Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Magician/Ten of Swords reversed. My reversed Magician is now upright; yay! I am being told to focus on gaining the skills and knowledge necessary to apply wisdom and the ability to use Will to impact the physical world in order to perform magick. The Magician corresponds to Air (hot/separates and wet/adapts) and Mercury (reason, intelligence, education, skill), and the Hebrew letter Beth (house); The Magician is the house that contains the Divine energy. I am being told that the use of extra intellect will most likely not cause an overload today, but even so I should be aware of the remote possibility.

My Thoth card is the Princess of Swords. Back to Court Cards! Today my focus may be on handling practical matters, and that focus will be strong and difficult to distract, even to the point of missing out on the possible harm I could be causing to others through my directness. Hopefully, I should be able to calm any controversies that I inadvertently cause.

My Legacy card is the Ten of Wands reversed. I will not see my responsibilities as burdens today; instead, I will feel very well able to handle them in a logical and possibly a creative manner. Astrologically, this card represents Saturn (disciplined, responsible, cautious) in Sagittarius (philosophic, adventurous and scattered), a conflict for sure, but since the card is reversed, maybe I can get these two opposites to work together.

Two Ten cards, both reversed. While my focus may be on getting things done and tying up loose ends, the end of the day may not bring me a sense of completion. Oh well . . . there is always tomorrow.

I really love what is happening to my perception of my world. I love pondering theories, and I certainly am being gifted with quite a few theories to ponder of late. I asked myself an unsettling question yesterday: with all of these aha! moments and “echoes” of Deity that I am finding in my life and my world, am I becoming a supporter of Intelligent Design? Not exactly.

I spent all day trying to figure out what it is about ID that I disagree with, and I think I have figured it out. The way ID has been presented, there is a definite separation implied between the Watchmaker and his creation. There is a Supreme Being, and that SB created the universe from his/her/its abode and included in that creation instructions for its manifestations. The difference between this understanding and my own is that I have come to see that the Creator and the Created are mixed all together. Yes, life manifests according to its instructions, but life also contains the instructions within its makeup, and both the instructions and the manifestations are “shadows” or “images” of what the SB is, and “looks like” (assuming that the SB can be seen rather than just comprehended and sensed). To me, there can’t be a separation for it is the union of the Creator and the Created that makes it work.

How do I describe this? Let’s use this as an example: as a natural part of its existence, my body creates hair. Does that mean that I am the creator of hair? Not if the “I” of that question denotes a conscious being that is consciously choosing to create hair. Creator and Created are catalysts of each other, and they are byproducts of existence. But they are not completely separate and opposing concepts of “Cause” and “Effect.” There is no Intelligent Designer that is separate from his/her/its Creation because the Creation cannot exist unless it is also the Designer. LOL, hard to describe but easy to comprehend in my own mind (which right now is lit by the sparks of many fried circuits, apparently *wink*).

I emailed Lisa yesterday to ask if she had ever learned book binding, with the hope that she would at some point agree to make a fancy Book of Shadows for me. It turns out that Lisa will be beginning a course later this month that will teach her binding, and she already makes her own paper. By the time she is ready to take on a commission, I should probably be ready to order one. Perfect! I need to find time to call her so she can explain my options. Decisions, decisions!!

Glen and Candy posted a slide show video of our Blue Moon House Blue Moon New Year’s Eve Party on YouTube. I love it!!! There is even a shot of the full moon, which miraculously appeared through the clouds as we walked onto the beach. Here is the link to the video: My vain self must say this: I am probably 15 pounds heavier than I was in August, and that 15 pounds really shows in the video. *wince*



  1. Holy crappers ~ what a lard ass!

    I'm just being a case you have to're beautiful

    P.S. I call my most furry cat 'lard ass' all the time ~ it's actually a term of affection...I swear! *wink*
    But seriously ~ I just got an invite to the Social Pariah's festival.....want a table?

  2. Sat. Feb 27th. Set up is at 8 am. Same place as last year. You could stay with us the night before if you like.

    I have no idea what a table will cost (I think it's about $50.-$75.) ~ or how you would *do* ~ or if they would even charge you ( idea)

    If you would like one, I'm in touch with Vanessa (who is setting it up) and I've given her a ton of free stuff over the years for her 'events' and she's extra nice to me because of it ~ Ya know what I mean, jellybean?

    Honestly ~ I wouldn't turn down an opportunity to do ANY advertising ~ especially if you're getting something up on the web....but it's up to you ~ lemme know!
