Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Star/The Hanging Man reversed. Two Majors! The Star corresponds with Air (hot/separates and wet/adapts) and the intellect, Aquarius (“I know,” friendships, the group, progressive), Tsadi, the fish hook (experience or thought), and the Path between Yesod (where patterns and images emerge that may manifest into the physical world) and Netzach (the stimulating factors of emotion and inspiration), and tells of the potential for recovery. The message of this card is to start picking up the pieces and look for a new dawn. The Hanging Man

My Thoth card is the Princess of Cups. Crowley really seems to like this card; he sees her as being all sweetness and voluptuousness and kindness and tenderness. To others she may appear selfish or too laid back, but she does not let the opinions of others affect her serenity as she accomplishes what she needs to accomplish. Good role model for me today.

My Legacy card is the Four of Coins reversed, flavored by The Hanging Man. The upright Four of Coins tells of the realization of possessing something valuable. We often react to this situation by becoming possessive, and to some extent that is not a bad thing. However, when protecting our valued possessions becomes an obsession, we may miss out on the non-physical realm blessings around us, and they are just as valuable as any coin or gem. The Hanging Man is about surrender, and in fact represents the archetype of sacrifice and initiation; he corresponds to the element of Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts), as well as Neptune (inspiration, spirituality, enchantment and altered states), Mem (water; stability and balance), and the Path between Hod (analysis of communication; understanding how to do something) and he Path between Geburah (the challenging and affirming of form and structure). The Hanging Man tells of suspension or pause or surrender, most of the time voluntary; however the pause is achieved through sacrifice. The two cards together may be telling me that I am having difficulty in functioning today because I feel that something I value is being threatened.

My 6-digit date number is 10, which tells of the complete manifestation of energies on the physical plane, and which reduces to the number 1, which tells of beginnings and of awareness of self, or location.

My horoscopes: “Interesting communications from friends could center on possible world developments or maybe some juicy gossip about people you know, Sagittarius. Enjoy yourself, but don't take everything you hear at face value. Much of it is less actual fact than the product of someone's fertile imagination. Short journeys in your area could bring news of upcoming changes in your community. Expect the unexpected!”

And: “Renewed energy arrives, and just in the nick of time. A flagging relationship or work project is revivified thanks to this influx of celestial high spirits. In fact, you can expect progress or movement in any areas of your life that have felt stalled recently. Obstacles will seem to disappear as you move steadily toward a long desired goal. Keep up the good work and let your record speak for itself.”

And: “A brother, sister, or neighbor is keeping a secret from you, and if confronted about it, probably won't tell the truth. There may be gossip circulating that wouldn't exactly please you if you heard it. Your phone line could be jumping today, and you'll probably hear a lot of interesting news -- but nothing about what's being kept from you. Let it go. It's probably trivial, and not worthy of effort or consideration.”

I have talked in detail about The Hanging Man recently (towards the end of June), so I will not go into too much detail here, but since the card has shown up in both the upright and reversed positions in my spread today, I think I will remind myself of some of the important points of that focus. The Hanging Man is directly connected to The Emperor, The Fool, Death and The Moon of the Major Arcana.

Marchetti’s Hanging Man shows us that balance is created by equality of opposites, and this bridge created between opposites and the surrender needed to access it may be especially notable today because I threw this card both upright and reversed

The Pearls of Wisdom interpretation of The Hanging Man is interesting. The card is described as representing cheerful sacrifice and surrender to the inevitable. We are being told that despite feeling bound by other things (or maybe because of binds that restrict us), we are able to surrender to the entire event. We are emancipated from restrictions by surrendering to them, and we are freed from the fear of loss! This also feels important to me today.

Well, I was promised some trauma, and I certainly did get it, in multiple ways. But today, I feel as though the storm has passed, and recovery can begin. I am crossing my fingers, and hoping that this is so. My efforts on Tuesday to bring my awareness back to the Sacred are paying off, and I am feeling the urge to get things done. Always a sign that recovery is well into its manifestation.

I keep remembering my morning bike ride to Cape May Point, and that lovely walk through the wildlife preserve. I smile every time I think about some part of that morning, and I am hoping that the weather will allow me to go back again this weekend. There is something healing and satisfying about being in the salt marshes, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face, and soaking in the Natural beauty all around me, and I crave more of it.

The Pagan Brain Trust had our New Moon Reiki Share on Tuesday night, and this had to be one of the most powerful Shares I have experienced with the PBT! The first 6 minutes or so of our 10 minute share were incredible; the energy flowed with such strength that I felt as if someone was gripping my wrists, and the hot flashes and tingling sensations were quite intense.

The PBT is meeting tomorrow night, and I am really looking forward to seeing everyone. Our interactions are empowering, energizing and transformative, and my own Path and the efforts I expend as I Travel upon it are always validated by our talks. Since this has been an interesting week for me, I could use some energy and empowerment.

I will be thinking about The Hanging Man today and his impact on my experiences of the day. I have already chosen to surrender my ownership of the events that have stressed me; now I need to work on changing my perception of my own self back towards a healthy level. I have the power of choice here, and I choose to resume my Travels; I will stop fighting the flow of energies and instead, use the direction of the current tide to slingshot me into the direction I want to travel, without bringing along any unnecessary baggage.

A late addition: I just love synchronicity. Here I am, eating lunch and beginning book 2 of the MacKayla Lane series, and I didn't even get past the prologue without a tap on the back of my head. And I quote:

All of us have our little problems and insecurities. I’m no different. Back in high school when I used to feel insecure about something, I would console myself with two thoughts: I’m pretty and my parents love me. Between those two, I could survive anything.

Since then I’ve come to understand how little the former matters, and how bitterly the latter can be tested. What’s left then? Nothing about our appearance or who loves or hates us. Nothing about our brainpower – which, like beauty, is an unearned gift of genetics – nor even anything about what we say.

It’s our actions that define us. What we choose. What we resist. What we’re willing to die for.

Blood Fever by Karen Marie Moning, Prologue



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