as an awareness of polarities.  The broken arrow at the top of this card, signifying that the emerging partnership represented by the II of Cups could be formed due to a ceasing of hostilities.  

As far as Elemental Dignities are concerned, these two passive and friendly cards can be supportive, with caveats.  After all, plants can't grow if the soil is too dry, and moisture can stabilize the soil and prevent it from blowing away.  However, too much moisture creates a swamp, and too much soil can prevent the flow of moisture.  Earth balances the emotions and empathy brought by Water, yet too much stability can bring lethargy or passivity, leading to stagnation.  

Together, these two cards tell me that I have reached a pause that will not be permanent but that will be enjoyable.  Things are calm, I am filled with a sense of well-being, and of accomplishment.  Rest today, because tomorrow may bring movement of a different kind.

Monday, February 14, 2022

February 14, 2022: III of Wands and II of Wands.

Well, we have a progression of Fire today.  The image of the III of Wands is one that is familiar to me, as I live within walking distance of the Atlantic Ocean and only a short drive to the Delaware Bay, both of which I visit throughout the year.  When walking on the beach in the winter, I am occasionally entertained by a flock of northern gannets as they dive for their lunch.  The image on this card contains Water so at first glance we many think it is a Cups card but upon further view we see a bird, wings cocked back, diving deep toward a school of golden fish; one fish is more brilliantly gold than the others and the bird’s beak is on the verge of snatching that fish.  Bubbles flow up from the bird’s wings and we can see a splash on the surface of the water caused by the bird’s dive.  Flying above are several other birds, waiting for their chance to dive.  The keywords for this card are exploring, leading, travel, and adventure.


The II of Wands card shows a golden globe of Earth encircled by many bees; all the bees are making use of the resources of this world and eventually, they will use those resources up.  Floating above the globe of Earth is another golden globe, a new and alien world of untapped resources; a lone bee has ventured to this world and is ready to explore.  The keywords for this card are daring, decisions, influence, and pioneering.


These two cards are filled with energy, filled with the heat and light and chemical combustion of Fire.  Remember, Fire is an active element which represents heat that separates and dry that shapes.  Fire is considered to be masculine (not sexual gender), so it is an outwardly-manifesting element that represents vitality, power, motivation, creativity, life force, and spirituality.  It is both destructive and regenerative, not very stable, lacks physical existence, and is all action and ruthless intensity.  All of these personality traits of Fire apply to these two cards and their similar messages.  


These two Wands cards are saying that I should look at the big picture from up high in order to gain perspective and create a well-informed strategy, then execute that strategy with focus and courage.  I should not be afraid if that plan requires traveling on a new path.  The decision to do that may seem difficult, but I need to remember that if prepared, walking my own path could be very rewarding.


Happy Valentine’s Day!


Sunday, February 13, 2022

February 13, 2022: the II of Cups and Temperance

The image on the True Black II of Cups shows two Cups of clear water tilted toward each other, as if they were clinking together in a toast.  Above them circle two golden fish; above the fish is a golden arrow, broken in half.  The keywords for this card are connection, partnership, union, and romance. 

The Temperance card of this deck has such a stunning image!  We see a beautiful angel dressed in white with huge white wings spread wide, and long, thick and glorious red hair.  Her eyes are closed; one arm is bent at the elbow with hand raised and palm facing out, holding a red sphere.  The other arm is straight, pointing downward with palm out.  This arm is red from fingertips to elbow and the red hand is holding a white sphere.  She stands as a bridge between a field of flowers and a field of swords with points in the ground; behind her is a holograph of the Yin/Yang symbol, also known as a taijitu.  The keywords for this card are balance, acceptance, consideration, and compromise. 


I love the meaning associated with the II of Cups in this deck. It tells of attraction, yes an attraction that could be sexual, but also an attraction that tells of friendship that is based on trust and a deep understanding of one another.  The water in the two Cups of this image seem to flow toward each other; the golden angel fish circle each other as if gaining pleasure from the other’s nearness, and above all is a golden arrow, broken in half and symbolizing the end of hostilities or the meeting of minds. 


The True Black Temperance is one of the few cards of this deck that uses an angelic figure in its image; one other is The Devil.  In this deck, Temperance is seen as directly opposing The Devil, representing moderation and the control of our desires, rather than the excessive indulgence, pride and greed that are associated with The Devil.  The angel on Temperance understands that part of being human is wanting things that are often culturally taboo; she reminds us that it is not the pleasures themselves that are evil, but the actions we surround them with in order to obtain them.  


Even though these two cards seem to have the same message, their elements are not friendly.  The suit of Cups represents the element of Water which is passive, and the cold that binds and wet that adapts.  The element of Fire is active and represents the heat that separates and dry that shapes.  Water can extinguish Fire and end its chemical process, but Fire can turn Water into steam, which can be used as a power source if handled carefully.  The II of Cups uses emotions to attract another in order to create a pair.  Temperance uses the chemical actions of Fire to unite opposites by finding the right mix. 


The end result is similar, they just use different tools and methods.  However, the combination created by the II of Cups could be temporary, and future events could erode the current attraction.  The result of the Temperance card is permanent because it uses the element of Fire and the process of combustion.  After all, you could dissolve salt in fresh water and then distill the salt out so the water is fresh once more, but once a log is burned it cannot be recreated from the ashes.  


These two cards are a perfect example of the day-to-day nature of the Minor Arcana cards as compared to the big-picture and long-term focus of the Major Arcana.  Elemental dignities help us to perceive this.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

February 12, 2022: X of Wands and VII of Swords; Elemental Dignities

The True Black X of Wands image shows a golden Hercules beetle carrying ten sticks stacked on his back.  In the midst of those sticks is a smaller Hercules beetle, effortlessly riding along within the sticks piled high, and being carried by the larger beetle.  The keywords for this card are overwhelmed, burdened, struggling, and near goal. 

The image on the True Black VII of Swords shows a white rat, a known carrier of disease and symbol of betrayal, in front of a dark and shadowy curtain that is pierced from behind by the blades of six Swords.  Dangling ominously above the rat, point down, is a seventh golden Sword.  The keywords for this card are betrayal, thievery, plotting, and dishonor.


We talked about the meaning of the number 10 yesterday, and today we are dealing with that plateau or culmination with regard to the suit of Wands and the element of Fire.  The perfect metaphor here is last night’s campfire. We had fuel and we had heat and we had light throughout the dark and cold night. We are left this morning with a bit of smoke, the slightest of warmth, and a pile of ashes; no flames or illumination at all.  However, there is hope, for we just might have a “one match campfire,” and if we add a bit of fuel, we might be able to hang on a bit longer.


To me, the VII of Swords indicates the achievement of an empty victory by fighting hard to hold the current rules in place, even if they have become a danger to ourselves or to others.  The True Black VII of Swords represents this as well, with the added danger of the possibility this danger will be subverted or hidden to prevent interference.  In the Tarot, the number 7 can be seen as reaching a pause or pinnacle that allows us to determine whether we have gotten everything from a situation that is available, or if we need to get a bit more from what is available before turning away. Both card numbers bring a bit of stillness to the active nature of both Air and Fire. 


The element of Air represents the intellect, logic, clarity and discernment, and perhaps today I am being warned that I need to think before choosing a path.  If I cling to the methods that have gotten me this far, I may never get farther.  Am I happy where I am?  Or should I apply just a bit more fuel to the remains of yesterday’s fire?  Is the payback for the expended effort worth striving to keep the fire lit?  Even a few twigs could be enough to create one more flame.  I am also being warned that basing this decision solely on my own needs might end up weighing me down, for consequences are always in play, even if we can’t perceive them.  Renewing the flames could provide a bit of illumination that could transform stillness into action.


I’m pretty much using elemental dignities within most card interpretations, so after today I won’t mention it in my post title unless I am using a method that has not been addressed before.

Friday, February 11, 2022

February 11, 2022: X of Swords and Queen of Pentacles; Elemental Dignities

The image on the True Black X of Swords shows a large Sword, point down and grounded, surrounded by nine other Swords with points up.  Impaled on six of those Swords is a dead bird.  Sitting on the hilt of the large center Sword is a live bird; behind the bird is an orange sun in a dark sky.  The keywords for this card are crisis, breakdown, perseverance, and closure. 

The Queen of Pentacles image shows a seated woman.  Behind her is a leafy plant; one of the leaves stretches up over her head, sheltering her. Around the plant and over her head are golden coins.  She offers a coin to both a bird and a snake, two animals known for their distrust of each other, but who are able to coexist while with this Queen.  The keywords for this card are giving, nurturing, welcoming, and authentic.  


These two cards come together nicely.  The X of Swords tells us that this cycle of dealing with the effects of the mind and the intellect is complete.  We are still feeling the echoes of what has happened and we have not yet moved on to the Ace and the next cycle, but for now we have a pause so we can regroup.  Our Queen of Pentacles is providing us with a safe place to decompress.  She shows us how to use the workings of the physical world around us and the flows and cycles of the natural world to not only feel safe, but to also feel the beginnings of curiosity about the workings of that world which will bring us forward into a new cycle of learning.  


While the suit of Swords within the world of elemental Dignities encourages us to make use of logic and analysis as well as our intellect and the workings of the mind, the number 10 tells of some kind of culmination or closure, or at the very least a plateau or rest before moving on. Our X of Swords tells us we are at the darkness that precedes the dawn of a new day, so perhaps that pause is in order.  Our Queen of Pentacles is Water of Earth; she brings the stability that allows regeneration, and she shows us how to effectively manage our resources going forward.  Remember, watering a seed planted in fertile soil does not bring an instantly perceivable result, but it does initiate the creative process.  Yes, it is dark, but within the darkness, new possibilities are stirring.  

Sunday, February 6, 2022

February 6, 2022: II of Pentacles and Page of Pentacles

The card image on the II of Pentacles shows a playful white ferret playing on top of a precarious arrangement of gold coins, balanced on top of three gold nuggets (with the smallest nugget at the bottom, adding to the precariousness of the image).  Ferrets are playful and this one is showing us that he is able to balance and still move around, shifting his body and his attention as needed.  The keywords for this card are fun, indecisiveness, juggling, and finances.


The image on the Page of Pentacles shows a powerful-looking woman with very short hair pulling herself up into an overgrown canopy of vines so she can reach a golden coin, fruit of the vines above her.  The keywords for this card are physical, earthly, initiative, and practical.  


I love the image on the True Black II of Pentacles because my son used to have ferrets. They are cute and playful, and everything is a game to them.  It is easy for me to visualize this white ferret scampering around, tilting the nuggets and two golden coins as it plays.  While this is certainly fun, sooner or later the ferret will make a misstep and everything will come tumbling down.  As always, balance takes focus and like the state of grace, it is meant to be temporary.  


Our Page of Pentacles also seems to be testing her ability to balance, but her balance is in part due to her physical strength rather than her knack for keeping moving enough to prevent things from toppling.  Like the ferret of the II of Pentacles, the Page of Pentacles enjoys working with her body, and she enjoys the sensations of her own body, the practical skills she is learning to wield, and the beauty of nature around her.


It’s a good thing we have the creativity of the number 2 within these two cards, as well as the youthful enthusiasm shared by all the Pages, because we have a lot of Earth to deal with today, and Earth can manifest heavy slowness without the motion added by the number 2 and our Page.  We can have fun, for sure, but we will remain practical and not lose our focus.


Saturday, February 5, 2022

February 5, 2022: VIII of Wands and IX of Wands; Elemental Dignities 13

The VIII of Wands shows eight golden Wands flying rapidly toward the earth, flying so rapidly that golden sparks are flying.  Papers swirl around in the wind created by the rapidly flying Wands. The keywords for this card are message, action, speed, and excitement. 

The image on the IX of Wands shows a pure white wolf crouching defensively and aggressively with teeth bared and ears laid back in a threatening manner.  Behind him almost like a protective wall are nine white beech trees.  Around the wolf in the shadows are several arrows with points in the ground, as if someone had shot them at the wolf.  The keywords for this card are wary, guarded, mistreated, and persevering.


We have the VIII and the IX of the same suit, so we are being presented with a progression.  The VIII of Wands is one of the few numbered Minor Arcana cards that usually does not contain a person within its image.  This card is traditionally all about receiving news that creates action and excitement, and the True Black image certainly does shout this message.  Most of the time, the energy of this card represents something positive, however it tells us that we can’t think too long about our next step.  Now is the time to adapt to what we have found out, and to act accordingly.  We go from action (the VIII of Wands) to defense (the IX of Wands).  The white wolf may be injured, but he is strong enough to aggressively protect himself, and the spent arrows indicate that self-protection is necessary.  


Of course, the suit of Wands represents the element of Fire, and here we have the Elemental Dignity of Fire affecting Fire (because both cards are Wands cards).  When Fire affects Fire, we have increased manifestation, with the potential for things to get out of control.  Fire is not a stable element, and it has a transformative power when it comes into contact with the physical world, literally transformative.  Combustion rearranges the atoms of a substance irreversibly, which means that once something is burned, it can never be un-burned.  That is something to be considered when examining the progression presented here.


In the Tarot, the number 8 represents an attempt to postpone the pause and approach of stagnation that is the number 7 by deliberately choosing to take some action.  The number 9 represents the completeness (not completion; that is represented by the number 10) of manifestation within a particular cycle.  Both of these numbers are affecting the suit of Wands, so they can be considered as Numerical Dignities.


We do see a common symbol in these two cards: the pointy Wands (which look like arrows) in the VIII of Wands and the spent arrows in the IX of Wands.  The arrow is a symbol of flight, penetration and direction.  An arrow travels from one person to another, representing a flow of energy with one person sending and the other receiving.  An arrow can be used to determine direction.  It even can be seen as a phallic symbol, and an image of a heart pierced with an arrow represents the alchemic process of conjunction.  The wielder of a bow and arrow is a symbol of physical strength, as well as courage, concentration, psychological prowess, and a sharp mind.  The arrow can be seen as a Symbolic Dignity.  


These two cards tell of some exciting news that could bring an explosion of enthusiasm, but I need to not allow that enthusiasm to have free reign.  Perhaps I can see the arrows as a hint to keep the outburst of energy focused toward a specific goal, rather than allowing it to just flow and expand on its own.  It might be better if I try to keep things at least a bit more controlled.  Yep, I do get this.  There have been many times that I have allowed excitement and passion to blind me to consequences by allowing things to ignite without being careful.  Hopefully I won’t do that this time. 

Friday, February 4, 2022

February 4, 2022: IV of Wands and IV of Cups; Elemental Dignities 12

The card image of the True Black IV of Wands shows a beautiful wild golden bird flapping its wings as it breaks free from bindings that have held it prisoner.  Leaves and flower petals knocked loose by the flapping of the bird’s wings float down like confetti.  The keywords for this card are celebrating, events, freedom, and possibility.   

The IV of Cups card image shows four Cups filled with clear water partially hidden beneath weeping willow branches.  The water in the Cups is completely still; above the uppermost cup and also hidden within the willow branches is a white flower.  The keywords for this card are withdrawn, passive, introspective, and hidden.


The IV of Wands tells of a release from bondage, probably not physical bondage, as we are talking about the suit of Wands, but rather bonds that are caused by stress or worry, or challenges that hold us back from our goals.  The IV of Cups energy is more still and quiet, and the water is lifeless and without movement.  The surrounding willow leaves create a curtain of sorts, hinting at withdrawal or indifference. Together they seem to be asking me to use the suit of Wands to escape from the lethargy of the IV of Cups. Lethargy can certainly bind, and breaking free can be difficult.  


We are talking about the elemental dignities associated with the elements of Fire and Water.  Fire and Water are unfriendly; Fire is an active element representing heat that separates and dry that shapes, and Water is a passive element representing cold that binds and wet that adapts.  In nature, Water affects Fire by extinguishing it; moisture will put out even the most powerful flame.  Fire affects Water in nature by turning it into steam, and steam can power generators and disinfect surfaces.  Within the concept of “unfriendly” is the idea that these two elements could very well cancel each other out.  This means there is a danger that the drive and passion of the IV of Wands could be cancelled out by the lethargy of the IV of Cups.


The other dignity we are working with is numerical.  Both of today’s cards are numbered 4, and today is the 4th day of the month.  The number 4 represents stability, practicality, calmness, caution, and slow.  This number can represent self-imposed boundaries, tunnel vision, imposing discipline, or creating a strong foundation.  


While the dignities seem more weighted toward lethargy, that does not mean the image on the IV of Wands is an impossible dream.  Just before the bonds were broken, that beautiful bird would have reached the limit of the strength of those bonds, and if the bird had given up then, it would still be chained and unable to be free.  I must also continue striving, continue accomplishing what needs to be done, for even the heaviest lethargy or the deepest rut can be overcome.  


Wednesday, February 2, 2022

February 2, 2022: II of Pentacles and Anant

The card image on the II of Pentacles shows a playful white ferret playing on top of a precarious arrangement of gold coins, balanced on top of three gold nuggets (with the smallest nugget at the bottom, adding to the precariousness of the image).  Ferrets are playful and this one is showing us that he is able to balance and still move around, shifting his body and his attention as needed.  The keywords for this card are fun, indecisiveness, juggling, and finances. 

Anant is an extra Major Arcana card unique to the True Black Tarot.  The card image shows a golden fetus surrounded by two coils of a golden serpent; behind them both is a black star field.  "Anant" is the name of the serpent surrounding the fetus, and it means "remainder," representing that which exists when all else ceases.  Anant is not a temporal being but rather, exists outside of the rules and constraints that apply to temporal beings and the physical world (and all of its rules).  The golden fetus acts as a bridge between the ending and the beginning.  The keywords for this card are endless, infinite, exempt, and cyclical.


Another important message.  Anant is a serious card that hints at messages for physical-world beings that just might change the way we perceive our world.  In our day-to-day existence, we don’t always remember that there is so much more to experience than what can be perceived by our physical body senses.  These other perceptions exist through higher vibrations, which is a “woo-woo” term that has been co-opted by the fluffy.  However, those of us who are aware of the subtle body and the unseen but still powerful energies around us understand that the physical world is heavier and thus slower-vibrating.  Earth is the most stable of the elements; water has some movement and is a bit lighter because of that.  Air is even more light and is filled with vibrations of all kinds (sound is vibration), and is also a sort of “carrier” for energies such as speed and force, as well as sound.  Fire is not stable at all and only exists while combustion is happening, and since combustion involves heat, Fire is the fastest or highest vibrating of the elements. Spirit or Deity vibrates at a higher level because it only exists in a pure form that does not contain essences of the physical world (although Spirit or Deity can reach downward in an attempt to connect with the physical world by slowing down their vibrations, just as we can reach upward and commune with Spirit or Deity by deliberately raising our own vibrations).


Today we also need to keep in mind the correspondences of the number 2; after all, today is 2/2/2022.  The number 2 is about balance, creative partnerships, duality, polarity, comparison, tension, partnership, cooperation, diplomacy, and decisions, and it offers both direction and connection.  The number 2 can be considered a gateway.  In the Tarot, this number represents the first time the element appears as itself, manifested.  


Convoluted road toward a specific message.  Anant exists outside of our physical and linear world, and thus Anant is not subject to its rules.  The process of understanding this is life-long and challenging as this is part of the knowledge guarded by The High Priestess and can only be learned in layers.  Our brains, our processing “computers,” are biological after all.  My II of Pentacles is reminding me of one important process within this journey toward understanding: playfulness.  I’m not talking about playfulness that erases responsibility, although that kind of playfulness can be healing when applied in small doses.  Rather, my II of Pentacles is reminding me that visions don’t have to be realistic in order to have a powerful effect.  Allowing visions of the unrealistic, of the fantastical, to happen just might allow those playful visions to manifest in some valuable way.  If we maintain awareness of the forces in play, we will remain balanced and in touch with reality, and yet get a glimpse of the Machinery of the Universe.


Happy Imbolc!

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

February 1, 2022: Ace of Swords and The Hierophant

The image on the Ace of Swords shows a beautiful Sword emerging from golden flowers, and is topped by a flaming golden crown of leaves.  A few of the leaves and a few of the flower petals have been cut or sliced off and are falling downward.  The keywords for this card are truth, reasoning, objectivity, and breakthrough. 

The True Black Hierophant card image gives us lots to think about.  Our Hierophant is seated on a platform of large bricks, situated in a manner that provides the most support to the whole structure.  His elaborate golden headdress is made of interlocking pieces; the front of that headdress comes down over his face with stylized eye and nose openings allowing him to see and breathe and at the same time, hide his personal identity.  He holds a large open book in his right hand and his staff of office topped by a large bee's nest in his left.  Behind The Hierophant is a hologram of Australia's Lake Mungo, the location of the world's oldest ritually cremated remains.  The keywords for this card are belief, cooperation, community and tradition.


These two cards together are pretty powerful, especially because the have appeared on Imbolc Eve.  All of the Aces are powerful cards that represent the idea or possibility of the suit manifesting, rather than an actual manifestation.  The possibility presented by the Ace of Swords might not be visible to others because that spark of newness is happening within the workings of my mind.  My Ace is reminding me that now is not the time for emotions, but rather for clear thinking and reality.  


The Hierophant is about the good of the group rather than the good of the individual, and he believes that he knows what I should do with this burst of mental and intellectual possibility.  The Hierophant is about knowledge, about learning and about teaching, and about the importance of culture and beliefs and their ability to support amazing civilizations.  His mask hides his identity, and that mask reminds me that what I perceive with a quick glance is nowhere near all there is to learn and know. 


My Ace offers me wonderful potential, and The Hierophant asks me to look beyond myself and make good use of what is being offered. 


Monday, January 31, 2022

January 31, 2022: Knight of Cups and X of Pentacles; Elemental Dignities 11

Yes, I’ve been MIA.  Work got super busy, and just as things were slowing down, we got a nor’easter/bomb cyclone that dumped over a foot of snow on us.  We are still shoveling out, but I missed being here, so I’m back.


The Knight of Cups wears beautifully designed armor fashioned from gold that looks dramatic and eye-catching but that might not work so well in a battle.  Our Knight wears a mask of gold that completely covers his eyes, with double wings and a stylized halo made of golden vines above and behind his head.  He wears fancy epaulets made of gold on his shoulders and a stylized golden kilt with many strands of gold coins hanging like a fringe at the front closure.  He has one hand on his heart, and the other hand holds a golden rose which is beginning to lose its petals.  Beside him floats a dagger made of water, which is beginning to drip into a cup floating just below the dagger's point.  The water in the cup appears to be sloshing about.  The keywords for this card are emotional, brooding, artistic, and dreaming.


The True Black X of Pentacles shows a beautiful white elephant rearing up triumphantly and reaching upward with trunk and tusks, his hind legs upon a square raised platform of stacked gold bricks.  Behind him are ten golden coins arranged in a circle along with two well-established trees with straight and thick trunks.  The keywords for this card are prosperity, stability, family, and longevity.


Both of these cards hint at a sort of intensity of feelings that could be associated with the physical world.  The Knight of Cups is a dreamer whose mind is filled with all kinds of exciting ideas and possibilities.  However, because he is a Knight, he tends to carry his suit to an intensity that just might separate him from reality.  Using Elemental Dignities to bring more understanding, we find that the rank of Knight corresponds to the Element of Fire (which is active and represents heat that separates and dry that shapes), and the suit of our Knight is Water (which is passive and represents cold that binds and wet that adapts), which has nothing in common with Fire.  Our Knight of Cups is in conflict because his mind is filled with dreams and ideas and creations and elegant stories, yet he exists within a rank that is about bravery and passions and dominance and power.  Oh, our Knight of Cups understands the passion part of this, just not the use of power to dominate.  


The X of Pentacles tells us that we have worked hard and focused with diligence, successfully making it through the challenges presented in this cycle of the Minor Arcana cards.  Our foundation is strong, and it might be time to begin visualizing some evolution that will build upon the wealth, health and security already created.   

We are combining the elements of Fire, Water and Earth.  As stated above, Fire and Water weaken each other.  Fire (Knights) and Earth (Pentacles) are neutral; both represent dry that separates, but one is active and one is passive.  Water (Cups) and Earth (Pentacles) support each other.  They are both passive, and both represent cold that binds; that is as close as two elements can get without being clones of each other.  We have one pair that weakens, one that is neutral, and one that supports.  We just need to decide which direction that Fire/Earth pairing can be best used.  Perhaps because we have done the necessary work with the necessary focus and we have used a long-term plan that looks to the future as well as the present, we can allow our Knight of Cups to bring enthusiasm, pleasure, and visions of an exciting future into our day.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

January 15, 2022: Queen of Swords and King of Wands; Elemental Dignities 11

Wow, must be a Court Card kind of day.  Let's get to it!

We've seen the Queen of Swords before.  The image on this card shows a woman with her arms out to either side, one palm facing up and the other facing down.  Beside her are two Swords, the one on the right is floating in front of her downward-facing palm with the point also facing down, and the one on the left is point-up and has pierced her upward-facing palm.  She wears a golden crown made of double-edged blades, and she is surrounded by golden butterflies, one of the symbols of the element of Air in this deck.  The keywords for this card are just, honest, straightforward, and sharp.

We've seen our King of Wands before, too.  The card image shows a man standing tall and proud, wearing a golden robe and a crown of golden peacock feathers, holding his staff of office in his right hand and raising his left hand in a gesture of power and greeting.  He is stepping forward with confidence, eyes gazing directly at the viewer.  The keywords for this card are commanding, inspiring, uniting, and creating.  

It is said that the Queen of Swords is the Minor Arcana equivalent of the Justice card of the Major Arcana, and that makes sense for she is honest and strives to play by the rules always, even if those rules are not in her favor.  This Queen does not nurture; instead she shows us how to be independent, to hone and sharpen the intellect, and to practice the art of choosing with knowledge, all in order to deal successfully with the challenges presented to us by life.

The King of Wands is about status and honor that bring both personal achievement as well as contributions related to creativity, knowledge, and quality of life.  This King effectively combines the passion of Fire with the stability and wisdom of Air.   He is a charismatic leader who inspires others and who thrives on challenges and because he is fascinated with the ideas of others, he is not afraid of trying new things.

We've got two Court Cards today, a perfect chance to play with Elemental Dignities.  First, our Queen of Swords.  The rank of Queen corresponds with Water and the suit of Swords represents the element of Air, so we will be thinking about Water being affected by Air.  Water is passive, and represents cold that binds and wet that adapts.  Air is active, and represents heat that separates and wet that adapts.  Both of these elements are wet, but one is passive and the other is active.  Thus they are neutral, which means our Queen is good at analyzing without the interference of emotions, but can also be merciful or caring by putting analysis aside.

Our King of Wands has the rank of King, which corresponds with Air and the suit of Wands, which corresponds with Fire, so we will be thinking about the element of Air as affected by Fire.  Air is active, and represents heat that separates and wet that adapts.  Fire is also active, and represents heat that separates and dry that shapes.  Both of these elements are active and hot.  These two elements have a common or joint focus and can build each other up.  This combination is what makes our King of Wands so attractive to his followers, who are eager to follow his idealistic and passionate lead.  

Both the Queen of Swords and the King of Wands have something in common: the element of Air (Swords and the rank of King). This commonality strengthens all the correspondences to the element of Air in this reading, both the desirable and undesirable correspondences, and it increases the ability of both the Queen and the King to manifest.  This is indeed a power couple because of that Air commonality.  My goal today is to access each of their desirable traits and allow the inspiration of Fire to move me, while keeping that bucket of Water around just in case the flames become too hot.  The element of Air and the workings of my mind and intellect will guide me.  

Friday, January 14, 2022

January 14, 2022: V of Pentacles and IX of Wands; Elemental Dignities 10

 A big storm is coming this weekend.  So far, we are getting rain but if it gets cold enough to snow, we may get buried.  My two cards today are not that happy; I will definitely be keeping watch on the weather.

The True Black V of Pentacles shows a torn and shredded burlap sack with five dull and broken coins spilling out of it.  The keywords for this card are poverty, sickness, hardship, and rejection.

The image on the IX of Wands shows a pure white wolf crouching defensively and aggressively with teeth bared and ears laid back in a threatening manner.  Behind him almost like a protective wall are nine white beech trees.  Around the wolf in the shadows are several arrows with points in the ground, as if someone had shot them at the wolf.  The keywords for this card are wary, guarded, mistreated, and persevering.    

Let's think about Dignities for a moment as we look at these two cards. First, we look at the elements.  We are dealing with an Earth card (Pentacles), a passive element which represents cold that binds and dry that shapes, and a Fire card (Wands), an active element which represents hot that separates and dry that shapes.  These two cards are not considered unfriendly because they both share the trait of dry that shapes, however Earth is passive and Fire is active, so they are considered neutral because the passive element and the active element cancel each other out.  These cards don't support each other, but they don't take away from each other, either.  Of course, this does not mean that their respective elements have no power here, they just don't have much of an effect on each other.  

In nature, Fire and Earth can affect each other.  Fire uses Earth as fuel, and chemically transforms what it burns.  Earth may sustain Fire, but too much Earth will suffocate Fire.  

Numerically, the number 5 brings motion into stability in order to prevent stagnation.  Here we see the reason for the discomfort of the Fives of the Minor Arcana, but that discomfort does not offer failure that is written in stone.  Rather, we see the V of Pentacles as a wakeup call that reminds us that we need to be careful with resources because there may be tough times ahead.  The number 9 tells of completeness of manifestation of the effects of the suit; we can see this in the traditional image of the card, which shows a man bandaged and weary, leaning on a Wand for support, with a wall of eight other Wands behind him.  The message of this card could be that we need to stay strong because the challenges have reached their peak.  If we can hang on for just a bit longer, difficulties may begin to ease.

Let's bring that all together.  These two cards both seem to be cautioning me.  Vigilance and perseverance are suggested by the IX of Wands.  I should also be careful not to distrust too much, but still be alert and on guard.  The V of Pentacles suggests that the effects I may be fearing and guarding against could very well be connected to my physical world, or my body and its health.  Now is not the time to be cavalier or to take a gamble; rather I should check things twice and assume that I forgot something anyway.  There is an optimistic part of the IX of Wands: even though the wolf may have taken some blows, he is still on his feet and able to protect himself.  That means that while I need to be aware of my health and my physical world resources, I should not allow worry to degrade into panic.  That would be a distraction, an untimely one because the sources of my physical-world worries should be peaking and then beginning to fade away.  I'm still standing strong, and that is a good thing.