Tuesday, April 5, 2022

April 5, 2022: V of Cups and Justice; a bit about Separation.

The image on the V of Cups cards shows Cups with cracks and leaking water, with a few seeming to be already empty due to a massive crack.  The image itself is pure black and white and seems depressing, desolate and "blah."  The keywords for this card are loss, defeat, sorrow, and difficulty. 

The figure on the Justice card stands tall and faces the observer, but her eyes and face are hidden behind a white veil held in place by a golden crown (representing the authority of impartial truth).  In her right hand (the traditional hand of power) she holds the sword that executes justice and equalizes wrongdoing; in her left hand (traditionally the receptive hand) she holds the scales that measure the weight of one's heart.  Behind her is a holograph of the constellation Libra, one of the four cardinal virtues of Rome (Prudence, Courage and Temperance are the other three).  The keywords of this card are fairness, impartiality, karma, and clarity.


The V of Cups is a card of painful emotions that might include despair, failure, arguments or discord, or the end of a relationship.  There certainly is no reason to see the V of Cups as unrelenting loss.  Yes it tells of some pain or difficulty, but the ending of an important emotional relationship could end up being a release from bondage, if the relationship was a toxic one.  The failure of one effort could offer possibilities to be obtained in a new direction.


The True Black version of the Justice card is about blind justice (rather than the Divine justice that is present when the figure looks into the viewer's eyes), although there are some interpretations regarding a blindfolded figure as representing ignorance of some necessary facts.  Arthur sees her as a sentinel who answers to no man or no power, but only to the searing light of truth (represented by the glowing orb behind her head).  Justice weighs both the cause of the issue in play and the effects of the manifestation of that issue.  The figure representing Justice must understand those concepts and then present a conscious and deliberate response to what has occurred thus far in a completely impartial manner, without allowing emotions or prejudices or expectations or favoritism to affect any outcome.   Not an easy task, by any means.  Her sword tells us that action must be taken based upon the facts of the matter, for choosing to not judge is not an option.  


As far as Dignities, we are dealing with the suit of Cups and element of Water, a passive element which represents cold that binds and wet that adapts, and the number 5, which can be seen here as something that stirs and roils still waters.  Justice corresponds with the element of Air, an active element which represents heat that separates and wet that adapts.  Both elements have the ability to adapt in common.  Perhaps the discomfort of the V of Cups can be eased by knowing that the right action has been taken, no matter how personally painful.


The next step in the Great Work is Separation, which is about sorting, filtering and separating the remains of Calcination and Dissolution in order to isolate what is programmed and to select what is real.  Here we begin to explore our beliefs and experiences in a non-judgmental way through our intuition rather than through our judgmental ego.  Separation encourages us to strengthen our ability to be mindful and to be aware of opposites; it is about the purification of courage, power, and the Will.  Separation corresponds with the substance of Air, the planet Mars, the metal Iron, and the color orange-red.  It corresponds with Manipura, the solar plexus chakra, and with the yogic path of the control of the mind and the senses.  To me, Separation corresponds with The Magician, the card of power, skill, and attainment in the physical world that corresponds with Air.


Monday, April 4, 2022

April 4, 2022: King of Wands and King of Pentacles

The card image on the True Black King of Wands shows a man standing tall and proud, wearing a golden robe and a crown of golden peacock feathers, holding his staff of office in his right hand and raising his left hand in a gesture of power and greeting.  He is stepping forward with confidence, eyes gazing directly at the viewer.  The keywords for this card are commanding, inspiring, uniting, and creating. 

The image on the King of Pentacles shows a ruler who is strong and sturdy.  His clothes are embellished with gold coins, and above he's head are huge golden antlers also decorated with gold coins.  He is leaning on a massive stone boulder, and holds a forging hammer in one hand with a large gold coin floating over the other hand.  The keywords for this card are entrepreneur, forging, supportive, and successful.


The King of Wands is about status and honor that bring both personal achievement as well as contributions related to creativity, knowledge, and quality of life.  This King is a charismatic commander who inspires others and rallies them to his cause, fearlessly leading his people into a prosperous future.


The King of Pentacles of this deck is reliable, sturdy and successful, and he is a master at playing the long game and planning ahead.  His forging hammer symbolizes his ability to create his own opportunities, his own wealth.  He is relaxed and confident enough to lean on that huge boulder, someone who can be depended on during difficult times. 


Since we have two Kings today, let’s explore this rank a bit.  The Kings sit at the top of the Pillar of Force on the Tree of Life, located in the sephira of Chokmah, representing the Sacred Masculine and the Catalyst of Life.  Chokmah is seen as dynamic thrust, the Ultimate Positive, the Great Stimulator and the Great Fertilizer (one of the symbols of Chokmah is the penis.  The energies of this sephira (and the rank of King) represent dynamic male (outer and active, not necessarily sexual maleness) energy and vital force.


Within Elemental Dignities, the Kings show us what happens when Air (the rank of King) is affected by Earth, Water, Fire and Air.  The King of Wands displays Air (heat that separates and wet that adapts) as affected by Fire (heat that separates and dry that shapes).  Air and Fire are both active and have heat that separates in common, which means they are friendly and supportive of each other.  This King can be said to use the intellect to strengthen the Will by manifesting both passion and his personal ideals. Our King of Wands enjoys the creativity and enthusiasm that Fire brings and the rapidly and visibly increasing growth that is stimulated by this combination can be exciting for him.


The King of Pentacles displays Air (heat that separates and wet that adapts) as affected by Earth (cold that binds and dry that shapes, with nothing in common with Air).  Air and Earth weaken each other; Air is active and does not like the heavy slowness of Earth and Earth is passive and does not like the restless and easily-moved Air.  However, in good circumstances (such as the presence of two Kings), our King of Pentacles can use his resources, his wealth, and his health to stimulate growth and support physical manifestations, for the good of all.


In the end, these two Kings can be a powerful influence in my day.  I do need to keep in mind that a bit of grounding might be a good thing, though.




Saturday, April 2, 2022

April 2, 2022: VII of Pentacles and The Sun; a bit about Dissolution

The image on the VII of Pentacles shows six gold coins on one side of a scale and a list of tasks on the other side; that list of tasks is just a bit heavier than the gold coins.  Below the coin side of the scale is some unharvested wheat; below the task list are Lily of the Valley in bloom.  In front of them all is a large gold coin, partially buried in the soil.  The keywords for this card are reward, evaluation, rest, and pride. 

The Sun of the True Black Major Arcana shows a woman joyfully and confidently spinning and dancing, scattering petals from the sunflowers gathered at her feet.  Behind her and centered on her head is a hologram of a beautiful starburst with rays stretching through more than half of the card image.  Imposed in front of the star are nine dots of varying diameter, representing the planets of our solar system.  The keywords for this card are warmth, joy, insight, and celebration.


We have recently dealt with the number 7 recently; it represents the pause that happens as growth slows and degeneration approaches that gives us the opportunity to check in with things and determine whether we have done sufficient work, or we need to do more.  The True Black VII of Pentacles is a great metaphor for this idea because it shows a scale with coins on one side and a To-Do list on the other.  Below the scale are some lily of the valley blossoms, representing protection and good luck, which bodes well even though the To-Do list appears to be a bit more heavy than the pile of coins.  The Sun is a card of illumination, telling us that we can successfully perceive our challenges and their possible solutions, and since we have done the work we should take our moment of satisfaction and glory.


Of course, The Sun of the Tarot Majors corresponds with our own Sol and with the element of Fire, an active element representing heat that separates and dry that shapes.  Tarot Major Arcana cards represent long-term effects so they are not greatly affected by Minor Arcana cards in the long run, but our suit of Pentacles and element of Earth (which is passive and corresponds with cold that binds and dry that shapes) might have a temporary and subtle ability to affect the Fire of The Sun.  A bit of clouds perhaps that will cause the sun to dim for a little while.  I’ll take those passing clouds, then enjoy the warmth and illumination of The Sun.  Once I finish my To-Do list, of course.


The next step in the Great Work is Dissolution, considered to be the process of purification of the vessel, and it is performed by dissolving the ashes of Calcination in water and washing away impurities, as well as emotions that no longer serve us.  Dissolution offers us psychological education and cibation, which is the purification of feelings through the salt in our tears, as well as ways to deal with and begin to understand the subconscious.  Dissolution corresponds with the substance of Water, the planet Jupiter, the metal of Tin, and the colors white or light blue.  It corresponds with Svadhisthana, the sacral chakra, and the yogic path of personal improvement and asana (or the freeing of body energy).  To me, Dissolution corresponds with The High Priestess, the card of intuition, hidden knowledge and higher awareness that corresponds with Water.  


Friday, April 1, 2022

April 1, 2022: VII of Swords and IV of Pentacles; brief notes about Calcination

The image on the True Black VII of Swords shows a white rat, a known carrier of disease and symbol of betrayal, in front of a dark and shadowy curtain that is pierced from behind by the blades of six Swords.  Dangling ominously above the rat, point down, is a seventh golden Sword.  The keywords for this card are betrayal, thievery, plotting, and dishonor. 

The image on the IV of Pentacles shows four heavy and large golden coins embedded in the ground.  Above them is an intricate spider web; trapped in the web are blue butterflies.  One additional butterfly appears to be flying toward that web.  The keywords for this card are hoarding, greed, materialism, and stagnation.


To me, the VII of Swords indicates the achievement of an empty victory by fighting hard to hold the current rules in place, even if they have become a danger to ourselves or to others.  The True Black VII of Swords represents this as well, with the added possibility this danger will be subverted or hidden to prevent interference.  In the Tarot, the number 7 can be seen as reaching a pause or pinnacle that offers us a choice, and it appears this choice could have life-changing effects, not necessarily good ones.


The coins in the image of the IV of Pentacles look heavy; to emphasize that appearance, they are deeply embedded in the ground to the point that removing them would be difficult.  The vines growing on the coins reinforce the idea that they are stuck for good.  This card reminds us that wealth does nothing if we keep it hidden safely away.  To make these coins valuable, they must become something, they must be used in order to create something.  Like the number 7, the number 4 tells of a pause, this pause caused by stability and control, rather than the opportunity to choose.


Pulling Elemental Dignities into the interpretation, we have learned that Earth (Pentacles) is passive, representing cold that binds and dry that shapes, and Air (Swords) is active, representing heat that separates and cold that adapts.  They are unfriendly, which means their effects actively cancel each other out or take away the power of the other element to act.  The IV of Pentacles represents holding onto something to the point of hoarding, and the VII of Swords represents fighting hard to hold the current rules in place, even if they are not benefiting me or have even become a danger to me.  Hoarding resources and deliberately choosing to selfishly subvert a situation by insisting on my own rules are the results of this unfriendly combination.


I certainly need to pay attention today.  My mind may be trying to cling to something that will not work, perhaps something in the physical world that is stuck or being difficult, or just being invisible through not moving.  Hmmmm . . . .

I've been exploring the rabbit hole that is the alchemical Great Work once again, in part because of my VII of Cups card that appeared in my previous post.  I find that typing things out helps to crystallize them in my mind, so here is just a bit about Calcination.

Calcination is the process of burning something over an open flame until only ash remains.  It is considered to be purification by fire.  Calcination is also seen as the destruction of ego, the first step in the Great Work because ego can not only cloud our perceptions, but also control them for its own benefit.  Thus we must experience the destruction of ego through psychological disintegration in order to meet and understand our Shadow.  Physically, the open flame can be represented by metabolic or aerobic discipline, which helps in the purification of thoughts.  Calcination corresponds with the element or substance of Fire, the planet Saturn, the metal of Lead, and the colors black, magenta or purple-red.  It corresponds with Muladhara, the root chakra, and the yogic path of abstention.  To me, The Tower is the Major Arcana card that best corresponds with Calcination, for this card represents sudden changes and upheavals, and corresponds with the element of Fire.