Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ace of Cups/Four of Cups reversed. Well, sounds like my day will be filled with “feelings” of all kinds. Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts) and the astrological signs associated with Fall (Libra, we are; Scorpio, I desire; and Sagittarius, I seek) will rule today, and there will be no stagnating corners in the part of my mind that deals with emotions and the subconscious. Will that be good or bad? That is entirely up to my chosen perception of the day.

My Thoth card is the Knight of Cups. Another Cups card! Crowley sees the Knights/Kings as kind of being past their prime and more useful as advisors, and Uncle Al does not seem to respect and like this Knight. He sees the Knight of Cups as an amiable but passive gentleman, a “weak Jupiter” (expansiveness and growth, justice, fortune) who may be enthusiastic but does not have the ability to endure to the end because he is easily distracted by outside influences. Pair this card with the Four of Cups reversed, and we have the potential for so much emotional stimulation that there is danger of a disconnect.

My Legacy card is the Ten of Coins. Well, I needed some grounding today and here it is. Mercury (intelligence, order, skill) in Virgo (I serve, service-oriented and order), completion in the physical realms, will all offer Balance. I need to make certain that I **do something** with the ballast offered by this “ultimate Minor Coins” card, and today that activation of a somewhat passive suit may be the key to making today a valuable day.

My 6-digit date number is 5. This number tells of the imposition of motion onto or into the stability of the number 4 in order to prevent stagnation. LOL, sound familiar??

My horoscope: “You’re feeling especially psychically and mystically inclined today, Sagittarius. You might want to read about such matters or attend a lecture or workshop given by someone in the field. Telepathic communications are coming your way. Don't be surprised if more than once during the course of the day you and another say the same thing at the same time. You might also experience a powerful kinship with people from the past.

It has been an incredibly busy week. Multiple Sacred Mists projects have been re-energized and are in the process of being refined. I am now a Facilitator of the Sacred Reiki Boards, and I have already responded to three Reiki I and II Assessments. I love doing this! Checking First Degree homeworks has added so much depth and texture to my own knowledge of First Degree level information, and I expect that working with Reiki I and II students will do the same.

One of my goals resulting from my Peer Review is to post on the Journals of First Degree students, and I am enjoying this, too. I am surprised at how many of them are posting on my own Journal, pleasantly surprised because I stopped by their Journal and thanking me for dropping by. There is an important lesson here: no matter how much we think we are visible and attainable, we need to make every effort to post on Journals. The student Journals are “personal spaces” and my posting there is kind of like stopping by their homes to say hi. I have learned a valuable lesson!

I actually remembered a dream last night! Or parts of it anyway. I was at a place where a huge group of Hindus of all walks of life had gathered. Some were young (children of kindergarten age) and some were very old. Some were dressed in plain clothes, and some were dressed in their finest ethnic garb. Many had all kinds of beautiful gold jewelry with emeralds and rubies (beautiful Burma rubies and lovely clear emeralds, like Columbian emeralds, my very expensive favorite), and many (old, young, rich or poor) had headpieces on, with jewels or beads hanging in front of their third eye, and long strands of gold beads worked into their hair. There was a huge room where people were seated on folding chairs set up in rows; the walls of one entire side of the room folded back and I was with the overflow group outside of the room. On a small stage in front of that room was an ornate chair, and the "guru" sat there. I don't know what else to call him; he was older, dressed in ornate clothes, lots of red with gold ornamentations, and dark trousers. For a bit, he stood and led the group in a prayer and a chant in their language. Then the "guru" moved out of sight to prepare. We were all there because we were going to dedicate ourselves to Kali Ma, and I seemed to be accepted as one of the faithful by the crowd because no one was looking at me strangely. I remember one or two of the little bejeweled children smiling at me, but they were smiling at everyone, happy and excited. And guess what? I did not put together a dedication for Kali, and I might be in the dog house. I need to think about this for a bit. Kali Herself did not appear, but we were all there for Her, so I think there is an important message in this dream.

I actually wrote a short story to submit to Luna Station Quarterly! Yes, me, Miss Diarrhea of the Mouth, She-Who-Cannot-Say-Anything-In-Less-Than-10,000-Words, has written a short story. The editor of the site, my dearest fellow PBT-er, J, has given me some valuable editing advice. Now I know why an editor is so important! Hopefully I can get the story in shape and submitted over the next day or two.

The sun is out, and I am energized and ready to get to work. Time to do my belly dance stretches and my Yoga.



  1. Hey!

    I oh-so-tentatively might have to deliver a cake in Atlantic City on 4/23 ~ I was wondering if you were up for some company afterwards?

    If you're busy or just flat out don't want to see me that's worries..just thought I'd throw it out there.

    Oh -and I found this awesome baker on Etsy.. =)

  2. P.S. Social Pariah next weekend (saturday) vendors..tattoos....bellydancing..cupcakes....

  3. As long as we have a living room floor, we are open to visitors, but we may be in the midst of major construction. LOL, I will call you!!
