My Thoth card is the Three of Swords. Eeep! “Sorrow”
is Crowley’s keyword for this one. The Three of Swords (Saturn, discipline, responsibility,
limitations and resistance, in Libra, “We are,” partnerships, balance,
cooperation) usually indicates the possibility that logic, rationalizing and
the intellect could end up causing harm if they are not used with balance and
compassion. Crowley sees this card
as indicating melancholy; perhaps I need to remember today that discomfort is
necessary. It is one side of the
same coin that contains happiness.
My Legacy card is the Knight of Cups reversed, flavored by Justice
reversed. Knight of Cups
(cusp of Aquarius, “I know,” friendships, the group, cause-oriented, and
Pisces, “I believe,” feelings, duality, suffering, soul growth) is about
feeling things strongly and about dreaming, and about the imagination. But my Knight is reversed today, so I
may need to be careful that I don’t get lost in dreams or feelings. Justice is a card of adjustment, and it corresponds
with the element of Air (hot/separates and wet/adapts, and quick, animated
energy that usually brings problems or challenges that bring growth), Libra
(“we are,” partnerships, balance, cooperation), Lamed (ox goad; training or
teaching), and the Path between Tiphareth (the hub of the creation process
where energies harmonize and focus to illuminate and clarify) and Geburah (the
place where forms and structures are challenged or affirmed). Justice tells of enlightenment and an
awareness of cause and effect; my card is reversed, so I do need to be careful
today. It is also flavoring my
reduced Knight; could out-of-control feelings be bringing the potential of some
damaging karma? Tread carefully
My 6-digit date number is 10, representing the end of a cycle,
which reduces further to 1, the number of potential and position.
My horoscopes: “If you're talking about
another person today, Sagittarius, make sure you aren't saying anything that
would be upsetting if they were standing right there. Gossip may be running
rampant, but that's no excuse for you to contribute to it. Be aware that what
you say has a strong impact on the people around you and is likely to reach
many more ears than you may think.”
And: “Things coming at you from all
sides are forcing you to make a move. Try not to be pressured into something
you don't want to do. A nervous restlessness is apt to take over your being and
urge you to act. Try not to be pressured by other people's energies. Secure
your position and be strong. Try not to be lured by temptation into situations
that you know are bad for you.”
My Shadowscapes Insight is regarding The Empress! Love this card, named “Lady-Mother” by
the Shadowscapes Companion. She is
creativity and patience and generosity and abundance; she teaches us to enjoy
all the experiences of the senses, both good and bad, for they are proof of
life, and they are the reason the Goddess gifts us with life, again and again.
Well, without me looking, and as I was distracted with other
things, it seems that the process of Distillation has completed. I think the most important thing that I
have learned to do over the past weeks is to let go of my attachment to future
outcomes. Instead, I seem to be
focusing more upon the processes and the benefits I am receiving, without
judging. Treating myself this way
has the awesome byproduct of decreasing my times of judging others.
In the past, these times of releasing and of giving up the process
of judgment have happened “after the fact,” rather than during times of
stress. But more and more, I am
able to catch myself as I begin to activate these uncomfortable processes, and
I am able to short-circuit them, or better yet, prevent them from being a
factor at all.
There are some things that we absolutely must own, such as our own
intentions, words and actions. But
I love the fact that I am, with increasing regularity, choosing to not impose
upon myself the need for a perfect result or ending. These kinds of impositions tend to put up barriers or walls,
and those I don’t want.
Can I actually be ready for Coagulation??
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