Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Six of Wands/Eight of Pentacles. Today I will be feeling victorious for I have mastered my own Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes). I have worked hard, often without acknowledgement, but that is fine for I am able to receive much fulfillment from the knowledge that I have given my all to a particular project. But today those efforts will be legitimized.

My Thoth card is the Three of Swords reversed. “The Lord of Sorrow” does not reign over any lowly conflict between individuals, but rather he rules universal sorrow and melancholy. This card being reversed today tells me that while there is or has been the potential for these energies to affect me, I will be able to overcome them.

My Legacy card is The Lovers reversed. The suit of Air (hot/separates and wet/adapts), the sign of Gemini (I have; interactions and connections), and the Hebrew letter Zayin (the two-sided blade) are the correspondences of this card; The Lovers also represents to me the presence of Archangel Uriel, who has been appearing to me of late. The card is reversed, so the personal choices involved in its energies are not a factor today. I should not be worrying about myself today, but rather I should be thinking about the benefits needed by the group.

My 6-digit date number for today is 4. The number 4 is about stability and depth; it tells of stillness and its only danger is stagnation.

I had my Peer Review Interview with Lady Raven last night. I am pleased that nothing bad has come to light, and that I am seen by the other Student Council Members as being as fulfilled and excited about my responsibilities as I actually feel. It turns out that my worries did not manifest, but that brief yet intense Dark Night of the Soul was not wasted. Not only did my self-examination assure me that my spiritual path is still the right one for me, but I have proved to myself that I have pretty much conquered the “you are a failure” monster. I am more confident than ever, and more fulfilled. Lady Raven and I talked about possible goals for me, and together we put three of them in place.

What a weekend we had!! We lost power during the night, at about 4 am, when a tree fell on to a wire. We had left our computers and our cell phones charging before going to bed because we thought the power might go out; when I woke at 4 am, I decided to go down and unplug them. My goodness, it was like a lightning storm, except the flashes of light were live wires! Needless to say, the power was out.

It snowed all day on Saturday. We spent the day shoveling, and checking on our elderly neighbors. We cooked on the stove top (darned new fangled oven pilots!), and Saturday night we stepped outside; what a beautiful sky! With no background light, the stars were incredible. Sunday morning we got up to a fantasy world! Two feet of snow, still no power! We shoveled our cars out again, and left for home before dark. Our house ended up getting power back on Sunday evening.

I am home today because the New York area is experiencing its own blizzard, after having dodged the bullet last weekend, when Cape May received two feet of snow with power outages. We are expecting anywhere from 10 to 18 inches of snow in Hackensack, but what worries me is the snow is wet and the winds are coming, so we may end up with power failures.

Cape May is on the fringe of this storm, hopefully not receiving more than 10 inches total with much of that being rain, but oy, there is still the two feet from last weekend, on top of the 15 inches from the weekend before!

Bob and I went to see Avatar, and I was deeply affected, moved to tears to such an extent that I was having trouble talking about the movie without sobbing. Don’t get me wrong; I fully understand that this is a work of fiction and that these beings are created through computer animation, but the message of the movie was so much in line with my recent glimpses of the Machinery of the Universe and the Cosmic Downloads that are even now being processed by my brain that if I had written the script myself, I could not have made it better.

Several images within the movie haunt me with their accuracy as far as how I see the world. Two in particular stand out: first the aerial view as the hero is officially made a member of The People, where those closest to the hero reached out to touch him and then each layer moving outward touched the persons in front of them until a living and energetically connected “tribe” was show, with everyone either directly or indirectly connecting simultaneously with each other and the new member. The second was both times in the move where ill or injured beings were brought beneath the tree and everyone joined hands and pulsed like one giant beating heart.

We are indeed all connected. All life on our world is dependent on all other life to some degree in order to exist and in order to reproduce and continue onward. In previous journal posts I mentioned the connection between pond scum and Stephen Hawkings, and how each of those extremes have been created in the image of Deity. I have never been more aware of the sacredness of both all life and the cycles that serve to keep life immortal.



  1. Hey!

    You just happen to have caught me online!

    I'm not sure what you mean by 'woo-woo' alarms (???) But the picture is of Linda (remember her? From the dumb supper? You even met her husband, Fran at my birthday last year)

    he took a snap of her around Christmas with a disposable camera..and this is what came of it. You know how I am ~ and I live with a the first thing he did was ask about the negatives...the negatives were clean, no really...he inspecte the camera light leak...this isn't a finger in the picture...this is actually something that showed up on it's own. Hope that answers your questions!

    I'd say post it on the Mists and see what you get....but I'm remembering the freakin' endless 'orb' pictures there..and don't feel like weeding out a bunch of made-up crap....if you want to show it to some people you actually trust...I'd love to hear their thoughts

    Weird, huh?

  2. Hey!

    lol...'woo-woo' alarms...I thought maybe you were..ugh...*really* hot for your husband or something?

    Linda is totally freaked out by it ~ she gave me permission to show it to as many people as no worries ~ I'm thinking I should block her face or something, so if you *do* put it on the Mists ~ please just block her face out (or some such thing)

    Things I can tell you about my interaction with them ~

    I almost always come home from visiting them violently ill (no joke!) I also tend to 'bundle up' a bit more than usual before I visit.

    I've thought (and joked!) for years that they have an attachment and *both* need an exorcism (how exactly does that roll off the tongue, though?)

    Her husband isn't exactly *enlightened* and was playing "open the portal to hell" for a know what I mean ~ dabbling in stuff he really shouldn't be ~ completely over his head.

    This sounds crazy ~ but sometimes I look at her..and I swear, for a second, I see a distorted sort of 'clown' face...with REALLY arched eyebrows...

    She's completely freaked out ~ I can you continue to lie to yourself about your life when that is staring you in the face?

    Please let me know their thoughts...thanks!


  3. P.S.
    Being the good friend that I am ~ I told her I'd go to her house next week and help her salt-water-clean...sage...banish etc....if we needed to do it for a few days..than so be it. My car is being repaired this week..or I'd do it today.

    Any suggestions/ideas etc...along those lines would be *most* helpful....

    I don't really live my life in a way that I find the need to banish in a major way very often (or ever, really...some sage and incense usually do the trick) so any guidance would be most helpful and appreciated!

  4. I sent you an email with some suggestions. Coincidentally, I just wrote a Second Degree Lesson on Banishing, and LOL you are the second friend to come to me for advice since I finished it!

    She needs to "own" her home and her self (mental, emotional and spiritual bodies as well as physical body) in order to have Authority over everything. A banishing ritual may not be enough to fix the problem permanently, but it's a start. Don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any.
