Sunday, June 24, 2012

Transparent Oracle Sunday!  As always, the question is “What do I need to know?”  The cards I threw are:

8, Guide: Eagle (East).  East is the direction of the rising sun, and thus of new beginnings and fresh ideas, as well as knowledge, intellectual ideas and thoughts.  Eagle is about achievement, focus and honor; there is a reason that Eagle is the symbol of the US.  Eagle can see far away, and once a goal is in view, Eagle can swoop down on hugely powerful wings and grasp that goal with formidable talons, and then carry his prize away.  Eagle is honorable as well, and does not abuse his power.

52, Guide: Ancestors/Dark Goddess (Below).  The direction of Below is not easily associated with spirituality, yet it is a powerful symbol representing the opportunity to create a strong foundation, and to connect to the tools and powers of the Underworld.  Ancestors/Dark Goddess has two messages.  One is that those who have travelled the Well-Worn Path before us usually have valuable messages for us, to guide us on our own Journey.  The other is the message of the Dark Goddess: it is in the silence of the deep dark that the more subtle yet equally valuable messages can be received and understood. 

24, Time of Day: Sunset (West).  West is the direction of Water, and thus, of feelings and emotions, relationships of all kinds, cleansing and healing, the wisdom associated with natural endings, and the bubbling up of pure joy.  Sunset is the time when we pause as the daylight hours come to a close.  We should not, however, assume that the day is done, for much can be had from the dark hours.  The light of the setting sun and the long shadows can transform even the most mundane environment into something mystical and magickal, the perfect environment to remember the experiences of the day.

I then stacked the cards into my mandala.  This one is quite self-contained, unlike the mandalas of the past few weeks, and it has a powerful message.  I am being told that I am in the position to be proud of what I have accomplished.  Over the past decade, my studies of the occult and of the subtle body and of Wicca have matured and born fruit.  This has happened in part due to my own work, but also in part because of the guidance and teachings of those who have come before me.  A winding up of some kind is approaching, but this winding up will not be an ending.  Instead, it will be a time for me to think about all I’ve accomplished so that new enthusiasm for the tasks ahead can be born within me.  I have the ability to keep learning and evolving, and I have the support of others.  I need not fear any approaching darkness, for not only will it be temporary, but also it, too, will present opportunities to learn and evolve.

I like that.

Stepped on the scale, and to my delight, I lost another pound.  That is 8 pounds so far!!


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