Queen of Cups reversed/The Emperor reversed. This Queen could be considered a Minor Arcana version of The High Priestess, and she is real good at reflecting the feelings of others back at them while keeping hidden her own feelings. She is Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts) of Water, the purest manifestation of the element into a person, and she is reversed, so I will have difficulty applying her effects with good results. The Emperor, on the other hand, corresponds with the element of Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes), Aries (I Want), and the Hebrew letter He (window, seeing), and represents the combination of confidence and the ability to wield authority. This one is reversed also, and it seems that today I will have trouble keeping my emotions orderly.
My Thoth card is the Two of Cups reversed. Crowley calls this card “The Lord of Love,” and sees it as a great indicator of love and happiness. And, of course, it is reversed. This does not necessarily indicate that I don’t have love in my life or the potential to experience happiness, but it does tell me that I am not looking in the right place to tap into these things.
My Legacy card is the Page of Cups reversed. This Page represents the season of Fall (Libra, we are, Scorpio, I desire, and Sagittarius, I seek); it is Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes) of Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts), and this Page in an upright position calls for us to use our senses to interpret our emotions. The Page of Cups can be seen to represent the practicality of emotions, and since, like all of my other cards today, it is reversed, my emotions don’t look like they are going to be very practical today.
The date today reduces to the number 7, which is about the pause that happens between balance and the degeneration of that balance, with the beginning of movement towards degeneration. Combine this with my four reversed cards, with three of them Cups cards and two of the three Court Cards, and this certainly looks like it will be an interesting and frustrating day, at least emotionally.
As I looked at the Legacy Tarot LWB writeup on the Page of Cups, I decided to check out the rest of the Pages to see what seasons they each correspond with. Understanding these seasonal correspondences might help me to understand the Pages a little bit more, and as I researched, I realized that it was not the season itself that was corresponding with the Pages, but the three astrological signs within each season. I need to also remember that the rank of Page corresponds with the element of Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes), which is about security and a strong foundation and everything needed for physical health; but the rank of Page is also about having a young mind or a youthful outlook on life. The Pages also bring to a seeker the message of the Ace of the suit.
The Page of Cups corresponds with Fall (Libra, we are, Scorpio, I desire, and Sagittarius, I seek). As stated above, it is Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes) of Water (cold/binds and wet/adapts), and since Earth and Water have the cold/binds trait in common, the Page of Cups can be seen as representing the practical (Earthy) part of emotions (Water); he is trusting (Earth) as he opens his heart to you (Water). He brings us a message: emotions and imagination can be used to make our world more exciting, and it is okay to enjoy our senses for it is through our senses that we connect to and communicate with our world and everything in it. The Fall is about the ripening of crops, and so this Page can represent births also.
The Page of Swords corresponds with Winter (Capricorn, I build, Aquarius, I know, and Pisces, I believe). Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes) of Air (hot/separates and wet/adapts) wherein the senses subdue the intellect. This makes things challenging for the Page, whose job it is to find practical (Earthy) applications of ideas (Air), but despite this challenge, this Page is probably the most mature of the four. He is considered the acolyte of the power of the mind and he is always fascinated with the mind’s workings. He is very good at exploiting opportunities, and LOL, he makes a good spy because his youthful mindset will eagerly rise to the challenges of using his intellect to outsmart others. Can’t you just hear him saying “My name is Bond; James Bond”??
The Page of Pentacles corresponds with Spring (Aries, I want, Taurus, I have, and Gemini, I think). Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes) of Earth, and while the Page of Pentacles is the most responsible of the Pentacles Court Cards, the addition of youthful thinking to the mixture prevents this Page from being totally weighed down by all that Earth. He tells us that now is the time to plant our seeds, but he tells us that we need to also have enough faith to live as if we were already enjoying the fruits of our labors. His energies are great to have around when we are beginning a big new project, for he is very good at teaching us how to see every step of our day as filled with wonders and possibilities.
The Page of Wands corresponds with Summer (Cancer, I feel, Leo, I am, and Virgo, I serve). Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes) of Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes), with the senses supporting the will. This Page attempts to apply practicality to passion and energy, and while he is very good at making plans, he is sometimes not mature enough to see them through to the end. His best trait is his ability to deal with fear; he shines the light of the sun in the dark corners and bravely chases away the monsters. **smile** Kind of like a Mini-Me to The Fool.
I gave Gypsyballad her second distance Reiki treatment last night. I have a regular client!! How cool is that!! What a pleasure it was; she is lovely to connect with, and she is very open to receiving Reiki, so the entire treatment is invigorating for me as well.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
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