Friday, January 29, 2010

Three of Wands/Knight of Pentacles. Three of Fire (hot/separates and dry/shapes) and Fire of Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes), are telling me today that my will is supporting my senses. Today I will find myself anticipating, and the cool thing is that this anticipation will be infused with the belief that I am where I am today because of my hard work meeting my own responsibilities, and the hard work of others, too.

My Thoth card is the Queen of Swords. Confident actions, intensely individual, and graceful and just spirit; these are the ways that I will be interfacing with the world today. Water of Air, and this means that while I do have lots of Water in my cards today, I at least have a touch of the other three elements.

My Legacy card is The Hanging Man. LOL, the element of Water, the planet of Neptune (inspiration, magick and altered states), and the Hebrew letter Mem, which also means water. Is there a message for me from this card? LOL! Marchetti sees this card as a sort of pause caused by the temporary balance between extremes; I love his description of an hourglass balanced on its side, with equal amounts of sand in each segment of the glass.

My horoscope: “Because of your well-mannered attitude and socially minded outlook, Sagittarius, you may normally be reluctant to make a stand with an outlandish idea or draw attention with an unusual outfit or hairstyle. Today is a day to be an individual in all aspects of the word. Prove that you are by doing something unexpected that shakes up the crowd. Make yourself stand out above the rest in whatever way feels most comfortable to you.”

LOL, this is indeed me today!! I have been following a discussion on a public Pagan forum about Sacred Sex. As usual within public forums, there is one poster who insists on arrogantly presenting his own opinions as the only right and correct ones to have. Normally I stay away from those types of people, but this subject matter is dear to my heart, and I get frustrated when someone’s arrogance shuts down a good discussion. I have responded twice already specifically to this person; not my usual M.O.

I gave Sharon, my dance partner, a full body Reiki treatment last night. That was interesting! Sharon is a construction worker, one of the first women in New Jersey to do HVAC work. She has always worked in the field, and she has an incredibly strong body. Sharon is married with three children; she has an incredibly strong energy field, and while she is not good at refining her energy output, she is real good at directing it. She did extensive cleanup work after 9/11 in New York, and as a result she is being treated for damaged kidneys and a damaged heart. Her life is very stressful right now because her husband is not working; thus on top of everything else, she is the sole breadwinner of the house.

Giving Reiki to Sharon is not for the weak-hearted, but I really did help her. After completing the Reiki treatment, we did some Tarot readings, and by the time I headed home, Sharon reported a noticeable change for the better in her body and her energy field.

Lots of Reiki in my days of late.


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