Wednesday, February 2, 2022

February 2, 2022: II of Pentacles and Anant

The card image on the II of Pentacles shows a playful white ferret playing on top of a precarious arrangement of gold coins, balanced on top of three gold nuggets (with the smallest nugget at the bottom, adding to the precariousness of the image).  Ferrets are playful and this one is showing us that he is able to balance and still move around, shifting his body and his attention as needed.  The keywords for this card are fun, indecisiveness, juggling, and finances. 

Anant is an extra Major Arcana card unique to the True Black Tarot.  The card image shows a golden fetus surrounded by two coils of a golden serpent; behind them both is a black star field.  "Anant" is the name of the serpent surrounding the fetus, and it means "remainder," representing that which exists when all else ceases.  Anant is not a temporal being but rather, exists outside of the rules and constraints that apply to temporal beings and the physical world (and all of its rules).  The golden fetus acts as a bridge between the ending and the beginning.  The keywords for this card are endless, infinite, exempt, and cyclical.


Another important message.  Anant is a serious card that hints at messages for physical-world beings that just might change the way we perceive our world.  In our day-to-day existence, we don’t always remember that there is so much more to experience than what can be perceived by our physical body senses.  These other perceptions exist through higher vibrations, which is a “woo-woo” term that has been co-opted by the fluffy.  However, those of us who are aware of the subtle body and the unseen but still powerful energies around us understand that the physical world is heavier and thus slower-vibrating.  Earth is the most stable of the elements; water has some movement and is a bit lighter because of that.  Air is even more light and is filled with vibrations of all kinds (sound is vibration), and is also a sort of “carrier” for energies such as speed and force, as well as sound.  Fire is not stable at all and only exists while combustion is happening, and since combustion involves heat, Fire is the fastest or highest vibrating of the elements. Spirit or Deity vibrates at a higher level because it only exists in a pure form that does not contain essences of the physical world (although Spirit or Deity can reach downward in an attempt to connect with the physical world by slowing down their vibrations, just as we can reach upward and commune with Spirit or Deity by deliberately raising our own vibrations).


Today we also need to keep in mind the correspondences of the number 2; after all, today is 2/2/2022.  The number 2 is about balance, creative partnerships, duality, polarity, comparison, tension, partnership, cooperation, diplomacy, and decisions, and it offers both direction and connection.  The number 2 can be considered a gateway.  In the Tarot, this number represents the first time the element appears as itself, manifested.  


Convoluted road toward a specific message.  Anant exists outside of our physical and linear world, and thus Anant is not subject to its rules.  The process of understanding this is life-long and challenging as this is part of the knowledge guarded by The High Priestess and can only be learned in layers.  Our brains, our processing “computers,” are biological after all.  My II of Pentacles is reminding me of one important process within this journey toward understanding: playfulness.  I’m not talking about playfulness that erases responsibility, although that kind of playfulness can be healing when applied in small doses.  Rather, my II of Pentacles is reminding me that visions don’t have to be realistic in order to have a powerful effect.  Allowing visions of the unrealistic, of the fantastical, to happen just might allow those playful visions to manifest in some valuable way.  If we maintain awareness of the forces in play, we will remain balanced and in touch with reality, and yet get a glimpse of the Machinery of the Universe.


Happy Imbolc!

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