Saturday, April 2, 2022

April 2, 2022: VII of Pentacles and The Sun; a bit about Dissolution

The image on the VII of Pentacles shows six gold coins on one side of a scale and a list of tasks on the other side; that list of tasks is just a bit heavier than the gold coins.  Below the coin side of the scale is some unharvested wheat; below the task list are Lily of the Valley in bloom.  In front of them all is a large gold coin, partially buried in the soil.  The keywords for this card are reward, evaluation, rest, and pride. 

The Sun of the True Black Major Arcana shows a woman joyfully and confidently spinning and dancing, scattering petals from the sunflowers gathered at her feet.  Behind her and centered on her head is a hologram of a beautiful starburst with rays stretching through more than half of the card image.  Imposed in front of the star are nine dots of varying diameter, representing the planets of our solar system.  The keywords for this card are warmth, joy, insight, and celebration.


We have recently dealt with the number 7 recently; it represents the pause that happens as growth slows and degeneration approaches that gives us the opportunity to check in with things and determine whether we have done sufficient work, or we need to do more.  The True Black VII of Pentacles is a great metaphor for this idea because it shows a scale with coins on one side and a To-Do list on the other.  Below the scale are some lily of the valley blossoms, representing protection and good luck, which bodes well even though the To-Do list appears to be a bit more heavy than the pile of coins.  The Sun is a card of illumination, telling us that we can successfully perceive our challenges and their possible solutions, and since we have done the work we should take our moment of satisfaction and glory.


Of course, The Sun of the Tarot Majors corresponds with our own Sol and with the element of Fire, an active element representing heat that separates and dry that shapes.  Tarot Major Arcana cards represent long-term effects so they are not greatly affected by Minor Arcana cards in the long run, but our suit of Pentacles and element of Earth (which is passive and corresponds with cold that binds and dry that shapes) might have a temporary and subtle ability to affect the Fire of The Sun.  A bit of clouds perhaps that will cause the sun to dim for a little while.  I’ll take those passing clouds, then enjoy the warmth and illumination of The Sun.  Once I finish my To-Do list, of course.


The next step in the Great Work is Dissolution, considered to be the process of purification of the vessel, and it is performed by dissolving the ashes of Calcination in water and washing away impurities, as well as emotions that no longer serve us.  Dissolution offers us psychological education and cibation, which is the purification of feelings through the salt in our tears, as well as ways to deal with and begin to understand the subconscious.  Dissolution corresponds with the substance of Water, the planet Jupiter, the metal of Tin, and the colors white or light blue.  It corresponds with Svadhisthana, the sacral chakra, and the yogic path of personal improvement and asana (or the freeing of body energy).  To me, Dissolution corresponds with The High Priestess, the card of intuition, hidden knowledge and higher awareness that corresponds with Water.  


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