Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Sun/Four of Cups. The Sun card corresponds with our sun, and with the deepest self, inner core, and influential powers. The Four of Cups corresponds with The Moon (feelings and the subconscious) in Cancer (I feel), and offers the stability of emotions that has a great potential to turn to stagnation. Both cards offer a pause, and both cards remind me that while it is certainly healthy to bask in the glory of my recent efforts, I need to remember that even maintaining my current level of evolution takes conscious effort rather than just coasting along on the currents.

My Thoth card is the Five of Disks reversed; again. Thankfully, reversed again, which tells me that I am making good progress in preventing myself from brooding about any challenges or issues. This card has been showing up for me, though, which means that I do need to be careful that its energies do not weigh me down.

My Legacy card is the Nine of Cups. Jupiter (growth, expansion, justice, fortune) in Pisces (I believe), and this card tells me that at least for today, I will be filled with peace, I will both give and receive love, and I will feel valuable and validated. Oh-kay!!

My horoscope: “Love blossoms today as communication with your beloved is enhanced by an increased understanding on both your parts, Sagittarius. You feel more at ease in each other's presence, and you project a united front in the company of others. At some point, both of you will probably go out with a group of friends. Expect some exciting and fascinating discussions with the others, which you'll probably continue once you're alone together. Have fun!” **smile** Looks very accurate to me!

I can’t believe it is Thursday already; what a busy week it has been. Sunday was a busy day! I attended the Sacred Mists Reiki Share in the morning, and did my final Reiki treatment for my Reiki III Assessment in the afternoon. At the end of the Sacred Mists Reiki Share, I received a lovely gift from my Reiki Guide: instructions for a Reiki Circle for use by the Pagan Brain Trust! We were working on offering Lorraine protection during a difficult time, and we will be able to use what I was given for that, and for any other workings we decide to do together. I emailed a description of my vision (which took place on the beach in Cape May) to the PBT members, and after they all approved the working, I posted the instructions on the BPT site.

I had a great drive home Sunday night; Uriel visited me. He came to me in a dark place; I could barely see the white of His wings. Then He opened His eyes. They were like golden lighthouses, with golden beams piercing the dark! He closed His eyes again, and it was pitch black; He opened them, and it was like two golden flashlights were being shined at me. I do not yet know what this means, but if this visit is anything like Uriel’s other visits, He will keep reminding me that there is something I need to understand. He has been appearing every now and then for a moment, in the same way; first I become aware of His presence, then I hear His wings rustle and see hints of the white feathers in the dark. Then He slowly opens His eyes and golden beams shoot out into the dark; He turns to look at me and then slowly closes His eyes. Because my eyes had adjusted due to the light of His eyes, I am plunged momentarily into darkness, but as my eyes adjust to the dark, I can once again see hints of Uriel’s wings.

We had some Student Council changes this entire week; three Members have advised that they need to step down from the Council, and two of those are leaving the College entirely, at least temporarily, to pursue Solitary Paths. The Council has already been instituting many changes, streamlining some procedures and adding layers to others, and defining responsibilities, among others. The changes have the potential to be unsettling, but I believe that they will also encourage each member to engage with more awareness.

Last night, Brian and I watched “What the Bleep Do We Know?”; he had never seen the movie. We had a discussion afterwards; LOL, Brian is certainly fulfilling the words of my Ancestress, who told me that I have a legacy of power within me, and that Brian is more powerful that I am.

I submitted my Reiki III Assessment yesterday (the Client Treatment Forms from 10 Reiki Treatments)!!!! Yay!! Cross that off my “to do list.” And Mystery received her Reiki I and Reiki II attunements last night. I gave her Reiki before going to bed, and she performed cleansing and preparation of space as well. I can definitely feel a difference in her energy this morning, right from when I woke up, but even more so as I sent energy to her this morning. My own top three chakras were very much open as well, which is unusual for me early in the morning, as I am not a morning person. I look forward to hearing about her experiences with her attunements.

Lisa encouraged me to reserve a table at the Hudson Valley Social Pariah Festival at the end of February, but I know that I will never have enough product ready by then. However, I am going to use this as a “wake-up jolt” in order to take part in the Central Jersey Pagan Pride Festival in August. I am affirming my intention by typing it here, and this gives me plenty of time to get some saleable items created. One of Brian’s friends from the Dominican Republic has asked that I make him a pendant, and I have one other wrapping job to do for myself (my Sacred Masculine Wand), but once those are accomplished, I will be good to go. And Lisa, I will be keeping in mind that the Social Pariah Festival is in February, and next year we will both be there.

We are going out to dinner tomorrow night, and will not get to Cape May until Saturday. I think it will be just Bob and I this weekend, and I plan on getting more things crossed off my to-do list.



  1. how was "what the bleep do we know"? i was given it as a gift, and it's been sitting on my shelf for forever, and i've never taken the time to watch it ...

  2. Worth watching, Tara. Makes you think! Watch it and then I will lend you The Elegant Universe, another goodie.


  3. Check out my WD the last few days have been VERY interesting indeed. it seems to me we are on a path that lends itself towards great transformation.

  4. For sure we are transforming, my sister. I read your WD this morning, and was looking for a place to comment. LOL, am I loosing it, or is there no comment button?

    Lady gives awesome attunements. All of mine are from her, and each of them rocked my world. And yes, I also found that all of my senses perceived the world with a little bit more clarity. Reiki rocks. And Sacred Mists Reiki Rocks the most!!

  5. oooooh ... the elegant universe! another one that has been on my radar, but which i've never picked up. thankyou thankyou!

    maybe i'll pop in "bleep" tonight after everyone goes to bed. nothing like a little late night molecule scrambling! : )

    hugs as well ... TL

  6. hehe yah the new theme, the comment link should be in the same place as the tags and stuff along the top.

  7. Found it, Lil. Tara, I will bring it to our next PBT meeting and you can make a copy. Then you will be "bleepin;" set!
