Ten of Wands reversed/Two of Wands reversed. Interesting that today I have the beginnings of the manifestation of the powers of Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes) and its spontaneous change and transformation, and the final and full manifestation of Fire’s powers, both reversed. Perhaps I am being reminded that even though it is difficult to disconnect with the personal power associated with the suit of Wands, doing so at least for the moment may bring an objectivity and a cooler head. Yes, I may not connect to personal power in this way, but I also will prevent burn-out. This way, I will be ready, willing and able to apply structure and defined purpose to the transformation of Fire when it arises again, as it surely must for even though both cards are reversed, they are both of the suit of Wands, so the energy is present.
My Thoth card is the Nine of Disks reversed. The “Gain” card may be reversed, but from Crowley’s vantage point that may not be so bad after all. To Crowley, the energy of this card and its “purring with satisfaction” have the potential to become stagnant. Because the card is reversed and because I have not yet reached the point of purring, I may yet prevent that slowdown.
My Legacy card is the Seven of Wands reversed, flavored by the Knight of Coins. Marchetti’s Seven of Wands is a powerful card to me, personally. Generally, it illustrates the concept of being defiant, of sticking to one’s plan and of drawing a line in the sand. Personally, this card tells of the Threshold and the Guardian, and since it is reversed, even though I may be in a good position to present myself to the Guardian to be tested prior to admission, perhaps now is not quite the time. Since my Seven of Wands is flavored by the Knight of Coins, who excels in gaining and allocating resources of the physical world and in understanding cause and effect, and since the Knights are mercenaries who are able to accomplish their goals with focus, and with loyalty to their lieges, perhaps I am to use the ways of this Knight in order to prepare myself for the Test of the Guardian.
My 6-digit date number is 6, the number of vertical and horizontal balance. Well, you would never know this by looking at my Tarot cards, but hey . . . maybe all those reversed Wands are there for a reason.
My horoscopes: “Money that you've been earning for a long time may finally come your way today, Sagittarius, but don't be surprised if you have to do a lot of running around in order to get it. Plans for future moneymaking projects could come up, although it's important to consider everything carefully and not jump in too quickly. This is an excellent time to learn a new moneymaking skill.”
And: “You have a unique talent that can help you achieve a permanent goal -- like starting a freelance career or your own business, for example. Stay confident and keep your spirits up. It's especially important to talk to anyone and everyone who's related to your ultimate goal. You never know who you could be talking to. And, after all, your charm is formidable enough to sway just the right person to your side.”
And: “This is a good night to take a friend to the movies and escape reality for a while. Don't feel like you always need to know exactly where you are going. Sometimes the best trips are the ones that involve no planning what so ever. Have fun wherever you are and you can't go wrong. Talk is cheap and it may not be the thing you want to hear. Don't take other people's words too seriously today.”
It is amazing to me the deep and powerful connections I seem to be experiencing to all of Nature. But in some ways, my experiences associated this deep immersion in the energies of Nature that are distracting me so much, make perfect sense. I seem to be mesmerized by these connections; I will experience a small Glimpse of the Machinery of the Universe, and spend what feels like a few minutes pondering it and absorbing what I have sensed, and then once I surface, I find that a week has passed. But I cannot seem to get enough of the elemental energies, and I cannot seem to get enough contact with the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine.
Wicca is indeed a Mystery Tradition, and the process of Journeying to these Mysteries along the Well-Worn Path is surely the way of the Priest/ess. Each of us, male or female, outer in our focus and adept at magickal workings or inner in our focus and seeming to be so mystical as to not be of this world, are traveling along this Well-Worn Path, blazed by those who have Journeyed before us. They have shown us the way, and offered possible tools and teachings to guide us. But those tools do not come with instruction manuals and those teachings do not come with explanatory annotations, for it is the Task of each of us to discover and implement our own instructions, and to understand those teachings as they relate uniquely to our own individual lives and personas. The longer we study, the more likely we may find that our Path is not so Well-Worn any more. This Path could be less-traveled because others have been drawn to either side, or it could appear less-traveled because its Travelers have in a sense become less physical or their footsteps have less of an impact on the physical realms and the effects of the physical world.
And so I come to a place and time where I am drawn to connect with Nature once again, to connect with the phases and effects of the moon and the mystery of the Dark, and to connect with the cycles of the Wheel and the manifestation of the ebbs and flows of solar energies. I am seeing these effects through more learned eyes, and I am experiencing them through a more aware consciousness. Thus, my experiences are difficult to describe in words, even though they are intense and life-changing.
Because I am Wiccan, and because I live and perceive the world through the core beliefs of Wicca, I see these effects of Nature and the cycles of the moon and sun as archetypes of the effects of the Essence of the Divine which has infected everything that is alive. No, life is not infected by this Essence, but rather the Essence is what allows life to happen. I am realizing that while I cannot describe what is happening within me, within my psyche and my personal energy field, I do know that I am being changed by this regular immersion of myself, of my awareness, into these Essences. I am being aligned more closely to Their vibrational tones, and thus I am able to more and more hear Them, feel Them, and perceive Them.
My increased ability to easily change my consciousness to a more magickal nature seems to bring a symbiotic relationship with Nature spirits/entities, and dare I say it, with the Divine. For do not Goddesses and Gods enjoy and maybe even need the contact They receive from those who connect with Them? Don’t They receive pleasure from offerings and from interactions? All I can say is that the more rewarding I feel my interactions with the Sacred Energies become, the more often They come to me and offer another aha! moment, another “cosmic download of information,” or another awe-inspiring glimpse of the workings and basic rightness of the Machinery of the Universe.
What is interesting to me is that while some may roll their eyes at my feeble and ineffective attempts to describe the incredible miracles of transformation that are happening within me, and while some have found that the location of the Teachers and the Lessons they offer has lost its appeal, I am still certain that I am on the right Path. I am not perfect, and neither are those who Travel with me. More and more, I am able to separate my judgment from them and their choices, and thus from any responsibility to any effects of actions taken or choices made. This in the end is a good thing, for in not judging, I am not bringing about a separation from anyone else.
In the end, we are all Travelers, seeking our own right Path. Many of us believe we have found our Path, and isn’t that one of the main reasons for living?
I will be walking to the Cove again tonight for sunset. I don’t know how clear it will be, but I feel the need to be there once again, so that I can offer my presence to the Sun Father, and feel His awareness of me, sitting there, amidst the sand and the waves.
Blessed be!
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