Sunday, September 16, 2012

Transparent Oracle Sunday!

15, Landscape: Desert (South). South is the direction of the midday sun and the peak of power and illumination; this direction is associated with passionate drive and creativity.  Desert represents an extreme environment that upon initial examination seems to preclude life; actually this Landscape just challenges life, severely, but if we see that challenge as a chance to test our endurance and our ability to adapt to difficult situations, we will prosper.

42, Guide: Angel (Above). Above: The direction of Above takes us up and out of the four traditional elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, and reminds us that we are but a small part of the Cosmos.  Above also reminds us that while the Machinery of the Universe is huge, it does have an effect on each of us, and each of us is an important part of the workings of that Machinery.  The other two cards today present questions: How much do you really want to be where you are?  What tools are you going to use to get to where you need to be?  What have you experienced that gives you authority?  Angel is the Guide who will help me to find my answers to these questions.  Notice I did not say that Angel would provide the answers.  No, it’s not that easy.  But gaining a connection to and an understanding of my Purpose is never going to be easy. 

18, Guide: Horse (South). The direction of South corresponds with the element of Fire, which brings spontaneous, impulsive and energetic change; the elemental dignities of Fire are hot/separates and dry/shapes.  Horse is basically about going somewhere; after all, humans use Horse as a means for transportation.  This card is about getting to where you need to be, whether literally or figuratively, and about making progress towards achieving a transformation, and thus, authority.

I then built my mandala, and the first thing I sensed after stacking the cards was motion!  This mandala is reminding me that sometimes the road ahead seems to be heading to an uncomfortable place.  However, it is rare that good results come easily to us, so I should embrace the hardships in front of me, whether they are of the physical world or spiritual realms, and see them as opportunities to test my mettle.  The other thing I need to remember is that often, the act of pushing oneself past the limit of endurance ends up to be a key that unlocks the realms of meditation and vision, and to knowledge about Self.  What a boost to my confidence that will be, to survive that kind of challenge.

I biked to Point Park again this morning and walked the 2 mile trail.  I saw snowy egret triplets, gently floating by; I saw a pair of osprey, hunting for breakfast.  A kestrel swooped by, seeming to be on some errand.  And butterflies and bees were everywhere!

I only saw two painted ladies, but monarchs are arriving.  I did not see the thousands of last year, but there certainly were hundreds! 

I decided to walk along the shore of the Cove on my way back, rather than on the inside of the berm.  The sky was so blue, and the ocean was calm.  Fishing boats were out in the Bay, and hundreds of gulls were collected on the warm sand, facing into the breeze.  As I walked past the WWII bunker, I noticed tiny ghost crabs scuttling away from me, looking like tiny tumbleweeds being pushed by breezes. 

I’m heading to the beach this afternoon, we are having company for dinner tonight, and my bonus is a Reiki Share with my beloved Pagan Brain Trust, on Skype.  Does not get better than this!


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