Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Two of Wands reversed/Three of Pentacles.  The Two of Wands (Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression, drive, in Aries, “I want,” action oriented, pioneering, assertive, enthusiastic) tells of power, influence and authority.  The personal power being represented by this card may not be easily tapped for me today, so I should remain aware of that and choose my actions accordingly.  The Three of Pentacles (Mars, action, spontaneity, aggression, drive, in Capricorn, “I build,” ambition, cunning, competence) tells of competence, planning and teamwork, and those seem to be the energies that will be the most productive today.  This card represents the first real physical world manifestation or effect of an idea, and it reminds me that I’ve gotta keep my awareness on this idea in order for it to really solidify. Nose to the grindstone, no dreaming about the end result yet.

My Thoth card is the Three of Disks reversed.  “Work” and Bookends!  Crowley sees the upright Three of Disks as representing the first crystallization of the fertility and promise of the suit of Disks.  My Thoth Three of Disks is reversed, and since it is a Bookend card and there already is a Three of Disks upright today, this one is telling me that while something has definitely been created in the physical world, it just might not be what I think it is.  Looks like I might have to go back and check again eh?

My Legacy card is Justice reversed, flavored by the Six of Cups.  Justice is a card of adjustment, and it corresponds with the element of Air (hot/separates and wet/adapts, and quick, animated energy that usually brings problems or challenges that bring growth), Libra (“we are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation), Lamed (ox goad; training or teaching), and the Path between Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify) and Geburah (the place where forms and structures are challenged or affirmed).  The upright Justice card represents true fairness and equality, but since my Justice card is also reversed, there may be some difficulty today regarding moral justice.  However, I am being given a good method for dealing with any moral injustice I come into contact with (whether I am the recipient or the perpetrator) in my Six of Cups card.  The Six of Cups (Sun, the inner core of a person or situation in Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, compulsive, deep, obsessive), is a card of innocence, emotional balance and harmony.  This card remins me that whenever I have difficulty with justice or morality, the best way to find an answer is to simply things, to assume innocence (but not unrealistically), and to apply love to the equation.

More about my Bookends card, the Three of Pentacles/Disks/Coins.  The number 3 is an active, fertile number; it usually represents the creation of something new, and in the Tarot Minor Arcana cards, that new creation is usually made from the fertility and promise of the Ace, and the balance, polarity, and understanding of “distance between” of the Two.  the suit of Pentacles corresponds to the element of Earth, and while this does offer a bit of balance to the volatile 3, it also offers the potentials of Earthly fertility.  That means this card can represent making use of talents or having marketable skills; it can tell us to have pride even when our work is humble, and it tells us that having a good reputation through working hard and being fair will provide benefits in the future.  While this card tells of the establishment of some potentially fertile physical-world operation, it is not yet portraying any completion of that operation.  This card also tells of skills attained through study and apprenticeship, so there is some influence of the group here, either in getting this far, or maybe in order to move forward from here.  Reversed, the Three of Pentacles can indicate work of poor work, losing interest in a project, being petty or caught up in useless focuses or instructions, not having strong skills, heading out on your own at what might be a bad time, or missing out on an opportunity.

My 6-digit date number is 4, the number of depth and stability. 

My horoscopes: “You tend to be down to Earth and practical, Sagittarius, but now you feel like indulging in some flights of fancy. Romance or fantasy novels could be especially appealing right now. You might even toy with the idea of writing one of your own. If you're currently romantically involved, your sweetheart might want to take you out for a special dinner. Enjoy your day.”

And: “Transformation of not only your life, but your very being, may have been in the works for a long time. Today, however, is the day when you could finally see it manifesting. Dreams come true, perhaps in an unconventional and totally unexpected manner. A caution: don't move too quickly or too eagerly. Think carefully before committing to any plans, and don't be afraid to consult with others, either. If you move with caution, good fortune should follow.”

My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding The Star.  The stars of the night are ancient and silent; they offer the same kind of power and fulfillment (or at least a potential to receive the same) as our Sun, but from the perspective of the vastness of the Universe, filled with possibilities of all shapes, colors and kinds.  From this primordial perspective of the stars, time is meaningless, judgments are a waste of time, and all is possible.

More about Astrology, and the planet Pluto.  Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio and the Eighth House. In Roman mythology, Pluto is the god of the underworld and of wealth, and thus represents the things buried deep within us that need to be brought to light.  Pluto takes 247 years to make a full circuit of the Zodiac, but this trip through the signs is not predictable.  Pluto spends anywhere between 15 and 26 years in each sign. Pluto is the outermost planet of the solar system, and represents the final result of the process of breaking down the reality structure of normal consciousness begun by Uranus.  Pluto offers transformation through death and rebirth, usually rebirth that is higher on he evolutionary path.  Often what we leave behind within this process is a part of our ego that we feel we cannot live without. Pluto’s energy is the most intense and potent there is: atomic, nuclear, sexual, kundalini. If we allow the fear of the death of some part of our self to block it’s process, the result can be catastrophic.

Astrologically, Pluto is considered a higher octave of Mars, because Pluto is not the force and strength of Mars, but rather the knowledge and wisdom that come from being able to wield force and strength.  Because this planet destroys in order to renew, Pluto is called "the great renewer"; the most common keyword used for this planet is “transformation.” It is associated with power and personal mastery, and cooperation in the name of mutual survival. Pluto governs big business and wealth, mining, surgery and detective work, and any process that involves digging under the surface to bring the truth to light.

Pluto is also associated with the corruption brought by extreme power; the discovery of Pluto corresponded with the Great Depression and the growth of organized crime in the US, with nuclear armament, and with the rise of fascism and Stalinism in Europe, leading to World War II. The discovery of Pluto also occurred just after the birth of modern psychoanalysis, when Freud and Jung began to explore the depths of the unconscious.  In art, movements like Cubism and Surrealism began to de-construct the "normal" view of the world. In medicine, Pluto is seen to be associated with regenerative forces in the body involving cell formation and the reproductive system.

Spelunkers, geologists, subway workers, psychotherapists, healers, religious leaders and detectives all correspond in a good way with Pluto. Organized crime, spies, the socially disaffected, and terrorists also correspond with Pluto, not necessarily in a pleasant way. Politicians also correspond with Pluto, and LOL, they can be either good or bad.

Pluto's three gifts, attained through a not-so-pleasant process, are strength of will, the power of transcendence, and transformation through self-knowledge and redemption.  I know from experience they are worth working for.


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