Monday, February 22, 2010

Temperance reversed/Two of Cups. Temperance corresponds with Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes), Sagittarius (I seek), and Samekh (tent post), and in an upright position tells of maintaining equilibrium and of learning through trial and error. The Two of Cups is the Minor Arcana version of The Lovers, and it tells of the importance to me of how I appear in the eyes of those who care for me. Balance may be difficult for me to attain today, and this difficulty may stem from the fact that I am very aware of the state of my relationships. In fact, the state of my relationships may be the main focus for me today.

My Thoth card is a Major Arcana card, The Moon reversed. Crowley sees this card as representing “the darkest time before the dawn,” and in an upright position it tells of coming change that is masked in illusion and mystery. Things may not be as they seem on the surface, and I need to be aware of that. The Moon corresponds with Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts), Pisces (I believe). and Qof (the back of the head).

My Legacy card is the Ten of Coins. This is such an interesting card because it tells of arriving at the point when we are aware of the blessings we have attained through hard work, but it also warns us that if we don’t do something with those blessings, they become dead weight. I need to be very aware of this and use my judgment to determine when the best time is to use my blessings to better my world.

My 6-digit number for today is 7. This number tells of the beginning of the degeneration of the Balance of the number 6. That Balance is past its prime.

My horoscope: “An emotional issue with a family member could have you wanting to run away and hide, Sagittarius. Don't fight the urge. This may be just what you need in order to clear your mind regarding the problem and heal your wounded psyche before you face this person again. You might also receive some rather disconcerting revelations about yourself and old traumas that you’ve long since forgotten. Don't fight these either. Simply release them.”

Well, Miss Pauline kept me up a bit early Sunday morning, and LOL I was tired by last night. I get the feeling that she enjoys teasing me, because she will bounce on the bed to wake me up, and then try to pull off my covers. She’s having fun!

The engineer who is helping us with our project at the Cape May house came on Sunday morning to bring initial drawings and talk to us, and I got to meet him and hear what he had to say. What has me tense that after the engineer left, for the third time since we started talking about fixing the living room floor, I had to remind Bob that I am 100% certain that I do not want to move the living room ceiling up. He keeps brushing me off; this time he said that we would be doing all of this in phases and that would be the last phase. Bob was calm, but somehow I get the feeling that he is calm because he thinks he will be able to slip this by me. I think I need to sit down and talk to him again. But in any event, the first phase of the project will be a new roof (which we need badly), and a new ceiling in the bedroom. That work I am 100% in agreement with, and it is more complicated than it sounds, because the beams in the attic need to be tied in together in a stronger fashion during the process of redoing the roof.

Once we are certain that everything is tied in the way it needs to be in the attic, we can take out the living room floor, install the footings in the crawl space to hold the new pillars that will properly support the stairs, and then we will be replacing the living room and dining room floors, and installing hardwood in the living room. *crosses fingers* Hopefully this will be done by the Summer. Not the painting and finishing, but the installation of the floor and the new stairway. Please, let it be done by the Summer!!!!

The snow is melting in Cape May, finally. Before I left last night, I could actually see most of our sidewalk. And the crocuses are poking their green heads out of the soil!! Can Spring be on its way??!!


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