Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Wheel of Fortune/Five of Cups reversed. The Wheel of Fortune (Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes, and spontaneous, impulsive and energetic change), Jupiter (expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune), Kaph (grasping hand), and the Path between Netzach (the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration) and Chesed (the place where forms and structure are stabilized and nurtured)) represents the actions and effects of fate and destiny, and not of anything that we in the end can control.  This card has been showing up for me recently, both upright and reversed, and it could be warning me that some kind of crossroad, decision or turning point is approaching.  This card tells me to be aware that while I have free choice, some things are patterned into my existence, and I need to be aware of these outside influences.  The Five of Cups (Mars, action, aggression, drive, in Scorpio, “I desire,” intense, controlling, mysterious, obsessive) has been showing up a lot, too; this one tells of an emotional setback, or perhaps a perception that support is lacking.  The traditional image of this card is a person viewing three spilled or broken cups, with two intact and full cups positioned behind the person.  However, if the person in the image would look away from the broken and spilled cups, he would instantly see that things are not quite so bad; sometimes assistance comes to us from where we least expect it.

My Thoth card is the Five of Cups reversed.  Bookends!!  Crowley’s keyword for the upright Five of Cups is “Disappointment,” and that does fit.  The number 5 stirs things up, and Crowley feels that any disturbance in pleasure can only bring discomfort and misfortune.  But perhaps the fact that I have Bookend Five of Cups cards today is reminding me that I have a choice: I can choose to only focus on those spilled and broken cups and thus foster a “woe is me” attitude, or I can decide that I’m not going to sweat the things that have already happened and thus, can’t be changed.  Instead, I will look for those Cups that are still upright . . . they’ve gotta be around here somewhere!

My Legacy card is the Four of Swords reversed, flavored by the Three of Cups. The Four of Swords (Jupiter, expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune, in Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation) can represent a pause or truce, a time of silence and isolation, and a time of being cut off from the world yet still alert.  My Four of Swords is reversed and thus, I am being told that now is not a good time to pause or hold back from expressing myself.  The thing we need to remember about pausing and preparing is that sooner or later any further preparations will end up undoing whatever it was we just did.  I haven’t seen the card flavoring my reversed Four of Swords, the Three of Cups, in a few weeks. The Three of Cups (Mercury, reason, intelligence, orderliness, communication, in Cancer, “I feel,” sensitive, tenacious, nurturing, moody) in an upright position is about connections, and about blessings.  This card is validating the reversed Four of Swords, and offering a suggestion as to just how I should enact the reversed card: connect to others in a positive and upbeat manner.  Okay, I can do that!

More about my Bookends card, the Five of Cups!  The suit of Cups is about feelings, emotions and the Inner Voice, and about dreams, imagination, purification and healing.  Cups corresponds to Water, and Water always seeks a low, quite level and resists change.  The number 5 is about the imposition of motion upon potential, balance and stability, in order to prevent stagnation.  This can leave us initially feeling lost, alone, or rejected, but these feelings also highlight to us the things or methods or feelings we can’t use any more because they are broken. The Five of Cups and the emotional discomfort it represents is in the end absolutely necessary, for the deep, still pool that is the Four of Cups cannot move on its own, and is doomed to stagnation and then death unless it is churned up a bit.  Therein lies the silver lining to this card, and perhaps, the meaning of the still-standing cups.  LOL, like the saying goes, you can’t bake a cake without breaking a few eggs. 

My 6-digit date number is 7, the number that tells of the pause that comes at the end of a period of growth, and the ensuing beginning of degeneration.

My horoscopes: “There are lots of personal and financial issues to resolve today, Sagittarius. You may hear from your bank or see some alarming numbers on an ATM receipt. Don't get upset. Ultimately, these matters will be resolved to your benefit. As for personal matters, you may learn some new information about someone you thought you knew well. A relationship you once considered closed may not be.”

And: “You should be on an emotional high, as if you are a great eagle soaring over a large valley below. Your behavior may seem rather primal and animalistic, but this is fine. Go with this instinct and see where it takes you. Raw passion is the fuel that will light your fire, so don't deny this internal flame that burns brightly within you. Move forwards with your dreams, especially in the realm of love and romance.”

My Shadowscapse Insight is regarding The High Priestess.  Cool card!!  The Shadowscapes Companion creates a lovely visual of words regarding this card: “In the gloam, the night is full of whispers – the secret knowledge of the stars, of the trees, and of the earth. “ And The High Priestess hears them all! The Shadowscapes High Priestess is about knowledge and wisdom, learning and initiation, and purity and virtue.  She represents half of the archetype of the Sacred Feminine, and she is the mystery of Deity. 

Busy day, but had to get my post up because we had a Bookend today!


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